Keskuspuisto Vocational College Arla Unit Keskuspuisto Vocational College is maintained by ORTON Foundation. Arla Unit is focused on the following educational tasks: Preparatory training for vocational upper secondary education (Preparatory 1) Training preparing students for work and independent living (Preparatory 2) Vocational upper secondary special education Adult education Arla Unit Puustellinmäki Espoo Especially for You
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit Arla Unit
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, AVA-Groups AVA-Groups − FOR WHOM? Especially for VI and DB youngsters and adults after their basic studies and after a basic rehabilitation period. Also visually impaired immigrants are welcome, they need to have some basic Finnish language skills.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, AVA-Groups GOALS The goals of the education is to practice/train independent living skills and skills to continue with professional education or in working life. The students own life situation, needs and aims are the starting point of Individual Study Plan. We develop especially skills that are needed in professional studies, such as – the use of the computer with help equipment – O&M (Orientation and Mobility) – Braille – other independent living and working skills
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TYVA-Groups Preparative and Rehabilitative Training for Work and Independent Living, TYVA-Groups
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TYVA-Groups TYVA-Groups − for Whom? For multiply disabled (VI) young people, who need a lot of support and services. After Basic education or after an additional 10th class for young people.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TYVA-Groups GOALS To maintain and develop knowledge and skills that the students have acquired in Basic education. To develop and strengthen social interaction and communication skills. To learn how to take responsibility for their own life as independently as possible according to their abilities, independent living skills. To make an individual plan for the time after the education: to continue studies or start working.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TYVA-Groups EXTENT The extent is 40−120 credits, which means 1−3 years. The extent of every study theme and the contents of the studies are planned individually taking into consideration the student´s abilities, needs and aims.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit Keskuspuisto Vocational College offer in Arla Unit Professional and Adult Education in Handicraft: Artisan in Health Care: Practical Nurse in Business Information Technology: Datanom in Business Administration: Business School Graduate: Merkonomi in Home Care and Cleaning Services: Site Facilitative Operative, TOHU and KOHU in Music: Musician, Piano Tuner Adult Education in Social and Health care: Masseur
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Artisan ARTISAN Making of weaved and interior decoration products Knows how to diversely use the skills of handicraft Knows how to make quality weaved and interior decorations products Takes into consideration the aims of sustainable development Understands the meaning of aesthetics Function as a treasurer of culture and development
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Artisan The Artisan education includes learning at work and the professionalism is demonstrated in exams in real situations at work places Doing the Artisan examinations gives the student the opportunity to apply for post-gradual studies e.g. for polytechnics Artenom (AMK) studies.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Artisan The Artisan Exam can be done as professional basic education or as skills demonstration. An Artisan is a professional in handicraft.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Artisan An Artisan gets work as independent professional as an entrepreneur as working for others in handicraft tasks.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Practical Nurse PRACTICAL NURSE Basic Vocational Education in Social- and health care
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Practical Nurse A PRACTICAL NURSE is a health care professional
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Practical Nurse A PRACTICAL NURSE is a health care professional functions in social and health care, nursing and care, rehabilitation and education tasks works with people of different ages and with different cultural backgrounds and people in different life situations.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Practical Nurse A Practical Nurse can work e.g. in a kindergarten in clients home environment in day hospitals as personal assistant or group assistant as independent entrepreneur or abroad
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Practical Nurse Professional studies of a Practical Nurse are Basic studies (50 credits) Support and guidance of growth (15 credits) Nursing and care (20 credits) Rehabilitation support (15 credits) Training Programme (30 credits) Work with disabled persons
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Practical Nurse The Practical Nurse education includes on-the- job-learning and the professionalism is demonstrated in skills exams in real situations. The Practical Nurse Exam gives the student the opportunity to apply e.g. for polytechnic studies of Socionom (AMK) or Nurse (AMK).
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Datanom VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION IN BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Study Programme in Information Technology Services and Marketing DATANOMI
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Datanom Would you like to work as an IT support? Are you interested in computers and in IT sector? Are you able to work in a customer-focused manner? Are you ready to constantly seek information and maintain your skills?
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Datanom A Datanom of user support knows how to: -use well a computer -make information technology - acquisitions -deploy a working station and connect it into the network -document his/her own work -guide and advice other users -function as administrator of local area networks -function as computer support person.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Datanom Vocational skills demonstrations First year Working in Service Duties 20 credits Working in Service Duties 20 credits – part demonstration: Working in a service situation – part demonstration: Use of Information Technology for communication and data maintenance The System Acquisition and Deployment 10 credits The System Acquisition and Deployment 10 credits Second year The Introduction of Services and Support 20 credits The Introduction of Services and Support 20 credits – part demonstration: network deployment and use of – part demonstration: user support Elective Part of the Examination 10 credits Elective Part of the Examination 10 credits Third year Working in Maintenance tasks 20 credits Working in Maintenance tasks 20 credits – part demonstration: web server deployment and management – part demonstration: working in user support functions Elective Part of the Examination 10 credits Elective Part of the Examination 10 credits
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Merkonomi BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Business School Graduate = Merkonomi Programme in Customer Service and Sales Do you want to become a Business School Graduate? Are you interested in various selling jobs? Are you customer service minded and outgoing?
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Merkonomi On-the- job learning and Working Skills Demonstration 1st year Customer service 2nd year Customer service and sales in store 3rd year How to handle customer relationships and sales Optional parts of the exam – How to plan and execute marketing communication – Electronic sales – Product knowledge
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Merkonomi A Business Graduate of Customer Service and Sales knows how to take into consideration customers different individual needs present different kinds of products and solutions function cost effective serve clients also in Swedish and English in their work take into consideration sustainable development and follow ethical trade make use of information and communication techniques in support of sales
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Merkonomi EMPLOYMENT – Full time or part-time job, supported job – In different kinds of tasks in trade e.g. * Daily merchandise store * Specialised store * Net store
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TOHU and KOHU SITE FACILITATIVE OPERATIVE Basic Exam in Home Care and Cleaning Services
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TOHU and KOHU A SITE FACILITATIVE OPERATIVE is a Professional in Cleaning Services makes different kinds of maintenance and basic cleaning tasks makes meeting arrangements and servings assists in basic care assist in moving, taking care of hygiene and in program planning is an expert in environmental knowledge.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TOHU and KOHU A SITE FACILITATIVE OPERATIVE can work e.g. in cleaning companies in homes of the customers in hospitals and health care centres in hotels as independent entrepreneurs
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, TOHU and KOHU The education of Site Facilitative Operative includes on-the-job learning. The professionalism is shown in real work situations as skills demonstrations.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Musician Basic Exam in Music, Group and Orchestra Musician Pop/jazz-education
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Musician Pop/Jazz Musician knows broadly different kinds of music and the musical elements handles well the basics of his/her instrument takes into consideration the customer point of view functions broadly in different kinds of tasks in music
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Musician On-Job-Learning The Musician education includes on-the- job learning and the professional skills are shown in skills demonstrations in real working situations. By doing the Exam of a Musician the student become eligible in applying for post-graduate studies e.g. in polytechnic (AMK) studies.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Musician A Musician works As an independent self-employed person As an entrepreneur As an employee in musical tasks
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Piano Tuner PIANO TUNER Basic Exam in Music PIANO TUNER
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Piano Tuner A PIANO TUNER knows how to tune and maintain a piano keeps up and develops constantly the professio- nalism as a Piano Tuner makes customer friendly work consultates and guides in maintenance of the piano
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Piano Tuner WORKING AS A PIANO TUNER Usually a Piano Tuner gets employed as a private entrepreneur, self –employed person. Other possibilities are to work in the service of musical institutions, importers or piano stores
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Masseur Adult Education MASSEUR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION in Social and Health care
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit, Masseur AN EDUCATED MASSEUR Works as an independent entrepreneur or as an employee, e.g. in care and nursing homes, service centres, spas, sports centres and in work places of the customer and in their homes. Works with healthy people and sick people, mainly among adults In the future in the work of a masseur the emphasis is on different manual special methods and functions that relate to elderly care and rehabilitation.
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla Unit The College headquaters Tenholantie 10, Helsinki Arla Unit Puustellinmäki 4-6, Espoo