Thinking about Race/Sexuality
White Privilege Oppression is relational Meaning? If we look at oppression as something that “just happens” and as something that we do not help create, what happens? Each one of us in this country is privileged
White Privilege In what ways do we help contribute to oppression?
Masculinity and Homophobia 1) Just like other constructs, masculinity shifts over time and place. 2) Prior to industrialization there were two types of man: Heroic Artisan (yeoman) and Genteel Patriarch (both autonomous but democratic) 3) Today, men are supposed to exhibit masculinity in one way: MARKETPLACE MAN Strong, no emotions, financially successful, isolated, must accumulate goods to show how successful one is, not female.
Marketplace Man Always afraid of: Being emasculated Being emotional Showing anything but anger Being thought of as a “sissy” “gay” Anti-femininity lies at the heart of Marketplace Man What does this mean and how does it play out.
Marketplace Man Masculinity as Homosocial Enactment MM is always trying to prove to other men that he is manly. So MM can be soft with women, but tough with men. Men must always parade the markers of manhood: wealth, power, sexy women Example of Coldplay Women are seen as props to support malehood, not as individuals
Marketplace Man Masculinity as Homophobia Central to masculinity is homophobia. “homophobia is the fear that othermen will unmask us, emasculate us, reveal to us and the world that we do not measure up, that we are not real men.” 87 Ask a boy, “who’s a sissy.” Peers are gender police. It affects how men talk. How men walk.
Homophobia leads to sexism, heterosexism and racism. Given that masculinity requires an “other,” categories exist and categories create isms. Men are raised feeling that they are ENTITLED to power. Yet, they never quite reach it….the outcome is fear of humiliation.