Did You Know??? 92% of students say they will attend college… Of those students, only 32% of those students know what classes are needed to take in high school that will allow them to go to college.
Did You Know??? 93 % of Middle School Students say that there is “No Chance” that they will drop out of High School. 29% of New Yorkers ages Lack a High School Diploma.
Careers, Careers, Careers Intro to Technology Mr. Scaramellino
Why Middle School Career Education? Career Development is an ongoing lifelong process, and its challenges must be addressed beginning in elementary and middle school. Most Middle School Students have only a shallow understanding of of how school relates to work.
Jobs Are Broken Into Sectors Primary Sector= obtaining and processing raw materials Secondary Sector= changing raw and processed materials into a product each us us can use. Tertiary Sector= delivering and servicing the product.
Primary Sector Raw Materials- Materials that come from nature Renewable Materials- come from plants and animals, forests and trees. Non- Renewable materials- 3 types: Fossil Fuels, non metallic minerals, and metallic minerals Fossil Fuels- coal, peat, petroleum, natural gas Nonmetallic Minerals- sand, gravel, building stone Metallic Minerals- iron, copper, aluminum
Careers in the Primary Sector Farmers- Plant fertilize cultivate and harvest crops. Ranchers- breed, feed, and care for animals Horticulturists-grow and maintain plants shrubs, and trees Forestry Workers- cut transport and process trees for paper making, construction and furniture making.
Careers in the Primary Sector Miners & Oil Riggers- operate machinery to extract raw materials Oceanographers- study plant and animal life in the ocean Environmentalists- try to find solutions to problems relating to land use, pollution, conservation of natural resources and preservation of wildlife
Secondary Sector: Manufacturing Products Changes raw materials into useful products: Plastics, computers, jet planes, glue, medications, gum The Construction of structures: houses, towers, stadiums, roads, tunnels, bridges and dams
Secondary Sector: Manufacturing Products Individual Artisan One Person made the products. Used Hand Methods. Machinery & Mass Production Assembly Line- assembly of parts in a planned structure. Mass Production- making a large number of products in an assembly line. Automation- computers, Robots & other machines control machine operations. Can assemble them at high speeds in correct sequence.
Automation Pros Work better in hot noisy and dangerous conditions Improved quality of work Increased production Decreased waste material Cons If machine breaks or malfunctions, products are inaccurate, Loss of jobs If one thing goes wrong, the whole system could be affected.
Computer Numerical Control CNC= A system in which machine movements and operations are controlled by a computer program. Flexible Manufacturing System= A grouping of machine tool, controlled by a computer program that can perform a series of operations on a single manufactured part. By reprogramming the computer, the tools can make a different part.
Production Systems:5 Basic Operations 1. Designing: making original plans and drawings of products. 2. Planning: organizing a system in which personnel, material and equipment can work together. 3. Tooling Up: acquiring and setting up tools and machines for production 4. Controlling: Production using machines to make a product. 5.Packaging & Distribution: packing, storing, and transporting the product.
Tertiary Sector Providing Sector Entrepreneur- a person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of starting a business. Careers Business + Office Communication Health Hospitality + Recreation Public and Social Services Transportation Marketing + Distribution
Career Poster Project Homework make a list of 5 careers that you are interested in. Write down what they are Define those careers Gather materials to make a poster to hand in.