Welcome to the… Career Path Program For College Students
Begin Your Career Path Introduction
The Career Path Program The program is voluntary and it consists of 2 components: 1. Monthly face-to-face workshops where counselors meet with students on the first Friday of every noon when most students are not in class. 2. An online interactive discussion on Facebook where counselors address students concerns as well as initial discussions on important career development topics.
6 Modes of Advertisement Students are made aware of the Career Path program through: Students are made aware of the Career Path program through: 1.The use of colorful fliers posted on various notice boards on campus 2.Announcement by Professors who make attendance of the workshop an opportunity for extra credit 3.Social- networking [i.e. attendees are encouraged to invite their friends to join our online discussion and subsequently attend our monthly workshops]
6 Modes of Advertisement 4. Students are enticed to attend by being offered individual attention and FREE FOOD. 5 Counselors reach out to individuals and schedule 1:1 sessions for more in-depth and personal career exploration. 6. Counselors conduct a mixed-method study to evaluate and fine-tune the workshop and to gain student, parent, and administrator support.
4 Goals of the Career Path Program 1.Increase student awareness of career counseling services available to them. 2.Educate students on the various aspects of career self-concept and exploration. 3.Educate students about employment trends to help them develop career decision-making skills 4.Prepare students to enter the workforce by helping them to develop effective job seeking strategies.
Know your career services options
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 First, you will work with Angela and the group to explore your personality and self- concept Lastly you will participate in an interview skill – building exercise with partners, led by Brittany Next, Stesha will lead you in a discussion about how to gather information about various career options Next, Kofi will help you provide you with tips on effective job - search strategies as well as what you can do to make your college-to-work transition a stress-free experience Order of presentation
Personality and Self Concept Objective: Students will be able to answer these questions: “Why am I interested in certain jobs”? “What can my personality tell me about possible career options?
Intervention Objectives At the end of this activity students will be able to: 1.Record their MTBI type 2.Explore their personality profile 3.Discuss insights into their self- concept and job preferences
Literature Review 1. 1.The MBTI is based on Jungian-type theory (Jung, 1990/1971) and originally was developed as a career counseling tool (McCaulley, 1990) Approximately 2 million copies of the MBTI are sold each year (Healy, 2001), making it the most widely used personality instrument in the world (Jackson, Parker, & Dipboye, 1996; Quenk, 2000) The MBTI yields four bipolar preference scores: extraversion-introversion, sensing-intuition, thinking- feeling, and judging-perceiving (Myers et al., 1998).
Literature Review 1. 1.MBTI is explicitly marketed as a tool to aid in selecting majors and careers MBTI promotes understanding of why those careers are of interest The MBTI also has been described as effective in increasing self- awareness, enhancing understanding of decision- making processes and preferences, and improving interpersonal communication (McCaulley, 1990) Apostal (1988) found that the MBTI stimulates self-concept exploration Katz, Joyner, and Seaman (1999) found that the MBTI was as effective as the Strong Interest Inventory
Activity Directions 1.Go to: Under Jung Typology section Click “Take Test” answer quickly and honestly, don’t over-think it, answer quickly and honestly, don’t over-think it, Click “Score It” Click “Score It” 3.Then Click example ENFP type description by D.Keirsey ENFP type description by D.KeirseyENFP type description by D.Keirsey 4.Click on example More About Your Idealist Champion Personality: Best Job Fit for Idealists (your may say guardian, rational, artisan, or idealist) Best Job Fit for Idealists Best Job Fit for Idealists
Activity Discussion Dichotomies Extraversion ( E ) - ( I ) Introversion Sensing ( S ) - ( N ) Intuition Thinking ( T ) - ( F ) Feeling Judgment ( J ) - ( P ) Perception
Activity Discussion 1.What did you discover about your personality preference? 2.According to your type what types of career fields and occupations are you attracted to? 3.Are there any discrepancies between your predicted Jungian type and your real life? 4.What have you learned about yourself and your major of choice upon reading your profile?
Job Trends & Future Predictions Objective: Students will be able to answer this question: “Will there be jobs in my field?”
Intervention Objectives Students will understand: The importance of being knowledgeable about job market trends The importance of being knowledgeable about job market trends What careers are likely to grow over the next few years What careers are likely to grow over the next few years The process of navigating online career databases The process of navigating online career databases
Why should I be informed about future job trends?
Online Resources 1. Occupational Outlook Handbook provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics – provides information about careers including: 1. Training and education needed 2. Income 3. Expected job prospects 4. What workers do on the job 5. Working conditions 6. Projects job market outlook through the year and more 8. FREE 2.
Online Resources 1. Occupational Information Network (O*NET) - a database of occupations 2. Students can explore and learn about the various careers that are out there 3.Information about hundreds of jobs 1.Future outlook of jobs 2. Green jobs 4.Provides information about what each occupation entails, the entry requirements, and salary 5. FREE
Online Resources My Next Move ( 1.Interactive web-based tool on O*Net website 2.Helps new job seekers, students, and other career explorers investigate over 900 j0bs. 1.Keyword Search 2.Browse Careers 3.O*Net Interest profiler 1.computerized Likert-type questionnaire to determine interests
Career Information Online Resources Career Exploration Tools 1.Self-directed career exploration/assessment tools 2.Helps workers consider and plan career options, preparation, and transition. 3.Also are designed for students who are exploring the school-to-work transition. 4.Based on a "whole-person" concept, includes: 1.Abilities 2.Interests 3.Work values (Achievement, Independence Recognition, Relationships, Support, Working Conditions)
Career Information Future Trends According to the U.S. Dept of Labor the top three career categories in the service center that will experience the most growth are: Healthcare Social Assistance Professional (scientific and technical services) Educational services Accounting jobs are expected to increase by 20 percent
1.What are Green Jobs? 1.There is no official definition 2.Generally defined as jobs that assist in improving the environment (Green Jobs, 2011) , revenues from the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries were significantly more than the Walmart, ExxonMobile, and GM 3.Presently, there are approximately 13 million green jobs in the U.S. 4.Renewable and energy-efficiency jobs are growing faster than average (Bezdek, 2010)
1.Projecting the growth of green jobs greatly depends on implementation of changes proposed by the government 2.Depending on the government’s revision of certain policies, it is possible that the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries could create over 37 million jobs a year by 2030 (Bezdek, 2010).
1.Green Economy- an economic activity related to reducing the use of fossil fuels, decreasing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the efficiency of energy usage, recycling materials, and developing and adopting renewable sources of energy (O*Net). 1.Green Increased Demand Occupations 2.Green Enhanced Skills Occupations 3.Green New and Emerging Occupations
1.Green Increased Demand Occupations- The impact of green economies increase employment demand but the tasks of the job have remained the same 1.Zoologists 2.Chemical Engineers and Technicians 3.Chemists 4.Environmental Scientists 5.Occupational Health & Safety Specialists
1.Green Enhanced Skills Occupations- The impact of green economic activities caused the work requirements to change but it may not increase employment demand 1.Nuclear and Mechanical Engineers 2.Industrial Engineering Technicians 3.Public Relations Specialists 4.Urban/Regional Planners
1.Green New and Emerging Occupations- The impact of green economy activities/technologies create the need for unique worker requirements and generates new jobs 1.Climate Change Analysts 2.Wind Energy Engineers, Project Managers, and Operation Managers 3.Robotics Engineers and Technicians 4.Logistics Analysts and Engineers 5.Water Resource Specialists
Activity Directions content
College-To-Work Transition How do I get to where I want to go? College-To-Work Transition How do I get to where I want to go?
Objectives Students will be able to 1.Identify at least 2 ways to enhance their employability whiles still in school 2.Describe four job search strategies
What do we know?
Enhance You Employability Talk to counselors Talk to counselors and professors Volunteer your time and skills Volunteer your time and skills Consider an internship or temporary work Consider an internship or temporary work Keep a portfolio or record of activities depicting your employability skills Keep a portfolio or record of activities depicting your employability skills “To be employed is to be at risk, to be employable is to be secured” Peter Hawkins
Job Search Strategies Forget not the hidden jobs Use your career services
Winners Start Early
Resume Building & Interview Skills Objective: Students will be able to answer this question: “How do I get my dream job?” “How do I get my dream job?”
Intervention Objectives After this session, students will: 1.Be knowledgeable about creating resumes and choosing appropriate references 2.Feel more comfortable answering common interview questions 3.Feel more confident in their ability to obtain a job
Literature Review The majority of employers still prefer the standard resume: chronological order, delivered electronically, and including cover letters (Schullery, 2009) Thoms et al (1999) found that resumes with clear, precise objective statements were more likely to be chosen than those without. Resumes that listed a GPA of 3.0 or higher were more likely to be chosen than those with no GPA listed. According to Muir (2009), students should have a variety of references, including ones from social, academic, and supervisory areas. Those who received interview coaching used more strategies than those who did not, such as role-playing, observing, and organizing their thoughts. These strategies resulted in better interview performance (Maurer, 2001). Tross and Maurer (2008) found that the more coaching an interviewee received, the higher the rating their interview received.
Activity Directions 1.Get together with a partner. 2.Answer the interview questions provided. 3.Each question will take 5 minutes.
Conclusion Thank you! Students you are encouraged to sign up for a session with your counselor to continue the career counseling process. Please complete the survey in person or on our Facebook page.
Workshop-Review Discussion with Baker’s Class According to Brown career development workshops should include some or all of the following: 1. 1.Career and self-awareness 2. 2.Exploration of interests, values, goals, and decisions 3. 3.Realities of the job market and future trends 4. 4.Practical, accurate information about careers 5. 5.Special needs such as risk-taking, resume building, and interviewing An academic advisement system that makes it possible for students to get the assistance they need in academic planning (Brown, 2012)
References Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469–480. Bezdek, R. H. (2010). Green jobs currently employ substantial numbers; Source of new jobs.Natural Gas & Electricity Brown, D. (2012). Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Culkin, N. & Mallick, S. (2010). Producing work-ready graduates: The role of the entrepreneurial university. InternationalJournal of Market Research, 53, 347 – 368. Dietz, J. The myth that college and major choice decides Johnny’s future. Gilbert, H. G. (1997). Career thoughts inventory: A review and critique. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Education Research Association. Evuleocha, S., Ugbah, S., & Law, S. (2009). Recruiter perceptions of information that employment references should provide to assist in making selection decisions. Journal of Employment Counseling, 46, Hipple, S. F. (2010). Self-employment in the United States. Monthly Labor Review, 17 – 32. Hobojn, B., Gardiner, C. & Wile, T. (2011). Recent college graduates and the job market. FRBSF Economic Letter, Retrieved from Holton, E. (1999 ). Managing the transition to work: Twelve essential steps to a fast start to your career. Journal of Career Planning & Employment, 59(3), Huffcutt, A., Conway, J., Roth, P., & Stone, N. (2001). Identification and meta-analytic assessment of psychological constructs measured in employment interviews. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85 (5),
References Cont’d Maurer, T., Solamon, J., Andrews, K., & Troxtel, D. (2001). Interviewee coaching, preparation strategies, and response strategies in relation to performance in situational employment interviews: an extension of Maurer, Solamon, and Troxtel (1998). Journal of Applied Psychology, 86 (4), Muir, C. (2009). Rethinking job references: a networking challenge. Business Communication Quarterly, 72 (3), Nemanick, R., & Clark, E. (2002). The differential effects of extracurricular activities on attributions in resume evaluation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 10 (3), Sampson, J. P., Peterson, G. W., Lenz, J. G., Reardon, R. C., & Saunders, D. E. (1996). Professional manual: Career thoughts inventory. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. Schullery, N., Ickes, L., & Schullery, S. (2009). Employer preferences for resumes and cover letters. Business Communication Quarterly, 72 (2), Smith-Hunter, A., Paul, M., & DeCasperis, F. (2010). Gender role perceptions and job satisfaction levels. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 10, 62 – 72. Thoms, P., McMasters, R., Roberts, M., & Dombkowski, D. (1999). Resume characteristics as predictors of an invitation to interview. Journal of Business and Psychology, 13 (3), Tross, S., & Maurer, T. (2008). The effect of coaching interviewees on subsequent interview performance in structured experience-based interviews. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81, Vidal-Brown, S. & Thompson, B. (1998). The career assessment diagnostic inventory: A score reliability and validity study. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Wood, L. & Kaczynski, D. (2007). University students in USA and Australia: Anticipation and reflection on the transition to work. International Journal of Employment Studies, 15, (2),