General Properties of Light Light as a wave Speed Wave properties: wavelength, frequency, period, speed, amplitude, intensity Electromagnetic wave
EM Spectrum
Diffraction – the bending of waves at an aperture or obstacle
Double-slit pattern of water/sound waves
Interference – double-slit, speckle y D I peak =4I o I average =2I o
Light as a particle Photon Energy packet Photoelectric effect Double slit- revisited
Double Slit Experiment with Electrons Detections come in lumps = quanta Intensity exhibits interference Reducing intensity of the light, so that only one electron arrives at the slits at a time
Questions? Why do no electrons (or photons) ever arrive at some locations? Clearly How can we get interference when only 1 particle at a time is going through the slits? What does that particle interfere with? Suppose we actually check which slit each particle went through and know with certainty – what happens then? How can this be? Resolution comes from QED with Feynman
Electron diffraction
How is light produced? Chemical energy - fire Electrical energy - lightning Nuclear energy - stars –Incandescent –Electric discharge – continuous vs discrete spectrum –Fluorescence
Special Properties of Laser Light Monochromatic Intense Pencil beam – collimated Coherent Can be cw or pulsed
Prototype Laser Energy levels Absorption, spontaneous emission Stimulated emission Population inversion Metastable state Pump – optical, electron excitation, atom- atom collisions, chemical Resonant cavity – gain, cavity modes, beam
Types of Lasers 3-level vs 4-level Ruby, first, a 3-level pulsed laser He-Ne, gas, 4-level
Argon ion, gas
CO 2 – molecular gas laser Neodymium – solid-state
Diode laser Dye – liquid laser
Laser Applications Communications Coding information, fiber optics
Medical uses
Materials processing Science
Laser Tweezers