“Green Light Wave” Traffic Control System Liron Netzer - CITI Yossi Gabay - Marvell Shay Avivi - Motorola Solutions
Problem Definition Emergency occasions happens mostly during rush hours Emergency cars need to maneuver between the cars on the road Emergency cars drive on RED light which risks other cars on the road and themselves Arrival time is extended Life depends on the emergency forces arrival time
Goals Save lives on emergency occasions Minimize the emergency vehicle’s arrival/driving time Minimize the interruption to other vehicles on the road
Solution - Green Light Wave Use predicted driving path and real time vehicle location Prioritize traffic lights behavior in favor of emergency vehicles such as police car and ambulance
System Overview Vehicle Reports predicted driving path Reports continuous GPS based location Traffic Control System Receives vehicle’s location real-time updates Identifies adjacent traffic lights Changes relevant traffic lights to green
Traffic Control System report the expected driving path to the TCS calculate the predicted arrival for each traffic light Continuously reports GPS location Upon Receiving the location The TCS changes traffic light color to green
Demo Description Vehicle Remote control car act as an “emergency car” "GPS” Smartphone camera to simulate GPS functionality by tracking the vehicle using image processing. Traffic Control System PC web-application
Demo Description The Android APK is using a color detection algorithm for tracking the car location. The APK send the X,Y location to the Traffic control system The Traffic Control System control 4 traffic lights and simulates a regular traffic light behavior The TFS recieves the current location from the APK every X seconds / when location is changed. the TFS checking the car location and in case of identifying it is closed to a traffic light it change the traffic light to GREEN. Android Device Side TCS Side
Demo Setup
Driving Direction – Green Light is ON AN Android APK is doing the emergency car detection and tracking and reports the car location to the Traffic Control System over WiFi AN Android APK is doing the emergency car detection and trackingit. The APK reports the car location to the Traffic Control System Traffic Control System The TFS receives the location from the APK and changed the trafiic light to GREEN if needed
Thanks ! ! ! Green Light Team