April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price LIGHT TLW explore what you see when you mix colors of light. TLW describe visible light as a part of the electromagnetic spectrum. TLW compare reflection and refraction of light. TLW explain why we see the colors of objects.
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price What is Light? A form of energy that travels in waves What are two other sources of light on Earth? White light is made up of all colors A light is made up of waves What is a wavelength? A visible spectrum is the seven colors of light that make up white light A spectrum is a range of light waves with different wavelengths and energies The electromagnetic spectrum is a range of all light waves with varying wavelengths, including the visible spectrum (F42 and 43)
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price Waves red wavelength violet Red has the longest wavelength Violet has the shortest wavelength
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price How Does Light Travel? Shadows are places where light is blocked It takes the shape of whatever is blocking the light Shadows show that light travels in straight lines or rays Light cannot bend and go around things to create a shadow Index Cards Demonstration
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price What is Reflection? When light strikes a surface, it bounces off Smooth, shiny surfaces reflect almost all the light reflecting on them Describe objects that reflect light well What happens to light when it is reflected? –It changes direction when it is reflected off a surface Mirror demonstration of how rays bounce off a surface and change direction
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price What is Refraction? Glass of Water/Pencil Demonstration Refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one material to another It happens when light passes through glass, water, light plastic, and other transparent materials What do you think causes refraction? –Light traveling at different speeds in different objects Remember: LIGHT RAYS DO NOT CURVE The ray changes direction as it passes from one material to another
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price Types of Lenses What objects use lenses? Convex –Bulge in the middle –Makes objects bigger –Magnifying glass Concave –Curves inward
April 6, 2005Created by Kristy Lynn Price Review What is the electromagnetic spectrum? Why do shadows form? What happens to light when it strikes the surface? Describe the difference in how light is reflected off of smooth and rough surfaces. What is the difference between concave and convex lenses? When does refraction occur?