Application of light fields in computer vision AMARI LEWIS – REU STUDENT AIDEAN SHARGHI- PH.D STUENT
Main objective increase object recognition through using the EPI of light field images Using the light field camera
Using the Lytro light field camera conventional methods- involve using 2D information Light field images- captures all 3D information in a single shot. Using the Lytro light field camera to collect dataset camera captures light field direction, intensity and color
Datasets- 1. Collected own dataset using the Lytro light field camera ◦Bikes ◦Buildings ◦Trees ◦Vehicles - Studying the 7 different image perspectives
2. Dataset from Switzerland using the iphone video ◦Buildings – 50 categories -Ranging from 4-30 videos -Extracted 300 frames from each video
Epipolar planar images- EPI It is a 2D representation or slice of an image Taking the same line from each image and putting it on top of each other Using the multiple shots taken from the camera and the extracted frames
Light field 7 lines from each of the images concatenated- total of 1080
Concatenated the 300 lines – total 720
Implementing DCT Steps: Separate the RGB into 3 channels Calculate the row-wise mean- calculates the mean of each row to create a vector Calculate the DCT for each channels Concatenate some coefficients, using as a feature vector (smaller)
For classification Apply Principal component analysis (PCA) gmm- Gaussian mixture model Linear SVM
Best Results Using this method on EPIs ◦Lytro Light field camera dataset 77% accuracy Switzerland dataset 96% accuracy
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