Medical Experiment Nano Coating Master Armen and Doc. Eliya Spectral Reflection of Light on Nano Coated Copper-Silver Acupuncture Needle
Spectral Reflection of Light on Nano Coated Copper "Head "part of Copper-Silver Acu Needle. Black- color of nano coated Copper part, Brown - natural color of Copper / solid matter state/, Blue- color of Copper Gans. / picture from mobile camera with flash light/.
Spectral Reflection of Light on Nano Coated Copper "Head "part of Copper-Silver Acu Needle. Black- color of nano coated Copper part, Brown - natural color of Copper / solid matter state/, Blue- color of Copper Gans. Gap line btw layer brown/ solid matter state/ and Blue/gans state/. / picture from mobile camera with flash light/.
Bubbles shape Spectral Reflection of Light on Nano Coated Copper "Head "part of Copper-Silver Acu Needle in distillate water. Brown - natural color of Copper / solid matter state/, Blue- color of Copper Gans. Black line -gap line btw layers / picture from mobile camera with flash light/.
Bubbles shape Spectral Reflection of Light on Nano Coated Copper "Head "part of Copper-Silver Acu Needle in solution from distillate water and spiritus aethylicus 95%. Brown - natural color of Copper / solid matter state/, Blue- color of Copper Gans. Black line -gap line btw layers / picture from mobile camera with flash light/
Spectral Reflection of Light on Nano Coated Copper "Head "part of Copper-Silver Acu Needle after treatment in a solution of distillate water and spiritus aethylicus 95%. Black- color of nano coated Copper part, Brown - natural color of Copper / solid matter state/, Blue- color of Copper Gans. Gap line btw layer brown/ solid matter state/ and Blue/gans state/. Lines of light reflection are more wide. / picture from mobile camera with flash light/.
Gans Current in Silver part?