Electromagnetic Spectrum
What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? The electromagnetic spectrum is the entire range of radiation. What is radiation? Radiation is all energy that is released in the form of waves (or rays)
Electromagnetic radiation – energy carried through space in the form of waves.
What are some examples of radiation? 1. Gamma Rays Gamma rays are commonly produced by the radioactive decay of elements. Gamma-ray bursts are the most powerful events in the universe, temporarily outshining several galaxies and signaling the birth of a black hole.
What are some uses for radiation? Gamma Rays are used in the sterilization of medical equipment by killing bacteria. to kill bacteria and insects in food
What are some examples of radiation? 2. X-Rays X-rays can penetrate most materials except lead shielding. When they were discovered, the "X" stood for "unknown," because they were so mysterious. The name has been used ever since.
What are some uses for radiation? X-Rays are used to… examine luggage and in airports detect structural problems and cracks in airplanes and bridges most common use of x-rays is in medicine and dentistry
What are some examples of radiation? 3. Ultraviolet Rays The name means "beyond violet” since violet is the color with the shortest wavelength in the visible light spectrum. And, UV has even a shorter wavelength than violet! UV rays from a tanning bed
What are some uses for radiation? UV rays are used in… Security; to help thwart counterfeiters. Forensics; helpful in locating and identifying bodily fluids (blood)
What are some examples of radiation? 4. Visible Light Rays The type of radiation that can be detected by human eyes. It contains the colors of ROY G BIV.
What colors make up visible light? Visible Light Rays contain ROY G BIV Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
What are some examples of radiation? 5. Infrared Rays Infra means below; Infrared rays have longer wavelengths than visible red light.
What are some uses for radiation? Infrared rays are used in… Photography - to take pictures where there is no visible light. Night vision goggles. Remote controls, burglar alarms.
What are some examples of radiation? 6. Microwaves -have wavelengths that can be measured in centimeters -The longer microwaves, those closer to 30 cm, are the ones which heat our food in microwave ovens. -Shorter microwaves are used in remote sensing. These waves are used for radar like doppler, used in weather forecasts.
What are some uses for radiation? Microwaves are used for… Communication; Cell Phones, Cable, etc. Radars; Doppler weather radar, air traffic control, and radar guns. Navigation; Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use microwaves Heating Food
What are some examples of radiation? 7. Radio Waves -Radio waves have the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. These waves can be longer than a football field
What are some uses for radiation? Radio waves are used for… Radios and TV’s. Garage door openers, alarm systems, radio controlled toys.
Electromagnetic Radiation 1.Gamma Rays 2.X-rays 3.Ultraviolet rays 4.Visible light rays 5.Infrared rays 6.Microwaves 7.Radio waves The entire range of radiation includes…
Electromagnetic Radiation Radio waves have the longest wavelength and the lowest frequency. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency.
Electromagnetic Waves... Do NOT need a medium! They can travel in a vacuum. But light does travel SLOWER in other media, such as glass, water, and diamonds.
How fast light travels is dependent of the median in which it travels through. speed of light in a vacuum = 3.0 x 10 8 m/s
Is Light a Wave? Light has a dual nature – It behaves like both a wave and a particle – We will be discussing behaviors of light that show light in both categories Light exhibits many of the same wave behaviors of sound: reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference. refraction Interference & reflection reflection