Book III Unit 1 Introduction Phot/PhosLuc Spec/SpectVid/Vis Presented by Mrs. Tolin and Mrs. Smith English 9 CP, Nordonia High School Prestwick House Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: A Study of Word families
Context Clues + knowledge of prefixes, ROOTS & suffixes + the way the word is being used in the sentence (its part of speech)= WORD MEANING & UNDERSTANDING DING! DING! DING! YES! OWN THE WORD!
PHOTOTROPIC EXAMPLE: “Because they’re phototropic, daisies always grow towards the sun”
PHOTOTROPIC light to turn
PHOTOTROPIC EXAMPLE: “Because they’re phototropic, daisies always grow towards the sun”
PHOTOTROPIC [fo to tro’ pik] Pronunciation: Hear it hereHear it here Adjective DEFINITION: Tending to grow or move towards light
Your Turn… Use a dictionary to list other words with the same Greek root words (phos/phot). Apply your new knowledge of the meaning of the root words phot/phos to help determine the meanings of those words.
Reinforcement/ Practice Slides
PHOTOGENIC EXAMPLE: “Lucy, our horse, was so photogenic, that total strangers often asked to take her picture.”
PHOTOGENIC light suitable for
PHOTOGENIC EXAMPLE: “Lucy, our horse, was so photogenic, that total strangers often asked to take her picture.”
PHOTOGENIC [foh-tuh-jen-ik] Hear it here: PhotogenicPhotogenic Part of Speech: Adjective DEFINITION: attractive in (suitable for) pictures taken with light, or photographs
Book III Unit 1 Introduction Phot/PhosLuc Spec/SpectVid/Vis Presented by Mrs. Tolin and Mrs. Smith English 9 CP, Nordonia High School Prestwick House Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: A Study of Word families
Context Clues + knowledge of prefixes, ROOTS & suffixes + the way the word is being used in the sentence (its part of speech)= WORD MEANING & UNDERSTANDING DING! DING! DING! YES! OWN THE WORD!
LUCID EXAMPLE: “Sophie’s explanation of quantum physics was so lucid that I understood everything.”
LUCID light/clear
LUCID EXAMPLE: “Sophie’s explanation of quantum physics was so lucid that I understood everything.”
LUCID [ ˈ loosid] Pronunciation: Hear it here or hereHear it herehere Part of Speech: Adjective DEFINITION: easy to understand; clear Synonym: comprehensible Antonym: confusing
Your Turn… Use a dictionary to list other words with the same root words (luc). Apply your new knowledge of the meaning of the root word luc to help determine the meanings of those words.
Reinforcement/ Practice Slides
ELUCIDATE EXAMPLE: “The attorney asked the witness to further elucidate the information he had.”
ELUCIDATE from light (makes the word into a verb)
ELUCIDATE EXAMPLE: “The attorney asked the witness to further elucidate the information he had.”
ELUCIDATE [i ˈ loosi ˌ dāt/] Pronunciation: Hear it hereHear it here Part of speech: verb DEFINITION: to bring from light; to make clear by explaining synonym: clarifyantonym: confuse
Book III Unit 1 Introduction Phot/PhosLuc Spec/SpectVid/Vis Presented by Mrs. Tolin and Mrs. Smith English 9 CP, Nordonia High School Prestwick House Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: A Study of Word families
Context Clues + knowledge of prefixes, ROOTS & suffixes + the way the word is being used in the sentence (its part of speech)= WORD MEANING & UNDERSTANDING DING! DING! DING! YES! OWN THE WORD!
SPEC/ SPECT Latin, meaning “to look at” LATIN ROOT: SPECERE, SPECTUM
CIRCUMSPECT EXAMPLE: “The marchers in the protest tried to be circumspect and not break any laws.”
CIRCUMSPECT around looking
CIRCUMSPECT EXAMPLE: “The marchers in the protest tried to be circumspect and not break any laws.”
CIRCUMSPECT [ ˈ s ə rk ə m ˌ spekt] Pronunciation: Hear it hereHear it here Part of speech: adjective DEFINITION: looking around; careful; mindful of rules and consequences Synonym: prudent Antonym: reckless
Your Turn… Use a dictionary to list other words with the same root words (spec/spect). Apply your new knowledge of the meaning of the root word spec/spect to help determine the meanings of those words.
Reinforcement/ Practice Slides
PROSPECT EXAMPLE: “The prospect of a trip to the dentist with my bratty kid brother was hardly thrilling.”
PROSPECT forward look
PROSPECT EXAMPLE: “The prospect of a trip to the dentist with my bratty kid brother was hardly thrilling.”
PROSPECT [präs ˌ pekt] Pronunciation: Hear it hereHear it here Part of speech: noun DEFINITION: looked forward to; that which is expected when looking forward
Book III Unit 1 Introduction Phot/PhosLuc Spec/SpectVid/Vis Presented by Mrs. Tolin and Mrs. Smith English 9 CP, Nordonia High School Prestwick House Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots: A Study of Word families
Context Clues + knowledge of prefixes, ROOTS & suffixes + the way the word is being used in the sentence (its part of speech)= WORD MEANING & UNDERSTANDING DING! DING! DING! YES! OWN THE WORD!
VID/VIS Latin, meaning “to see, to look” LATIN ROOT: VIDERE, VISUM
PROVIDENTIAL EXAMPLE: “Through a providential series of events, Nigel found himself manager of the company.”
PROVIDENTIAL to look forward (makes the word an adj.)
PROVIDENTIAL EXAMPLE: “Through a providential series of events, Nigel found himself manager of the company.”
PROVIDENTIAL [präv ə ˈ denCH ə l] Pronunciation: Hear it hereHear it here Part of speech: adjective DEFINITION: to look forward to; happening by good fortune Synonym: fortunate Antonym: unlucky
Your Turn… Use a dictionary to list other words with the same root words (vid/vis). Apply your new knowledge of the meaning of the root word vid/vis to help determine the meanings of those words.
Reinforcement/ Practice Slides
INVIDIOUS EXAMPLE: “One candidate made an invidious speech against his opponent.”
INVIDIOUS to look against (makes the word an adj.)
INVIDIOUS EXAMPLE: “One candidate made an invidious speech against his opponent.”
INVIDIOUS Pronunciation: Hear it hereHear it here Part of speech: adjective DEFINITION: to look against; hateful or spiteful Synonym: defamatory Antonym: pleasant