Disciplinary Process Discipline Actions taken by supervisors to enforce an organization’s standards and regulations.
Disciplinary Process Verbal Warning The mildest form of discipline. It is a temporary record of a reprimand which is placed in the supervisor’s file.
Disciplinary Process Written Warning The first formal stage of the disciplinary procedure; the warning becomes part of an employee’s official personnel file.
Dismissal Termination of ones employment. Disciplinary Process Dismissal Termination of ones employment.
Positive Discipline A technique that attempts to reinforce the good work behaviors of an employee, while simultaneously emphasizing to the employee the problems created by undesirable performance.
Types of Discipline Problems * Attendance * On-The-Job Behaviors * Dishonesty * Outside Activities
Is Discipline Always Needed? If an employee doesn’t have the ability, that is , he or she can’t perform, disciplinary action is not the answer. What is?
Basic Tenets of Discipline * Do your homework * Provide ample warning * Act in a timely manner * Conduct discipline in private * Be calm and serious
Basic Tenets of Discipline * Be specific about the problem * Keep it impersonal * Get the employee’s side * Keep control of the discussion * Agree on how mistakes can be prevented next time.
Basic Tenets of Discipline * Select progressive disciplinary action and consider mitigating circumstances. * Fully document the disciplinary session.
Progressive Discipline Action that begins with a verbal warning, and then proceeds through written reprimands, suspension, and finally, in the most serious cases, dismissal.
Painful - Immediate - Impartial Hot Stove Rule A set of principles that can guide an individual in effectively disciplining an employee by demonstrating the analogy between touching a hot stove and administering discipline. Painful - Immediate - Impartial Consistent
Disciplinary Factors * Duration of the problem * Seriousness of the problem * Duration of the problem * Frequency and nature of the problem. * Employee’s work history * Extenuating circumstances
Disciplinary Factors * History of the organization’s * Degree of warning * History of the organization’s disciplinary practices. * Implications for other employees. * Upper management support
Discipline and the Law * Wrongful Discharge * Due Process * Employment-At-Will * Wrongful Discharge * Due Process * Union Contracts