A 20 lb Stove must be lifted: Base hand = 27 in. Top hand = 8 in. Base hand must be brought 19 in above top hand to ensure complete dumping of all coals Handles 16 in. diagonally apart 14in 16in 24in 41in 32in
Handles must be used to lift and tip stove because of stove’s temperature Task to be performed by mostly young to middle age females Weight of stove evenly balanced between both hands No wrist deviation
95% Male Strength % Capable of Hip 81% L4/L5 Compression lbs 95% Female Strength % Capable of Hip 57% L4/L5 Compression lbs
95% Male Strength % Capable of Hip 96% L4/L5 Compression lbs 95% Female Strength % Capable of Hip 95% L4/L5 Compression lbs
Initial Posture Lifting of stove requires subject to bend significantly Overall limiting Joint: Hip due to bending Recommendations Raise stove to higher point of use Create new way of disposing of charcoal? 95% Male 95% Female Strength % Capable of Hip 81%57% L4/L5 Compression lbs798.9 lbs
Place removable container in combustion chamber that is easy to remove Reduce need to lift entire stove to dump charcoal Allow user to bend less because of higher placement