Chimney Fires
Objectives F/F will be able to recognize typical flue and chimney construction in our area F/F will be able to recognize conditions and locations for creosote accumulations F/F will be able to recognize fire hazards associated with stoves and chimneys F/F will be able recognize hazards related to multiple appliance connections to same flue
Typical Flues and Chimneys in Our Area. Masonry chimney systems Typical construction Clearance of combustibles and hazards Cracks and deterioration
Typical Flues And Chimneys In Our Area Typical construc tion
Typical Flues And Chimneys In Our Area Cracks and Deterior ation
Chimneys Without Flue Liners Typical construction Clearance of combustible s Cracks and deterioratio n
Chimneys Without Flue Liners Cracks and Deteriorat ion
Factory Built Metal Chimneys Triple wall Metal bestous Clearances and hazards
Exterior Cosmetic Covers Combust ible construct ion No simple access
Exterior Cosmetic Covers
Creosote Build up Low O 2 smoldering burn Tar fog Build up at temp change Chimney cap plugged Hot wet dripping creosote Signs of creosote on exterior of pipe or chimney
Fire and Hazard Inspection of Stove Doors fit proper Breaches in stove Clearance of combustible s
Stove Pipe Hazards Joints secured Direction of sexed joints Clearances
One Flue Multi Appliances Chimneys must be checked for breaches Gas water heaters Oil furnaces Other wood burners Little water for extinguishment Electrical hazards
Commercial Chimneys Ask for help from business supervisor or shop Foreman Deluge systems Fire resistive noncombustible construction covers Inspection holes
Roof Systems Light weight construc tion Stick frame Coverin gs Egress
Ro Roof Systems
Be Prepared Be Safe Expect the unexpected Chimney fires are fires in a structure