-AR Verbs In Spanish, there are three classes (or conjugations) of verbs: those that end in –AR, those that end in –ER, and those that end in –IR. This.


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Presentation transcript:

-AR Verbs In Spanish, there are three classes (or conjugations) of verbs: those that end in –AR, those that end in –ER, and those that end in –IR. This is important because the conjugation determines the endings you put on the verbs.

-AR Verbs Let’s look at an example, the verb DESCANSAR, which means “to rest.” It ends in –AR, so it is included in this class.

DESCANSAR The verb can be split into two parts: The base: DESCANS- The infinitive ending: -AR

DESCANSAR Now let’s say “I rest.” Start with the base: DESCANS- When you talk about yourself, add –O.

DESCANSAR yo descanso

DESCANSAR Now let’s talk about you. When the subject is tú, you add –AS (remember that it’s an –AR verb).

DESCANSAR tú descansas

DESCANSAR When we talk about él, ella, or usted, we just add an –A.

DESCANSAR él descansa ella descansa Ud. descansa

DESCANSAR When the subject is “we,” add –AMOS to the base.

DESCANSAR Nosotros descansamos

DESCANSAR When the subject is ellos, ellas, or ustedes (more than one person, but the speaker is not part of the group), add –AN to the base.

DESCANSAR ellos descansan ellas descansan Uds. descansan

So what now? Any time you encounter a regular -AR verb, the endings to attach to the base will be the same! yo -o tú -as él -a ella -a usted -a nosotros -amos ellos -an ustedes -an

Let’s Practice! > HABLAR yo _______ tú _______ él ________ nosotros ________ ellos _______

HABLAR yo hablo tú hablas él habla nosotros hablamos ellos hablan

COMPRAR yo _______ tú _______ ella ________ nosotros ________ ellas _______

COMPRAR yo compro tú compras ella compra nosotros compramos ellas compran

ESTUDIAR yo _______ tú _______ ella ________ tú y yo ________ Uds. _______

ESTUDIAR yo estudio tú estudias ella estudia tú y yo estudiamos Uds. estudian Reminder: did you remember to keep the –i as part of the base?

More –AR Verbs Here are some more verbs that work in exactly the same way: caminar escuchar esquiar llegar mirar montar nadar regresar sacar tomar trabajar

What’s Next? You’re now ready to take on the two remaining verb classes, the –ER and –IR conjugations (Exercise #4). Don’t worry! They’re easy!!