Ch 4 Sect 2 Energy Transfers and Transformations
Movement of Energy Energy naturally moves from areas of high energy to areas of low energy Ex-heat radiating off of a stove Transferring energy Energy stays in same form but moves to another object Transforming energy- Energy changes forms as it moves
Energy Transfers Electrical outlet can transfer electricity Example-Vandegraff machine Outlet Machine Human Heat energy can be transferred Example-boiling water Stove Pot Water
Energy Transformations Energy is like money in that it can be used in different forms Electrical energy can be transformed to Light energy, Heat energy, Other examples?
Energy Transformations CCCChemical energy is transformed by living organisms and machines HHHHumans covert chemical energy into kinetic energy CCCChemical energy in the body is stored as ATP or Adenosine Tri-Phospate
Machines also transfer chemical energy into kinetic energy Chemical energy used by machines is usually gas or diesel Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow 4 steps that an internal combustion engine uses Any engine in any gas powered vehicle
NRG Conversion in an Engine Sucks the air/gas in (intake) Squeezes the air (compression) Bang (gas ignites, causes explosion) Gasoline engines have a spark plug Diesel is explosive enough that it needs no spark Blows air out (exhaust) How Car Engines Work How Car Engines Work How Car Engines Work
Mass, Atoms and Energy Mass in motion has energy Mass is made up of smaller parts called atoms Atoms can be joined or broken apart to produce energy
Nuclear Fusion JJJJoining of 2 atoms to make 1 atom BBBBonds of both atoms are broken and reformed to make one atom WWWWhen bonds are broken energy is released MMMMass of the atom increases NNNN uuuu cccc llll eeee aaaa rrrr F F F F uuuu ssss iiii oooo nnnn B B B B aaaa ssss iiii cccc ssss
Nuclear Fission Taking one atom and breaking it down to two or more atoms Energy is released when the chemical bonds are broken Mass of the atoms decrease Nuclear Fission Basics Nuclear Fission Basics Nuclear Fission Basics
Mechanical Energy Mechanical energy is the sum of total potential energy and total kinetic energy Mechanical Energy = Pot Energy + KE Energy converts back and forth from PE to KE but mechanical energy always stays the same Ex. PE=70% and KE=30% ME=100% PE=40% and KE=60% ME=100% PE=40% and KE=60% ME=100%
Law of Conservation of Energy CCCConservation of energy states that energy can neither be created or destroyed, therefore amount of energy always stays the same