Mainstreaming Gender in the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves ENERGIA Practitioners and Policy Meet December 13, 2011 Corinne Hart Program Manager,


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Presentation transcript:

Mainstreaming Gender in the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves ENERGIA Practitioners and Policy Meet December 13, 2011 Corinne Hart Program Manager, Gender and Markets

3 billion people still cook on traditional or open fire stoves fueled by biomass, and 2m die annually from smoke exposure Women cook and are disproportionately affected Personal security at risk when out collecting fuel Health risks such as pneumonia, heart and lung disease, burns Opportunity costs are high High levels of drudgery – labor intensive and dangerous activities Time saved and/or better quality time Children could be in school Environment is impacted and climate change exacerbated Deforestation, soil erosion, food insecurity The Situation Today

Development of new stove technologies Private sector interest in Base of Pyramid Convergence of players and new approaches Availability of innovative carbon and micro financing Strong empirical evidence on health and environmental effects Ownership and excitement at national country level Old Issue, Renewed Momentum Why Now?

Photo Credit: Sunil LalPhoto Credit: E+CoPhoto Credit: GTZPhoto Credit: Nigel Bruce The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is an innovative public-private partnership to create a thriving global market for clean and efficient cookstoves and fuels. Save Lives Improve Livelihoods Empower Women Combat Climate Change The Alliance

Vision Universal adoption of clean and efficient cooking solutions Key Milestone 100 million households adopt clean and efficient stoves and fuels by 2020

The Alliance has over 240 Partners Denmark Finland Germany Ireland Malta Netherlands Norway Spain United Kingdom United States Donor Countries Private Sector Donors NGO Donors National Partners Bangladesh Burkina Faso Cambodia Colombia El Salvador Ethiopia Guatemala Kenya Lesotho Nigeria Rwanda Tanzania Peru Viet Nam Uganda

End Phase Key Message for Phase 3 The Need for an Alliance Lack of comprehensive vision and strategy to address household cooking energy issues at scale Limited awareness of the issue by high level policy makers, donors, private sector players Inadequacy of funding in the sector particularly when compared to resources committed to comparable issues (e.g. lack of electricity, clean water, malaria, AIDS, TB.) A wide range of complex barriers and inefficiencies that require a coordinated, cross-sectoral response

Igniting Change – A Strategy toward Universal Adoption of Clean Cookstoves 350+ experts 11 Working Groups Report released! Igniting Change: A Strategy for Universal Adoption of Clean Cookstoves and Fuels

Strengthen Supply Fostering an Enabling Environment Enhance Demand Finance clean cookstoves and fuels businesses at scale Access carbon finance Build an inclusive value chain for clean cookstoves and fuels Gather better market intelligence Ensure access for vulnerable populations Promote international standards and rigorous testing protocols Champion the sector to build awareness Further document the evidence base (health, climate, and gender) Engage national and local stakeholders Develop credible monitoring and evaluation systems Understand and motivate the user as customer Reach the last mile Finance the purchase of clean cookstoves and fuels Develop better cookstove technologies and a broader menu of options Sector Strategies for Success

Alliance – Phased Approach and Value Proposition End Phase Key Message for Phase 3 Catalyze Sector and Broker Partnerships Enable Markets Champion the Issue Mobilize Resources Promote International Standards Coordinate Sector Knowledge and Research Phase Define and rapidly grow sector Phase Clean Cookstoves a global priority Phase A sustainable market for clean cookstoves

Focus Countries Active Countries Partner Countries Country Level Engagement will be critical to sustainable success Alliance RoleLikely Target Countries Transformative, likely to require engagement 3+ years, multiple intervention strategies and actions East Africa Region (Tanzania, Nigeria, Uganda, Rwanda), Bangladesh, Viet Nam ‘Surgical’ intervention, likely 1- 3 years of engagement, extrapolation of learnings applicable to other partners China, India, Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Guatemala, Mexico (Brazil?, Cambodia? Peru?) Sharing of knowledge, practices, country tool kits, brokering partnerships amongst actors All other partner countries

A robust data driven approach has been utilized to prioritize countries Health impact (as % of total deaths) Relevance to other countries (in region and beyond) Environmental impacts (deforestation, desertification, biodiversity, and air pollution) Potential Indicators for Gender / Livelihoods Potential Impact (25%) Households Affected Extent of Current Market Activity (stoves being sold, potential market, etc) Structure of Potential Consumer Financing (MFIs, credit unions, etc) Political will, governance / flag instability, ease of doing business Lessons from Past or Present National Cookstove Programs Scalability / Potential Contribution to 100 M (25%) Traditional market-based approach in this sector and others Active implementing partners Potential implementing partners Current National Cookstove Programs Opportunity to Test Innovative Business Models (25%) Donor priority / interest Partner activities Complementary UNF programming Leveraging Other Resources (12.5%) % of Solid Fuel Use Rural Population Income per day (USD) Large humanitarian presence Greatest Need (12.5%)

Mainstreaming Gender in the Alliance Gender focal point Gender Cross-Cutting Committee Define and distribute gender-informed best practices for stove businesses If appropriate, gender requirements in RFPs Gender baseline assessments in focus countries Gender action planning for Alliance and partners Specific partner engagement strategies for organizations focused on gender and empowerment Gender-informed M&E (sex disaggregated data, gender-sensitive methodologies, etc.)

Mainstreaming Gender Throughout Alliance’s Phase 1 Priorities Enhance DemandStrengthen SupplyFoster Enabling Environment Research Customer Behavior and Segmentation Conduct Detailed Market Assessments in ‘Focus’and ‘Active’ countriesFinalize Interim Stove Ratings System (ISRS) and work towards Globally- recognized (likely ISO) Standards Enhance capacity and number of stove testing and improvement facilities Stove Social-Marketing Fund two pilots to test and strengthen inclusive supply-chain models, with a focus on women entrepreneurs. Fund three capacity-building orgs. to strengthen existing stove value-chains Increase Consumer Finance Opportunities Work with SAFE Task force to implement its recommendations Pilot clean cookstove distribution with two humanitarian agencies Constantly champion the sector through a wide range of profile-raising activities Mobilize Resources and partnership in the sector Health research studies Multi-scale global mapping of default emissions factors and non-renewability of fuelwood Alliance initiates two gender-related studies Technology Innovation FundDevelop a Working Capital Fund for Stove Businesses Pilot consumer adoption approaches for each of the Alliance three target segments Identify Existing Innovative Distribution Models Build awareness and recruit investors into clean cookstoves to enable scaled production – develop an investor marketplace microsite