Příjemce podpory – škola: Hotelová škola, Obchodní akademie a Střední průmyslová škola Teplice, Benešovo náměstí 1, p.o. Číslo projektu: CZ.1.07/1.5.00/ Název projektu: ICT ve výuce Číslo a název šablony klíčové aktivity: III/2 - Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT Název ověřovaného materiálu: Digitální učební materiál pro výuku anglického jazyka VY_32_INOVACE_JAA_215 Ročník: 3. Vzdělávací obor:Anglický jazyk Tematická oblast: Gramatika pro 3. ročník Hotelové školy obor Hotelnictví Téma:Phrasal Verbs II Jméno autora:Ing. Zdeněk Brabec Vytvořeno dne: Metodický popis, (anotace) Výukový materiál slouží k seznámení, procvičování, upevnění znalostí a komunikativní dovednosti specifické gramatiky a slovní zásoby a je doplněný o přiložené pracovní listy, které žáci vypracovávají v hodině po shlédnutí prezentace.
Phrasal Verbs II
English language full of phrasal verbs used in different situations and meanings. This presentation introduces a few of them in everyday situations: TURNSWITCH TAKE PUTFALLRUN DOMAKE FILL WARNING: English uses hundreds of phrasal verbs in thousands of meanings!!!
Phrasal Verbs II TURN ON --- put into operation – Turn on the oven. TURN OFF --- switch off – Turn off the lights before going to bed. TURN UP / DOWN --- Turn up the radio, I can‘t hear it. Turn down your stupid music. I don‘t want to listen to it. TURN ROUND / AROUND -- Turn round, I‘m not dressed yet. Turn around, you look great in the new dress. SWITCH ON / OFF = TURN ON / OFF
Phrasal Verbs II TAKE AWAY = remove --Take it away, I can‘t eat it. TAKE ON = hire new people --The company is taking on new staff TAKE OFF = put down / start a flight --- Take off your coat, it is fairly warm in here. The plane is taking off soon, it‘s approaching the runway. TAKE OVER = gain control --- The new management is taking over the company in crisis. PUT ON = wear --- Put on something warm, it‘s cold outside. PUT OUT = extinguish fire --- Put out your cigarette! PUT OFF= postpone --- We must put off the meeting till 3pm. PUT DOWN = remove clothing --- Put down your dirty clothes.
Phrasal Verbs II FALL IN LOVE WITH SB = unexplainable with pure reason…. = I think I am falling in love with her. FALL OVER / OUT OF / OFF = lose balance and unintentionally get down without grace --- He fell over a curb. It fell out of the box. He fell off the old ladder. RUN OUT OF = not to have anything left --- We have run out of petrol, I forgot to buy some in the morning, sorry. RUN AWAY = escape --- The prisoners ran away through the hole in the fence.
Phrasal Verbs II DO WITH / WITHOUT = live with / without – I can do with only 2 pounds a day. I can‘t do without coffee. DO AWAY WITH = end up with / give up / quit --- She did away with all her bad habits and started a new life. MAKE UP sb‘s. MIND = take a decision / choose --- You must make up your mind, you can‘t marry both of them. PUT UP WITH = bear / withstand --- You must put up with his moods, he the boss and nobody can change him. GET ON WITH = be on friendly terms --- I get on with my mother-in-law. FILL IN / UP = write in / complete / make full --- Please, fill in your name and address. Fill up the tank, please, premium unleaded.
WORKSHEET Use the appropriate phrasal verb: ………………… the radio, it is too loud. He ……. the wall and broke his arm. I can‘t ………………. tea. I drink 7 cups a day. I …………………… my ex-wife, we have no problems to talk together. Can you …………………… the questionnaire, please? You can’t buy both of them, ………………….. and choose one. ……………………….. the tank, we are driving far away tonight. I think I …………………………….. with her, I can’t sleep and my heart beats so fast. We have ……………………… coffee, would you like a cup of tea? The python can’t …………………………, it is in the cage. …………………………. your new dress when we are going out tonight. Madam, you do not have to ……………… everything, this is a dentist’s surgery. They …………………………. the morning meeting because of bad traffic. ……………………… the gas stove, I’d like to cook something.
WORKSHEET POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Turn down the radio, it is too loud. He fell off the wall and broke his arm. I can‘t do without tea. I drink 7 cups a day. I get on with my ex-wife, we have no problems to talk together. Can you fill in / out the questionnaire, please? You can’t buy both of them, make up your mind and choose one. Fill up the tank, we are driving far away tonight. I think I’ve fallen in love with her, I can’t sleep and my heart beats so fast. We have run out of coffee, would you like a cup of tea? The python can’t run away, it is in the cage. Put on your new dress when we are going out tonight. Madam, you do not have to put down / take off everything, this is a dentist’s surgery. They put off the morning meeting because of bad traffic. Turn on / switch on the gas stove, I’d like to cook something.
REFERENCES AND SOURCES OF MATERIAL: Sources: Photo: Author References: MURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, ISBN THOMSON, A.J.; MARTINET, A.V.. A Practical English grammar - fourth edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, ISBN 0 – – 4. PROCTER, Paul E. a kol. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. England: Longman Group UK Limited, 1992, ISBN SPENCER, David. Gateway B1+. England: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011, ISBN SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook - the third edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN SOARS, Liz; SOARS, John. New Headway Intermediate Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, ISBN