Syria IDP Operation 2014 Valid as of 14 January 2014
7 Jan ,389,000 individuals Provided with Core Relief Items Overview of 2013 CRI 207,905 individuals received cash assistance 92 shelters rehabilitated 173,562 benefitted from Protection /Community Service Activities 991,350 assisted with access to Health Care Locations approximate. For graphical representation only. Not for detailed planning Boundaries and locations shown do not imply official acceptance by the United Nations
7 Jan ,430 Beneficiaries benefited from winterized Core Relief Items (CRI) – All 14 Governorates reached Winterization Response 953,430 Beneficiaries Damascus Quneitra Rural Damascus Hassakeh Raqqa Deir es Zour Idleb Hama Lattakia Homs Sweida Dar`a Tartous Aleppo Aleppo 158,275 Idlib 55,500 Hama 49,250 Lattakia 17,000 Tartous 63,713 Homs 176,300 Damascus 155,500 Rural Damascus 166,892 Quneitra 3,200 Daraa 24,000 Sweida 10,000 Hassakeh 52,000 Raqqa 15,300 Deir es Zour 6,500 Locations approximate. For graphical representation only. Not for detailed planning Boundaries and locations shown do not imply official acceptance by the United Nations Winterization 1 Nov 2013 – 14 Jan 2014
7 Jan 2014 Core Relief Items (CRI) in 2014 As of 14 Jan 2014, UNHCR Dispatched CRI 199,073 items CRI distribution in 2014 has reached 87,750 individuals Distribution Methodology : CRI are distributed in accordance with the needs assessed by UNHCR staff and by implementing partners on the ground. In areas where everything is needed families receive a CRI Family Kit. The composition of which is aside. CRI Family Kit 3 Mattresses5 Blankets 3 Sleeping mats1 Jerry can DiapersSanitary napkins 1 Kitchen Set1 Hygiene Kit 1 Solar Lamp1 Plastic Sheet Summer:1 rechargeable fan Winter: 5 high thermal blankets instead of regular blankets + 1 extra plastic sheet Quantities are adjusted to family size Valid as of 14 January 2014 Damascus Quneitra Rural Damascus Hassakeh Raqqa Deir es Zour Idlib Hama Lattakia Homs Sweida Dar`a Tartous Aleppo Aleppo 6,500 Rural Damascus 5,500 Homs 19,500 Idlib 12,500 Tartous 17,500 Hama 10,250 Damascus 11,500 Sweida 5,000 Beneficiaries of CRI by location