2 © 2014 Selex ES S.p.A. – All rights reserved Finmeccanica Group at today date HELICOPTERS AgustaWestland NHIndustries Revenues EUR 4,243 mil. DEFENCE AND SECURITY ELECTRONICS DRS Technologies Selex ES Revenues EUR 5,754 mil. Workforce 25,183 Workforce 13,050 AERONAUTICS Alenia Aermacchi ATR Eurofighter GmbH SuperJet International Revenues EUR 2,974 mil. Workforce 11,708 DEFENCE SYSTEMS Oto Melara WASS MBDA Revenues EUR 1,256 mil. Workforce 3,963 SPACE Telespazio Thales Alenia Space Revenues EUR 1,053 mil. Workforce 4,131 TRANSPORTATION AnsaldoBreda Ansaldo STS BredaMenarinibus Revenues EUR 1,719 mil. Workforce 6,568
3 Unmanned ISTAR Architecture Evolution Yesterday Stove-piped Systems Sensors Data/images Ground Station Today Integrated Sensor Systems Platform centric Integrated Sensors & Processing Integrated Ground Stations Limited Data diffusion Tomorrow Netted Systems Mission centric Data Fusion Actionable Info Next Gen ISR payload Netted Operations
4 4 How can a UAS meet the requirement? “It’s not the vehicle itself that makes the difference, but the capability that the entire system can provide to deliver information to the Customer.” The payload suite performance is fundamental to meet a requirement, as well as air-vehicle technical specification. In general, the Unmanned Surveillance Systems are requested to integrate one or more of the following payload: – Electro Optical and Infrared Cameras (EO & IR) – Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) – Laser Range Finder / Laser indicator / Laser designator – COMINT & ESM, Electronic Warfare suites – Communication Relay package – NBC sensors – Weapons
5 AVIONICS MISSION PAYLOAD INTEGRATED LOGISTICS TRAINING AND SIMULATION GREEN AIRCRAFT SYSTEM GROUND SEGMENT MISSION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Point Surveillance Theatre Land Surveillance Maritime/Littoral Surveillance Broad Areas Surveillance MALE UAS Mini/Micro UAS Medium Altitude Endurance UAS Heavy Tactical UAS Deep Penetration Recce Recconnaissance w/w ISR SERVICES Develop Complete In-house Integration & Support Capability…
6 6 Operational flexibility: w/w deployment Chesnegirovo (Bulgaria) Chesnegirovo (Bulgaria) Sardinia (Italy) Africa Parc Aberporth (UK) Finland Middle East and Far East Commercial Traffic Insertion
7 © 2014 Selex ES S.p.A. – All rights reserved FALCO: a real innovation for UN Operations 15
8 EO/IR/LRF/Spotter Stabilized Turret ELINT Payload From suppliers to partners for Pakistan COMINT Payload Gabbiano Multimode Radar AIS Receiver (Automatic Identification System) Pico SAR/GMTI Our view is to enlarge the cooperation with LOCAL Technology Partners selected by the Customers, working together from Manufactoring to Integration and Logistic Support, using the feedback from the END USERS to increase the Performances, the Operational Capability and the Availability
9 From suppliers to partners for Pakistan
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