Develco Products A/S SummIT 2013 “Free” Home Automation as basis for the home of the future Common platform: Energy Savings Safety Health Care
Develco Products (DP): SME based in Aarhus Founded in 1990 / 2007 Products for Energy savings and Automation Primarily for Utilities and Telcos Company Info
Energy Savings ! Manual (Switch of the light) Semi (Light is on – switch it off) Automatic (Light switch off when you leave) Challenges: Expensive Infrastructure Multiple systems (ZigBee, Z-Wave, IO-Home, WMBus…) Energy Savings - Challenges
Solution: Common platform: One standard for all products One platform with multiple standards “Dit Hus” - Home-Port: Project lead by AAU Multiple wireless standards DP: ZigBee equipment (Gateway - EMI) Home Port
Roll-Out strategy: Low-Cost gateway Infrastructure paid by energy savings Multiple same infrastructure Strategy
Communication Server Energiy Optimize SaSeCo Energiy Optimize SaSeCo Cloud Home Internet Gateway A B C Wireless Comm. A Gateway B Energy reader C On/Off + meter 1 Server (Cloud) 2 Energy DB 3 Web Basic installation - Energy
Energy Awareness - SaSeCo
Since the gateways is based on the broad open standard ZigBee, the Gateway can be reused for safety devices. Examples of Safety products: - Remote controle – In/Out - DoorLock - PIR sensors – Alarm and/or savings - Smoke detectors - Door/Window sensors Installation is easy without wiring and can be done by the residents. Safety expansions can be combined with e.g. Home Care devices Expansions – Safety
Communication Server Energi Awareness Cloud Home A B C A-Smoke detector, B-Door/Window sensor, C-PIR sensor Alarm server Other systems e.g. Alarm company Expansions – Safety
Since the gateways is based on the broad open standard ZigBee, the Gateway can be reused for Home Care products. This enables elderly and sick people to stay longer in their own home. Examples of Home Care products: - Door locks – enables easy access of nursing staff - Fall alarm - Stove watch - Bed alarm - Emergency button - Blood pressure measurement Installation is easy without wiring and can e.g. be done by nursing staff. Home Care expansions can be combined with e.g. safety devices Expansions – Home Care
Communication Server Energy Awareness Cloud Home A B C A-Door lock, B-Blood pressure, C-PIR, Temp, Stove watch etc. Expansions – Home Care Care server Other systems e.g. Municipalities and Doctors Other systems e.g. Municipalities and Doctors
Who will install the gateway initially? Numerous of partners can sponsor the gateway: Telcos: Extra services Utilities: Extra services + Documented services Building societies: Savings + better service Municipalities: Home Care = Economical Savings Residents: Savings + comfort + safety Private companies (ESCo?) Initiative
What challenges do we see? Chicken and Egg: No GW – No Products, visa versa Gateway owner: Alarm comp to use Telco gateway? Numerous standards: ZigBee, IO-Home, Z-wave, WM-Bus… Non standard products: e.g. Wireless IHC We WILL break these barriers Challenges
Thank you for listening Contact: Develco Products A/S Poul Eriksen Contact