Caroline Saccucci CIP Program Specialist U.S. & Publisher Liaison Division Library of Congress BIBCO/NACO At-Large Meeting ALA Annual 2011 Sunday, June 26 New Orleans, LA ECIP Cataloging Partnership Program Update & CIP E-Book Initiative
2 Current ECIP partners National Library of Medicine National Agricultural Library Cornell University Northwestern University University of Wisconsin- Madison Stanford University Texas A&M University Duke University University of Chicago Brigham Young University Ohio State University University of Hawaii, Manoa University of Pennsylvania Queens Library Frick Art Reference Library
3 Our newest partners University of Pennsylvania Queens Public Library 1 st public library Children’s fiction Frick Art Reference Library 1 st art library Getty Research Institute (pending)
4 Partner ECIP Production FY2009 3,521 titles cataloged FY2010 4,635 titles cataloged +844 titles or +32% FY2011 through May 2011 2,937 titles cataloged
5 Current partners with expanded subject coverage Cornell University Southeast Asian studies Northwestern University African studies University of Wisconsin- Madison American Society of Microbiology University of Chicago (pending) Classical music Classics Linguistics Pakistan Mongolia Russia
6 Why join the program or expand your partnership? You provide your subject expertise for the newest works Make purchase decisions early Build or strengthen the relationship with your university or institutional press Counts toward your PCC contribution Great for telework It’s fun!
7 Program requirements Your library is a BIBCO library An interest in the newest publications Both LC and Dewey libraries welcome If interested, contact: Karl Debus-López Acting Chief U.S. & Publisher Liaison Division Library of Congress
8 CIP E-Book Initiative Serve libraries and publishers Repurpose ECIP records Simultaneous print and e-book publications 3 test publishers ABC-CLIO University Press of Mississippi O’Reilly E-book record based on print record Automatically generated PCC Provider-Neutral E-Monograph MARC Record Guide Distributed to OCLC but suppressed locally
9 CIP E-Book Initiative Start date to be determined Invite selected publishers Agreement on terms of access E-book data storage CIP data block E-book copyright page For more information: Presentation at the LC booth at 3:30 today
10 Thank you! Caroline Saccucci