The ALICE Framework at GSI Kilian Schwarz ALICE Meeting August 1, 2005
Overview ALICE framework What part of ALICE framework is installed where at GSI and how can it be accessed/used ALICE Computing model (Tier architecture) Resource consumption of individual tasks Resources at GSI and GridKa
Software installed at GSI: AliRoot Installed at: /d/alice04/PPR/AliRoot Newest version: AliRoot v Environment setup via: >. gcc32login >. gcc32login >. alilogin dev/new/pro/version-number >. alilogin dev/new/pro/version-number gcc not supported anymore gcc not supported anymore corresponding ROOT version initialized, too corresponding ROOT version initialized, too * responsible person: Kilian Schwarz * responsible person: Kilian Schwarz
Software installed at GSI: ROOT (AliRoot is heavily based on ROOT) Installed at: /usr/local/pub/debian3.0/gcc323-00/rootmgr Newest version: Environment setup via >. gcc32login / alilogin or rootlogin >. gcc32login / alilogin or rootlogin Responsible persons:Responsible persons: - Joern Adamczewski / Kilian Schwarz - Joern Adamczewski / Kilian Schwarz See also: also:
Software installed at GSI: geant3 (needed for simulation: accessed via VMC) Installed at: /d/alice04/alisoft/PPR/geant3 Newest version: v1-3 Environment setup via gcc32login/alilogin Responsible person: Kilian Schwarz
Software at GSI: geant4/Fluka (simulation: accessed via VMC) Both so far not heavily used from ALICE Geant4: standalone versions up to G4.7.1 newest VMC version: geant4_vmc_1.3 Fluka: not installed so far by me Environment setup via >. gsisimlogin [-vmc] dev/new/prod/version >. gsisimlogin [-vmc] dev/new/prod/version See also also Responsible person: Kilian SchwarzResponsible person: Kilian Schwarz
Software at GSI: event generators (task: simulation) Installed at: /d/alice04/alisoft/PPR/evgen Available: - Pythia5 - Pythia5 - Pythia6 - Pythia6 - Venus - Venus Responsible person: Kilian SchwarzResponsible person: Kilian Schwarz
Software at GSI: AliEn The ALICE Grid Environment Currently being set up in the version2 (AliEn2) Installed at: /u/aliprod/alien Idea: global production and analysis Environment setup via..alienlogin Copy certs from /u/aliprod/.globus or register own certs Usage: /u/aliprod/bin/alien (proxy-init/login) Then: register files and submit grid-jobs Or: directly from ROOT !!! Status: global AliEn2 production testbed currently being set up. Will be used for LCG SC3 in September Individual analysis of globally distributed Grid data at the latest during LCG SC via AliEn/LCG/PROOF Non published analysis possible already now: - create AliEn-ROOT Collection (xml file readable via AliEn) - create AliEn-ROOT Collection (xml file readable via AliEn) - analyse via ROOT/PROOF (TFile::Open(“alien://alice/…”) - analyse via ROOT/PROOF (TFile::Open(“alien://alice/…”) - Web Frontend being created via ROOT/QT - Web Frontend being created via ROOT/QT Responsible person: Kilian Schwarz
AliEn2 services (see Local scheduler ALICE VO – central services Central Task Queue Job submission File Catalogue Configuration Accounting User authentication Computing Element Workload management Job Monitoring Storage Element(s) DB Data Transfer Storage Element Cluster Monitor AliEn Site services Disk and MSS Existing site components ALICE VO – Site services integration
Software at GSI: Globus Installed at: /usr/local/globus2.0 and /usr/local/grid/globus /usr/local/grid/globus Versions globus2.0 and 2.4 Idea: can be used to send batch jobs to GridKa (far more resources available than at GSI) Environment setup via:. globuslogin Usage: > grid-proxy-init (Grid certificate needed !!!) > grid-proxy-init (Grid certificate needed !!!) > globus-job-run/submit Grid/Batch job > globus-job-run/submit Grid/Batch job Responsible person: Victor Penso/Kilian SchwarzResponsible person: Victor Penso/Kilian Schwarz
GermanGrid CA How to get a certificate in detail: See
Software at GSI: LCG Installed at: /usr/local/grid/lcg Newest version: LCG2.5 Idea: global batch farm Environment setup:. lcglogin Usage: > grid-proxy-init (Grid certificate needed !!!) > grid-proxy-init (Grid certificate needed !!!) > edg-job-submit batch/grid job (jdl-file) > edg-job-submit batch/grid job (jdl-file) See also: also: Responsible person: Victor Penso, Anar Manafov, Kilian SchwarzResponsible person: Victor Penso, Anar Manafov, Kilian Schwarz
LCG: the LHC Grid Computing project (with ca. 11k CPUs world’s largest Grid Testbed)
Software at GSI: PROOF Installed at: /usr/local/pub/debian3.0/gcc323-00/rootmgr Newest version: ROOT Idea: parallel analysis of larger data sets for quick/interactive results Personal PROOF Cluster at GSI, integrated in batch farm, can be set up via > prooflogin (e.g. number of slaves, data to be analysed, -h (help)) > prooflogin (e.g. number of slaves, data to be analysed, -h (help)) See also: also: Later personal PROOF Cluster including GSI and GridKa via Globus possibleLater personal PROOF Cluster including GSI and GridKa via Globus possible Later global PROOF Cluster via AliEn/D-Grid possibleLater global PROOF Cluster via AliEn/D-Grid possible Responsible person: Carsten Preuss, Robert Manteufel, Kilian SchwarzResponsible person: Carsten Preuss, Robert Manteufel, Kilian Schwarz
Parallel Analysis of Event Data root Remote PROOF Cluster proof TNetFile TFile Local PC $ root ana.C stdout/obj node1 node2 node3 node4 $ root root [0] tree.Process(“ana.C”) $ root root [0] tree.Process(“ana.C”) root [1] gROOT->Proof(“remote”) $ root root [0] tree.Process(“ana.C”) root [1] gROOT->Proof(“remote”) root [2] dset->Process(“ana.C”) ana.C proof proof = slave server proof proof = master server #proof.conf slave node1 slave node2 slave node3 slave node4 *.root TFile
LHC Computing Model (Monarc and Cloud) LHC Computing Model (Monarc and Cloud) One Tier 0 site at CERN for data taking ALICE (Tier 0+1) in 2008: 500 TB disk (8%), 2 PB tape, 5.6 MSI2K (26%) Multiple Tier 1 sites for reconstruction and scheduled analysis 3 PB disk (46%), 3.3 PB tape 9.1 MSI2K (42%) Tier 2 sites for simulation and user analysis 3 PB disk(46%), 7.2 MSI2K (33%)
ALICE Computing model more in detail: T0 (CERN): long term storage for raw data, calibration and first reconstruction T1 (5, in Germany GridKa): long term storage of second copy of raw data, 2 subsequent reconstructions, scheduled analysis tasks, reconstruction of MC Pb-Pb data, long term storage of data processed at T1s and T2s T2 (many, in Germany GSI): generate and reconstruct simulated MC data and chaotic analysis T0/T1/T2: short term storage in multiple copies of active data T3 (many, in Germany T3 (many, in Germany Münster, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, GSI) chaotic analysis
CPU requirements and Event size p-p / KSI2k x s/ev. Heavy Ion KSI2k x s/ev. Reconstruction5.468 Scheduled analysis Chaotic analysis Simulation (ev. cr. and rec.) (2-4 hours on standard PC) Raw / MB ESD / MB AOD / MB Raw MC ESD MC p-p Heavy Ion
ALICE Tier resources Tier0Tier1sTier2sTotal CPU (MSI2k) Disk (PB) Tape (PB) Bandwidth in (Gb/s) Bandwidth out (Gb/s)
GridKa (1 of 5 T1s) GridKa (1 of 5 T1s) IN2P3, CNAF, GridKa, NIKHEF, (RAL), Nordic, USA (effective ~5) ramp up time: due to shorter runs and reduced luminosity at the beginning not full resources needed: 20% 2007, 40% 2008, 100% end of Total Status CPU (kSI2k) Disk (TB) 28 (50% used) Tape (TB)
GSI + T3(support for the 10% German ALICE members) +++Total Status CPU (kSI2k) 64 Dual P4, 20 DP3, (80 DOpteron new bought) (800) T3 Disk (TB) 2.23 (0.3 free) – 15 TB new T3 Tape (TB) 190 (100 used) T3: Münster, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, GSI