Master Specialization ABCDE Architectural Building Components Design Engineering The challenges are: Sustainability Reducing complexity Architectural innovation Integration of design and planning Stakeholder management Virtual reality New materials supporting Leaner production Faster and cheaper production Less failure and less waste Cradle to cradle Entrepreneurs in Building industry look for engineers that handle the challenge The Faculty of Engineering Technology aims at reaching high performance in research and in educating Bachelors, Masters and PhD levels. Newest knowledge and methods will be accessible for our students, in order to become fully equipped engineering designers, confident in interdisciplinary approaches and competent in design and engineering management as well as in process management. A new approach to innovation and collaboration in building industry Master industrial design engineering (MS c )
STUDENTS LOOK FOR CHALLENGING DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Students, employers and members of Institutes of higher eduction know that a single dimensional society is not challenging anymore. Engineering products in building industry are important in creating an adaptive society that can recreate democracy and sustainability for mankind. New approaches have to be developed. University of Twente educates the appropriate engineers for those firms taking the lead. DESIGN OF SUSTAINABLE BUILDING COMPONENTS Students will learn how to generate and select ideas and how to create design concepts that are do not necessarily fit into the existing market. Therefor they will materialize a concept to the stage of a prototype. Craftsmen product development before local handyman result New materials make other functions possible ENGINEERING OF DESIGN AND COLLABORATION PROCESSES Students will know how to analyze market demands and user needs along with technological and social opportunities. Students will develop their personal design approach, focussing on collaboration. Atmosphere in line with sustainability demands Interior design in contrast to interior decoration MANAGEMENT OF ARCHITECTURAL INNOVATIONS IN DYNAMIC SOCIETY Students will take into account market launch, the product, production and design costs as well as the life cycle costs. Students will be able to distinguish between private costs and social gains. Old ideas in new materialization concepts Industrial prefabrication for consumer oriented building Partners in the MSc. ABCDE will be: The suppliers in Dutch and German Building Industry, who want to expand their R&D. The small, medium and large contractors who want professionally trained engineers with profound management knowledge. The engineering firms who need young project managers knowing the latest methods in innovation management, specifically for the building industry. The young BSc. students from all kinds of engineering disciplines, who want to direct their career towards designing industrial components in architecture, civil engineering and industrial design. Components of buildings can be design individually as well as combined to larger buildings..