This material of Planning schemes of KNP (used from 1994 and newest from 2005 without official state) based on cooperation with STATE SERVICE FOR PROTEGTED AREAS under the Ministry of Environment, in concrete specialists from DIVISION OF PLANNING AND CADASTRE. The Nida fragment with subdivided areas according zones from newest Planning scheme THE ASPECTS OF THE MANAGEMENT OF CURONIAN NATIONAL PARK BASED ON LAST AND NEWEST PLANNING SCHEMES Dr. A.Bautrėnas*, Dr. R. Morkūnaitė**, Prof.,Hb. Dr. A.Česnulevičius* *Vilnius University, Lithuania ** Institute of Geology and Geography, Lithuania The fragment of earlier rout to Nagliai mount with markers The view of prepared rout to Nagliai mount with information stend and brushwood The distribution of physical objects in KNP according Planning scheme, 1994 (auth. J. Bucas) The landscape of the Curonian Spit is a unique creation of cultural heritage formed by extreme circumstances and human involvement up to the middle of the twentieth century. It reminds us of the ecological and spiritual culture of the ethnic groups that resided there, their way of life and rural economy which resulted in consciously crated a forest-park symbol by a human being. It gives us huge emotional satisfaction. Therefore, the Curonian Spit has ethno-cultural and architectural value. However, to legalize the Curonian Spit as the monument of ethno-cultural and architectural heritage is impossible since there is no such a legal regulation in Lithuania's Monument Preservation Institution. Thus, the guarding of the Curonian Spit is mostly ecological. The most important aim is to preserve it's environmental stability, cultural and ethical uniqueness and recreational charm. KNNP planning scheme was produced by Architecture and Building Institutes and private enterprise "Architektai ir Planuotojai". KNNP's planning scheme should be one of the sources in preparing a more detailed study of the Curonian Spit. KNNP goals are described and approved by the Government of Lithuania in its Act. The following goals include: - to preserve the stability of the Curonian Spit's ecological system; - to preserve the Main Dune Ridge and its parabolic dunes by Juodkrante, the Grey dunes in Agila-Naglis part, drifting sand of Parnadis Dune, the preventive for Main Dune Ridge, and the Spit's unique flora and fauna; - to maintain its cultural heritage and traditional architecture: ethnographic fishermen's farmsteads old estates and the places of historic heritage; -to develop environmental and other scientific research and monitoring plans; -to promote the area's spiritual, cultural, and environmental ideas; KNNP landscape preservation concept (main author is Prof.Dr. P Kavaliauskas.) is based on these fundamental principles: -Harmony and Balance. -Qualitative but not quantitative development. -Ties with the Curonian Lagoon and the seacoast. Harmony and Balance is understood as a synthesis of 4 main elements: Nature, Cultural Heritage, Natives, and Visitors. Ignoring one of these elements would mean to disturb the balance we want to achieve in the Curonian Spit. In the National Parks Management Plans the following directions of activity are planned: -widening of protection and scientific research measures -development of organised ecological tourism along the routs and trails -improvement of the National Park logistics -development of the entvironmental education among students and pupils -widening of the tourist service sphere for visitors In accordance with the developed plans the following zones have been defined: Conservation, protection, recreational, residential, economic. These common data about Planning schemes of KNP are for your attention.