The Newest Video Library Feature: Math Studio Talk
Videos for Multiple Audiences All available in the next few weeks, there are 30 new videos available on EngageNY A combination of videos for teachers, administrators and coaches, and parents Most of the new videos designed for math instruction, but 13 of them are ELA focused
Video Overview 13 Math Studio Talk Videos, featuring Nick Timpone Organized by domain, videos unpack many of the standards in grades K-5 and show connections to instructional shifts and practice standards Describe classroom activities to support lesson planning 3 K-5 Math Videos for Parents Organized into 3 grade bands, videos provide a short explanation of the standards, define “new” math vocabulary, and show examples of models and manipulatives students will use to solve problems Task Talk Video, featuring Teri Calabrese-Gray Teri walks through the components of a rigorous task and demonstrates instructional use of two tasks
Activity: Using the K-5 Studio Talk Videos for Professional Development Watch the 3.NBT and 3.NF Video and fill out the note-catcher while you watch. Focus on first blank column – Notes and Focus Questions Finish filling out your note catcher Discussion with Partner 3 things that you found effective about this video 2 things that surprised you, or any a-ha moments 1 way you will use this video for professional development Group Debrief– 2 pairs share Watch the 4.NBT video and repeat protocol