United States Air Force USAF Small Arms Program Introductions Lt Col Doug Miller Chief, Training and Combat Arms Division HQ Air Force Security Forces Center Lackland AFB TX DSN: 945-7504
Overview AF Small Arms Master Plan (AFSAMP) M4 Carbine M240B Machine gun M203 Day/Night Sight Frangible munitions Planned Procurements
AFSAMP Complimentary document to the JSSAMP Coordinated AF-wide with Security Forces and other weapons carrying specialties Provides AF specific direction JSSAMP provides vehicle to join larger branches in procurement efforts The Air Force Small Arms Master Plan (AFSAMP) describes the basic tenets of current and future weapons--from the guiding principles, policy and strategy to the research, development, acquisition and fielding of small arms weapons. It serves as the framework for near-, mid-, and far-term weapon capabilities and the basis for projecting expanded weapon capabilities into future conflicts. The AFSAMP gives a general overview of the personal, individual, crew served and mission specific small arms weapon categories and goes on to discuss fire control systems and ammunition.
M4 Carbine Description Current Status Delivery Schedule The M4 Carbine is the newest member of the M16 series of weapons. The Security Forces version is equipped with an M68 Close Combat Optic (CCO) and a Back-up Iron sight. The CCO is compatible with our night vision equipment. M4 will replace all daily use M16A2s, GAUs and GUUs for Security Forces, Special Forces and select Group A AFSCs utilizing these weapons (Battlefield Airmen) Delivery Schedule Deliveries began Dec 02. As of Apr 04, 16,700 of 40,000 M4s have been delivered. We have had some delivery delays due to back-up iron sight delivery problems. Colt is installing and test firing with the sights before shipment. Until we work out a sight solution for mounting the M203 on the M4, our units are keeping their current M203s mounted on M16A2s.
M240B Machine Gun Description Current Status Delivery Schedule The M240B is the replacement for the M60 medium machine gun. 3 “hard broke” upper receivers after 50-60K rounds M145 MGOs programmed for FY04 and FY05 Delivery Schedule Deliveries began Oct 02. As of Apr 04, 2,500 of 3,000 M240Bs have been shipped. Our units are very anxious to get the M240Bs. Our M60s are way past their life cycle and very unreliable. The feed tray issue originally appeared to be with old style (bottlenose) blank rounds, but upon closer review included all blank rounds due to non-conforming feed trays produced by a subcontractor. We recently received 10 new feed trays from a production run of 100 and will get the shipments started back up as soon as we can. We understand our some of our Army brethren would like to get their hands on the weapons we have placed on hold. We do not recommend that action as those weapons need the non-conforming feed trays replaced and it will adversely affect our mission to delay our shipment even further.
M203 Day/Night Sight Description Current Status Delivery Schedule Insight Technology’s M203 Day/Night Sight (DNS) provides a 24-hour operational capability for the M203 40mm Grenade Launcher with either 9” or 12” barrels. It increases first round hit probability over the current quadrant and leaf sight system at ranges from 50 to 400 meters. The DNS expands the effective use and capability to 24 hour operations. DNS were presented to the Security Forces Equipment and Weapons Standardization Configuration Board. The next step is operational testing and to present to the MAJCOMs for input and determine if there is interest in an AF buy where every MAJCOM contributes funds to achieve a lower per unit price due to a higher quantity buy. Delivery Schedule This effort may work favorably toward our M203 to M4 solution, but funds are not currently available. We are talking to the vendor, but would really like to see this item incorporate a laser range finder integral to the sight system. N/A at this point. Schedule OPR: AFSFC/SFOR
Frangible Non-Toxic Munitions Environmental, health problems, and range destruction caused by lead from small arms bullets are prevalent throughout the AF. Source reduction is mandated in pollution prevention by Executive Order 12856, Federal Compliance with Right to Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements Frangible, Non-Toxic, munitions are being procured to meet this mandate and will be used for Category D Training Munitions only. The only remaining USAF munitions to be identified for procurement is the 7.62 mm These munitions used exclusively for training address environmental and health hazards associated with firing on our predominantly 25 meter semi enclosed and fully enclosed firing ranges.
Planned Procurements Near Term M145 Machine gun optics FY 04/05 Shotgun program replacement FY04/05 M9 replacement with 92 FS FY04/10 Procurement of non-lethal weapons/munitions Unfunded Requirement Replace entire M16 inventory with M4s