Presented by: Isabelle Le Mouillour Vocational education and training systems in Europe Diversity in one A comparative perspective Presented by: Isabelle Le Mouillour
What am I referring to … Number of European Member States? Number of VET systems? Number of young people engaged in VET? Across countries, what is the meaning of VET? means linking education/training with labour market needs
Employment share by skill level, 2000-25, (EU 27+) Cedefop, 2013, briefing note
Youth unemployment rates in selected EU countries (2000/12) Greece Spain Portugal Italy Irland Netherlands Germany % of youths aged 15 to 24 years; Eurostat data I Z A COMPACT | June 2013
Upper secondary VET: a more frequent choice among boys than girls Cedefop, 2012
Some dimensions for comparison What is understood by „VET graduate“ across European countries? Where does the learning take place? duality or apprenticeship type systems Alternance type systems Informal apprenticeship-type systems School-based VET Which is the legal status of learners in VET ? Employees Apprentices Pupils Which organisations are involved? Which are the competent bodies? Alternance = internship Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
VET models in comparison State involvement in VET High Centralised system (Sweden) Collective system (Denmark, Germany) low Liberal system (USA, UK) Segmented system (Japan) high Involvement of employers in VET Busemeyer, 2012
Industrial relations, skill formation systems, social dialogue in VET Organisational space, after LM entry IE, UK; US Organisational space, before LM entry EE, ES, GR, FR, HU, IT, LT, LV, PL Occupational space, before LM entry AT, CZ, DK, DE, NL, NO, SE, SI Involvement of firms: low Public commitment: low IE, UK; US Public commitment: high SE, FR Involvement of firms: high AT, DK, DE Workplace, market-led: IE, NL, UK School, state-regulated: BE, ES, FI, FR, IS, NO, PT, SE Workplace, state-regulated: AT, DK, DE ACVT seminar
Initiative for VET in Europe Newest initiative to foster vocational education and training cooperation between European countries Initiative by Member States Development of work-place based education and training Coordination: BIBB; German Ministry for Education and Research with their counterparts in Portugal, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Slovakia and Italy Start December 2012 Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Memorandum Ministerial Conference in Berlin on 10 and 11 December 2012: Seven European countries: Germany, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Slovakia and Italy Agreement: necessity of increasing cooperation launching effective and sustainable cooperative activities to encourage and where appropriate establish dual forms of work based vocational education and training in the partner countries. Approach: No copy another country’s system, but to see how the essential features of dual education models can be developed within another system; In particular: close fit between qualifications and jobs, involvement of social partners European context: support the implementation of the agreed European objectives as stated in “Rethinking Education” (Commission Communication of 20 November 2012) Part of the European Alliance for Apprenticeship (July 2013) Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Fields of action in the Memorandum 1. Establishing vocational education and training as an attractive, high-quality career preparation scheme based on labour market needs 2. Involving the social partners and the private sector as responsible players in vocational education and training 3. Supporting each other in the modernization of vocational education and training 4. Increasing mobility in vocational education and training as a contribution to the development of a European labour market and education area 5. Linking efforts to existing European cooperation in the field of vocational education and training and making use of EU programmes and structures Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Field 1: VET as an attractive option Possible activities: Enhancing the acceptance of vocational education and training Implementing measures to improve opportunities for transfer between educational pathways Creating options for consecutive careers by linking vocational education and training to further training Launching information campaigns and measures to promote vocational education and training that address the target groups of young people, parents and enterprises Winning enterprises’ support for work based training by demonstrating the economic value of company‐based training Introducing career orientation phases in schools at an early stage, providing practical insights as a regular supplement to school education Refocusing career counselling to support the introduction of dual vocational education and training. Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Field 2: Social partners and private sector as responsible players in VET Possible activities: Elaborating new funding models Introducing extended practice periods in enterprises to supplement school training Testing practice periods Enhancing enterprises willingness to provide training; collaborative training models Supporting business and chamber organizations in entering into long‐term bilateral partnership arrangements Initiating an exchange of experience (guidance, support during training, needs of the training market) Establishing national, regional and sectoral training pacts between the private sector, policy makers and the social partners Promoting regional and sectoral potential analyses Establishing chambers of commerce abroad and business organizations as relevant partners in vocational education and training Setting up regional vocational education and training committees Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Towards specific projects and measures Countries: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Slovakia, Latvia Stages: Characteristics of the different types of training systems Identification of contacts and potential project partners Mandate for the working groups Role of social partners Annual work programmes ‚Roadmap‘ Development and coordination of concepts for cooperation Identification of pilot projects ‚Flagship projects‘ Implementation of pilot projects Evaluation and dissemination of results of pilot projects Projects mean also Organisation of peer learning for decision makers and VET stakeholders Capacity building Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
The organisations involved Leading organisations: Ministries in charge of education and VET, BIBB and its counterparts in the different countries Bilateral working groups: Competent bodies: ministries or agencies at federal / national / regional levels Chambers of commerce and industry, of crafts Employers’ organisations Employees’ organisations / trade unions / foundations Representatives of the civil society Enterprises VET schools researchers Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
The Federal Institute for VET (BIBB) contribution The BIBB national and international centre of competence for initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany, improvement of vocational education and training by means of research, advisory services and development member of all bilateral working groups and is in charge of the conceptual development of the activities Its portfolio includes Relationship between the different VET models and access to the labour market Duration and costs of the training Access requirements to the VET programmes and qualifications awarding Relationship between qualifications, professional occupations and VET standards National qualifications framework Procedures for obtaining VET formal qualifications, and academic and professional value of the learning outcomes acquired outside the VET systems Relationship between vocational qualifications and exercise regulations Teachers’ and trainers’ credentials, pedagogical requirements Reinforced cooperation between business and vocational education and training Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Diversity in one, what is the ONE? European VET area: European VET policy: „Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes” Developing world-class vocational education and training to raise the quality of vocational skills; Promoting work based learning including quality traineeships, apprenticeships and dual learning models to help the transition from learning to work; Promoting partnerships between public and private institutions (to ensure appropriate curricula and skills provision); Promoting mobility through the proposed Erasmus + programme A European reference system to come: Learning outcomes approach within VET Development of European and national qualifications frameworks European taxonomy of skills, competences, and occupations (ESCO) Validation and recognition mechanisms for access to national/regional E&T systems and labour market Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1
Thank you for your attention Contact details: Isabelle Le Mouillour Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) Head of unit 1.1 " Basic Issues of Internationalisation / Monitoring of Vocational Education and Training Systems“ Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 / D - 53175 Bonn Tel.: +49-228107-1602 Fax: +49-228107-2963 E-Mail: Isabelle Le Mouillour – AB 1.1