A Successful RHIO Implementation dbMotion and SOA A Successful RHIO Implementation
The dbMotion™ Solution The dbMotion Solution securely shares medical information, creating a Virtual Patient Record by logically connecting a group of care providers and organizations without data centralization. All information remains in its original format, location, system and ownership. On-demand, relevant information is instantly integrated, analyzed and delivered to the point of care, enabling clear critical decisions. The dbMotion Solution ™ is a Web-based technology that gives participating healthcare organizations secure access to select components of patient medical files maintained at facilities that are otherwise unconnected or have no common technology through which to share data. This is accomplished by creating a “virtual patient record” (VPR) that integrates relevant patient information, while allowing all source information to remain intact in the original system, location and format. Data can be shared within and across organizations even if standardization of language and protocols (i.e., interoperability) has not been achieved.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Concept “SOA is a form of technology architecture that adheres to the principles of service orientation. When realized through the Web services technology platform, SOA establishes the potential to support and promote these principles throughout the business process and automation domains of an enterprise.” Thomas Erl, Founder of SOA Systems Inc. (www.soasystems.com) The dbMotion platform provides two infrastructure layers that completely conform to the above definition and are designed according to the main SOA principals: The Business Layer - responsible for the execution of business processes represents stateful long-running interactions in which each interaction has a beginning, defined behavior during its lifetime, and an end. The Communication Layer - responsible for the collection of clinical data from various dbMotion Nodes defined in the system enterprise using dbMotion communication protocols. SOA is an encapsulation of complicated business process and distributed data integration processes contract between different elements
VPO - Virtual Patient Object To review how the VPO is created click here
Standards and Technology The technology platform for dbMotion SOA has been chosen in the context of industry standards that are provided by standards organizations and are published in Web services and XML specifications. The following key WS-* extensions are used to accomplish the SOA tasks in dbMotion: WS-Addressing – standardizes the representation of business domains and communication engine endpoint locations and unique correlation values that tie together request and response exchanges. WS – Security – provides implementations of message-level security messages. Additional extensions implement authentication and authorization control, which protect business domains and communication engine components from malicious requestors. WS – Federation – enables collaboration across multiple dbMotion security/trust Nodes using the dbMotion user principal objects. WS – Attachments – enables attachments of BLOB (images, reports, etc.) while dbMotion communication servers exchange the clinical data between two Nodes.
Standards and Technology (cont.) To adhere to the SOA industry standards dbMotion utilizes the Web Services Enhancements for Microsoft .NET (WSE) that provides infrastructure for building Web services using the latest Web services protocols, including WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation, and WS-Addressing. At its heart, WSE is an engine for applying advanced Web service protocols to SOAP messages. Upon this infrastructure dbMotion built a set of reusable modules that can be easily implemented without the a detailed understanding of SOA standards. The next release of dbMotion platform will use the newest Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) infrastructure which allows dbMotion development of SOA components through a service-oriented programming model in which programs are composed using asynchronous message passing. To enable this programming model, WCF provides a rich set of technologies for creating, consuming, processing, and transmitting messages. Ak
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