VA Advisory Committee on Women Veterans October 27, 2009 Marianne Mathewson-Chapman PhD, ARNP The New Generation of Female Warriors as Citizen Service Members
Challenges of Guard/Reserve Women Veterans G/R return to hometown and not military base Community based and dispersed to 4,000 communities Limited knowledge about VA services Age Stigma about mental health care Pride, inability to ask for help, not admit there is a problem there is a problem Limited time for decompression Accessible VA and community resources
Multiple VA and Community Services Needed ReserveComponentsVeteran & Family ReserveComponentsVeteran Health Care Vocational Rehabilitation Employment Housing Transportation Mental Health Training Education Legal Assistance Prosthetics Insurance Marriage And Family Spiritual Support
The Seven Touches of VA Outreach for Newest Veterans The Seven Touches of VA Outreach for Newest Veterans Demobilization YRRP PDHRA TAA and State Coalitions Internet IRR Muster CVCC
Reaching Out in the Deployment Cycle Pre-Mobilization Deployment Post- Deployment Reintegration YRRP Support ( day Events) RC Demobilization Initiative IRR Muster Initiative Combat Veteran Call Initiative PDHRA Screening 3-6 months YRRP Support (Pre-Mob Events) TAA Collaboration Internet Website Welcome Home
7 Demobilization Initiative Demobilization Initiative IRR Musters IRR Musters Combat Veteran Call Center Combat Veteran Call Center Transition Assistance Advisors (NG) Transition Assistance Advisors (NG) PDHRA PDHRA Yellow Ribbon Yellow Ribbon Internet Website Internet Website Reaching Out to New Veterans
DemobilizationInitiative Army Navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard Army Navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard #1 Touched: >60,000 Enrolled: >57, Demob Sites
LEWIS HOOD RILEY SILL BLISS BENNING BRAGG DIX ACTIVE DUTY DEMOBILIZATION SITES 15-ARMY----4-NAVY USMC McCOY Reserve Components Demobilization Sites 2009 Schofield Barracks (HI) Richardson Carson Stewart CP Pendleton CP LeJeune 29 Palms Gulfport Norfolk Port Hueneme San Diego CP Atterbury CP Shelby
McConnell AFB, KS Pope NC ACTIVE DUTY DEMOBILIZATION SITES 36 Air Force Reserve Sites and 3 CGR 36 Air Force Reserve Sites and 3 CGR Peterson AFB CO Maxwell, AL Pittsburgh, PA Beale, AFB CA Davis-Monthan AZ AFR Kessler, MS Hill AFB UT Whitman AFB MO Wright Patterson Air Station, OH Andrews, MD Seymour Johnson NC Barksdale, LA Eglin, AFB FL MacDill AFB FL Patrick AFB FL Scott AFB IL Luke, AZ AFB Fort Worth NAS Joint, TX Homestead, FL Charleston SC Dobbins, GA Dover, DE Grissom, IN Lackland, TX March, CA McChord, WA McGuire, NJ Minn-St Paul ARS, MN Westover AFB, MA Niagara Falls AFB, NY Travis, CA Robbins, GA Youngstow n ARS, OH Tinker, OK CGR: 3 sites Clearwater, Portsmouth, Cleveland CGR: 3 sites Clearwater, Portsmouth, Cleveland
The Standardized Combined VHA and VBA Briefing at Demob 46 Minute: VHA, Vet Center and VBA Briefing
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Musters #2 >6500 at IRR Muster >6500 at IRR Muster (since May 2009) (since May 2009) USAR and USMC USAR and USMC
Veterans Benefits Briefing Early Benefits Briefings at Demobilization for Guard/Reserve Early Benefits Briefings at Demobilization for Guard/Reserve – Monthly compensation for service connected disabilities incurred or aggravated during active duty and active duty training – Montgomery GI Bill – Selected Reserve – Reserve Educational Assistance Program – Montgomery GI Bill – Active Duty – Post 9/11 GI Bill – Educational Vocational Counseling – Home Loan Guaranty – Life Insurance – Transition Assistance Program (TAP) not required for Reserve Component Service Members (DoD, VA, DOL and DTAP)
Combat Veteran Call Center Initiative #3
Call Center Statistics Phone calls to 676,093 Veterans Phone calls to 676,093 Veterans Made contact with 504,189 Veterans (74.6%) Made contact with 504,189 Veterans (74.6%) Spoke with 165,904 Veterans (24.5%) Spoke with 165,904 Veterans (24.5%) Sent 36,651 information packages to Veterans Sent 36,651 information packages to Veterans Monitoring of calls for quality revealed an average quality score of 98 out of a possible 100 Monitoring of calls for quality revealed an average quality score of 98 out of a possible 100
Transition Assistance Advisors VA and National Guard Partnership and State Coalitions #4
TAA Outreach Summary in 54 States/Territories Totals Date #NG Participants VHAVBA Vet Center EnrolledReferReferRefer FEB-DEC ,1367,3019,7949,0443,453 JAN-MAY200991,6242,3809,0749,5396,799 Total273,7609,68118,86818,58310,252
NGB/VALiaison Warrior Support NGB NGB/VALiaison National Guard STATE JOINT FORCE HEADQUARTERS National Guard STATE JOINT FORCE HEADQUARTERS VA/NG Transition Assistance Advisor State Directors Of VA State Directors Of VA Adjutant General Adjutant General Governor’s Office Governor’s Office VA Health care and Benefits as support Services to Veterans VA Health care and Benefits as support Services to Veterans NCA VBA State Coalition Model Goal: To Ensure an Integrated Delivery of State Services and Benefits Goal: To Ensure an Integrated Delivery of State Services and Benefits National Guard Support Services In each state for NG and family National Guard Support Services In each state for NG and family DoD Services and Programs for Injured DoD Services and Programs for Injured All Service Members and Family Members Returning Home To the State: State Coalition as the Safety Net Training Support InformationServices VHA Community Services And Organizations Supporting Veterans in Each state/community Community Services And Organizations Supporting Veterans in Each state/community VA/NGB Liaison VHA OEF/OIF Outreach Office VA/NGB Liaison VHA OEF/OIF Outreach Office Faith-based Community Initiatives
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program YRRP Pre-Deployment days Post Deployment events #5 Health Finances Stress Suicide Prevention Substance Abuse Marriage Legal Financial Practices Employment Family and Children Coping
21 FY 09 YRRP Service/Component Support Service/Component # of Events (31 July 09) ANG ARNG249 USAFR USAR USMCR USNR USCGR 1
Post- Deployment Health Reassessment PDHRA #6
Reserve Component PDHRA FY 06, 07, 08 & 09 Referral Summary (As of July 2009) ALL RESERVE COMPONENT COMPLETED PDHRA SCREENSTOTALREFERRALSVAMCREFERRALS* VET CENTER REFERRALS* FY 06 29,73315,380 8,391 8,3914,581 FY 07 90,40442,03819,1569,069 FY 08 97,94229,02618,6726,867 FY 09 68,06717,84012,9594,306 TOTAL * overlap may exist 286,146**104,284** 59,178 24,823 Total 84,001 Total 84,001
Internet WebPage #7
Blogs FaceBook
Working Initiatives : Working Initiatives : Women Veterans’ Call Center: Collaboration between OEF/OIF Outreach Office and Women Veterans Strategic Health Care Group---pending Women Veterans’ Call Center: Collaboration between OEF/OIF Outreach Office and Women Veterans Strategic Health Care Group---pending Warrior Transition Units and Linkages with VA Warrior Transition Units and Linkages with VA
Wounded Warriors Healing in Warrior Transition Units (WTUs) VA Outreach for the injured warriors at 44 WTUs in the Army, 9 of these are Community Based WTUs for Guard/Reserve members, 2 Navy and 2 Marines VA Outreach for the injured warriors at 44 WTUs in the Army, 9 of these are Community Based WTUs for Guard/Reserve members, 2 Navy and 2 Marines Enroll into VA health care prior to separation from active duty Enroll into VA health care prior to separation from active duty Enroll in VRE programs while on active duty Enroll in VRE programs while on active duty and healing at the WTU site and healing at the WTU site Nintendo Games Therapy
Ft. Drum Ft. Dix Ft. Eustis Ft. Carson Ft. Riley Ft. Leonard Wood Ft. Lewis Ft. Stewart Ft. Benning Ft. Jackson Ft. Knox Ft. Gordon Ft. Bragg Ft. Campbell Ft. Sam Houston Ft. Polk Ft. Sill Ft. Hood Ft. Bliss PR Ft. Richardson TAMC West Point CA AR AL 1 UT MA WI FL WTU CO - 20 WTU BDE - 1 CHBCO - 9 WTU BN - 14 Ft. Irwin & Balboa Ft. Wainwright WRAMC Ft Huachuca Ft. Leavenworth Ft. Belvoir Ft. Lee VA Ft Meade Redstone Arsenal Ft Rucker Landstuhl WT 114 Heidelberg WT 19 Wuerzburg WT 116 Current WT Population (assigned or attached to a WTU) is 8,943 Soldiers Warrior Transition Units Warrior Transition Units VHA & VBA Personnel on Army Installations On-Hand Locations Army: 9400 Navy: 460 USMC: 500 USMC NAVY
29 Summary Summary VA’s RC Deployment Cycle Support Outreach Initiatives also knows as the “7 Touches”-- provides a “military platform” for VA staff to: VA’s RC Deployment Cycle Support Outreach Initiatives also knows as the “7 Touches”-- provides a “military platform” for VA staff to: 1. Provide a Face to Face Encounter with VA staff 1. Provide a Face to Face Encounter with VA staff 2.Reach-out to combat Veterans in need of readjustment counseling and behavioral health services during early post-deployment period 3. Facilitate on site enrollment & access to VA health care 4. Provide “Boots on the Ground” support to combat Veterans & their families 4. Provide “Boots on the Ground” support to combat Veterans & their families 5 Promote the development of long-term relationships between local VHA facilities and Reserve Component Units 5 Promote the development of long-term relationships between local VHA facilities and Reserve Component Units 6. Select VA has their choice for health care now and for a lifetime 6. Select VA has their choice for health care now and for a lifetime