1 TESL 4340 – Basic web-publishing Dr. Sunny Jeong Web:
2 Introductory Stuff Have Fun! Please turn off your phones! DO DO interact with me!
3 Outline What is Web Publishing? Web Publishing Tools and Applications How to upload files Protocol as an interpreter in the net e-Book and Internet Applications V.S. Contents
4 What is Web Publishing? Web Publishing literally means 'to publish content or information on the Internet‘ Content or information most commonly includes: Words Pictures Music Video Downloadable content – PDF, Doc,.ZIP etc.
5 Why Publish to the Web? Anyone publishing to the web does so to serve a purpose, be it personal or professional Web Publishing:...is cost-effective (no print costs) ...is time-efficient (flexible deadlines) ...is expandable (add more when needed) ...is changeable (update or fix errors any time!)
To Publish to the Web There are four main steps to take to publish to the web: Plan -> Structure – What are you trying to convey? Content -> text, images, video, etc. Design –> colours, logos etc. Publish -> FTP & HTTP
7 How to Publish to the Web
8 An Introduction to HTML The most common file-type used to present information on-line is HTML. Other file-types commonly found on-line include: PDF, MP3, JPG, GIF, PHP, CFM, ASP, HTM, PNG, AVI, SWF, ICO, ASPX and more HTML stands for Hypertext Mark-up Language
9 The HTML Code Every HTML file starts with ' ' and ends with ' ' There are then two main sections to the file:... At any point within the code we can (and should!) write comments, like so: tag?
10 What is the Protocol? An agreed-upon format for transmitting data between two different type devices. The problem of heterogeneity can be solved by the protocol. Working as interpreters in an international conference FTP HTTP TCP/IP …
11 FTP Software File Transfer Protocol(FTP) We can upload the files using an FTP program like Filezilla or FTPVoyager Firefox also has a free FTP extension called FireFTP We can upload many kinds of files such as pdf, doc, ppt…etc The easiest ways is…
12 Uploading multimedia file
13 Uploading multimedia file Embed tag allows to upload all kinds of multimedia files onto your webpage. (mpg, mp3, mov, avi…)
14 Embed tag’s options Sample Result /Display 1) Only play button 2) Only play and stop 3) Every buttons 4) Maximizing the volume 5) Status button 7) hiding player
15 Multi media file and Codec A codec is a programme capable of encoding and/or decoding a multi media stream file.encodingdecoding The word codec is a combination of 'compressor-decompressor‘ To enjoy the multimedia files, we need to install proper codecs an our computer machine.
16 Codec problems You may face codec problems There are various multimedia codecs in the Net But…not many users are ready Don’t post the newest multimedia format file - your visitors will be frustrated Convert the newest multimedia file to universal file format (i.e. avi -> mpeg)
17 Converting codecs Mpeg4directmaker
18 A new stream of web-publishing e-Book
19 Various e-Book contents and applications Applications VS Contents Which one is more important?
20 Summary HTML is a basic language in web publishing. How to make html page and web site Understanding protocol e-Book