Welcome to the Reception Ceremony for New Members of the UMR Chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma Sigma Pi Sigma exists to… honor outstanding scholarship in physics, encourage interest in physics among students at all levels, promote an attitude of service of its members towards their fellow students, colleagues, and the public, and provide a fellowship of persons who have excelled in physics. Today we will add the newest members to our Society…
In 1920, several physics students and faculty members at Davidson College in North Carolina decided that a physics honor society would be a good idea. A Brief History of Sigma Pi Sigma On December 11, 1921, five students and four faculty members met in the home of the head of the Davidson College Physics Department and formed a group which they named Sigma Pi Sigma. A second chapter was installed at Duke University in 1925 and a third at Pennsylvania State University in 1926.
The first national convention of was held at Davidson in 1928 with the six existing chapters participating. By 1929 there were ten chapters. At the third national convention at Purdue in 1934, the original designation of “fraternity” was changed to “society” and all elements of secrecy were removed. In 1936 became an Associated Society in the Physics Section of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and in 1945 a member of the Association of College Honor Societies, the national accrediting organization. By the end of the 1940’s there were 73 chapters.
In the early 1950’s became an Affiliate member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). During the 1950’s, the American Institute of Physics (AIP) and began discussing the role of students in the AIP. The AIP Student Sections were established and work began to unify and the AIP Student Sections. In 1968, articles of agreement formalizing a union between and the American Institute of Physics Student Sections were signed. This created the Society of Physics Students, with included as an honor society within the SPS. At the end of 1969 there were 223 chapters.
Our society continues to grow and today there are over 460 chapters with more than 75,000 members. The first members were inducted in Our newest members are being inducted today. This represents generations of experience and wisdom that can be brought to bear on the matters that unite us.
The UMR Chapter of Sigma Pi Sigma The UMR chapter of was installed on January 11, 1950, and its first initiate was Dr. Harold Q Fuller. UMR has the 74th chapter of to be created. In its 57 years of existence, 601 students, faculty, and alumni have been honored with membership in the UMR chapter. Since 1978, the UMR chapter has required a GPA of 3.5/4.0, the highest of any chapter in the nation.
Sigma Pi Sigma and Service With the recognition of accomplishment comes a responsibility to service at all levels. Nationally, members can serve by helping to work for sound national science policies. Locally, members can serve in community science education projects and in mentoring individual students. Because we respect the personal struggle for excellence, we will support the generation of students that follow us, and hope to touch more lives than may be counted by the number of our members.
Sigma Pi Sigma Symbolism As is traditional in honor societies, has a key, a motto, an insignia, and a seal. The motto of the society is “investigation, the forerunner of knowledge.” Our name comes from the first letters of this motto, which emphasizes that experiments are the basis of the progress of science.
The key has the shape of the historic standard voltmeter. Arched across the top is the name of the society. In the apex of the key is an incandescent lamp, The pin, which symbolizes your membership in the society, also has this shape. In the apex of the key is an incandescent lamp, connected to a dynamo in the center.
The founders of the Society used the standard voltmeter to symbolize the high accuracy which is the hallmark of careful experiments; the lamp is the symbol of knowledge, and the dynamo represents the creative energy so necessary to do research.
The official insignia consists of an outline figure of the key with a scroll superimposed on the stem. The Greek word , or knowledge, is written on the scroll. was founded by students and exists for their benefit. The standards of membership are high. Only those deeply interested in physics are eligible for membership.
We will now induct new members. When your name is called, please come forward and sign the membership book. Induction of New Members
Those of us who are gathered here today have a real and enduring interest in physics. We charge you to continue your commitment to physics, working to assist in the development of interest in physics at all levels. The Charge to New Members Sigma Pi Sigma has enriched the world beyond just the professional physics community. Sigma Pi Sigma unites a diverse group of exceptional people who have shared in the culture and traditions of physics.
Those of us who are gathered here today have a real and enduring interest in physics. We charge you to continue your commitment to physics, working to assist in the development of interest in physics at all levels. With a common thread of shared backgrounds in physics, promotes a spirit of professional community among its members, and encourages them to offer their wisdom and perspective in the service of society. We are happy to welcome you into our fellowship.
It is now my great privilege to declare you members of , having all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of members of this Society.