. SOCAL CHAPTER’S NEWEST MEMBERS A warm welcome for our newest members to the SoCal Chapter! Thomas Farrand-Farrand Research Corp. Irene Gomez-Nielsen Entertainment Allen Hellman-Schlesinger Assoc. Brent Johnston - J/T Marketing Research Tetsuroh Kauakita - SMIS Co, LTD (Tokyo) Shoji Koyama - SMIS Co., LTD (Tokyo) Angela Paura-Advanced Marketing Perspectives Stefen Perez - Farrand Research Corp. Douglas Wayne - Advanced Marketing Perspectives, Inc. Page 1 of 2 NEWLY DESIGNED SOCAL WEBSITE Our Chapter would like to introduce our newly designed, informative and innovative Website! It’s here that you will find out what Local and National events are coming up, past events, newsletters, Board Member information, PRC program information, and other exciting news! Check us out: VOLUNTEER STATUS Thank you to our Members who have volunteered for our Chapter’s committees: Lynn Diamantopoulos, Athena Research Group Terrie Kerr, CA Survey Research Services Julie Thara, CA Survey Research Services Leticia Sanchez, CA Survey Research Services Carey Hansen, Trotta Associates Patrick Moriarity, OTX Frannie Glassenberg, Schlesinger Associates TOURNAMENT OF RESEARCHERS – FALL CONFERENCE The Southern CA Chapter is Proud to announce Jacqueline Rosales of Luth Research, who will represent our chapter at the MRA’s Fall Conference on November 3rd in Las Vegas for the TOURNAMENT OF RESEARCHERS! Please find Jacqueline’s Biography on our website at: In addition to having our main Chapter events, we are planning on having regional events, since our members cover a large geographic area. We have segmented our chapter into 5 local regions.The Board members in charge of each region will keep their region informed on local events. Activities will include educational programs, sporting events, theater, dining, etc. All members will receive notices about all region events. Our first regional event... Find out what a Moderator is looking for in a Recruitment Service provider! Schlesinger Associates is hosting our first Regional Event in the heart of Los Angeles. All Chapter Members are invited to attend! Save the Date: November 18 th from 2:00-3:30 PM. Stay posted for additional information about this event! MEET & GREET PROGRAM Southern California Chapter of the MRA September 2005 Monthly News Bulletin If YOU are interested in volunteering and making our chapter even stronger, please contact Harriett Huntley, of Taylor Research at or via We currently have openings in the following Committees : Education, Membership, Media and Program/Events
Southern California Chapter of the MRA September 2005 Monthly News Bulletin RECENT SOCAL EVENTS Page 2 of 2 Education Day Event - This year’s Education Day took place at the LA Valley Community College on September 17th, and it was a big success! We had one of our Chapter’s highest attended Education Day events with more than 40 attendees. The speakers were senior level experts with varied backgrounds: Meg Ryan from Marketing Systems Group, a telephone sampling company; Ron Clark, Partner of I/H/R Research Group, a telephone data collection company; Carlos Garcia, Owner of Garcia Research, a full service Research company; and Patrick Morianty, the Vice President of OTX’s Advanced Analytics Group, an Online Research company. Speaker’s Presentations available at the website - The sessions were both interactive and insightful. The session topics included: Telephone Sampling, Questionnaire Design, Interviewer Training, Challenges in Internet Panels, Incidence Calculations, as well as Basic Statistics. All levels of research professionals were able to take something new from each of the sessions and got credit towards the MRA’s Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) program. The cost of the event was only $35 and included a fabulous breakfast including delicious coffee and pastry goodies, as well as a healthy yet colorful lunch, with cookies that rival the world’s best! Most importantly, the event helped local Southern CA chapter members meet their peers, establish new relationships, and exchange their opinions and ideas, which is what our industry is based upon! A special thanks to our culinary organizer, Frannie Glassenberg of Schlesinger Associates, who was responsible for ensuring everyone was well fed! Past President Reception - The Board of Directors of the Southern California Chapter is hosting a reception honoring the Past Presidents of the Southern California Chapter on Thursday, October 27, 2005 at five o’clock in the evening at the L’Opera Ristorante, known as being the “finest Italian Restaurant in Long Beach” Details are on the website - Past Presidents being honored: Ingrid Robertson, Lorei Musselman, Jan Borkum, Harriett Huntley, Spence Bilkiss, Nancy Levine, Tony Blass, Adrienne Goldbaum, Judy Gottlieb, Louise Kroot, Carol Kunicki, Mari Lindemann, Lance Lindemann, Tom McNiven, David Weinberg, Jean van Arsdale, Lynne Martin, Carol Davis, Liz Carberry, Susan Taylor This your chance to meet our chapter’s past leaders and learn about their contributions, which has made our chapter succeed throughout the years. It’s not every day that you are presented with the opportunity to share a fabulous dinner with many years of Marketing Research Leaders! Holiday Party –Scheduled on Thursday, Dec. 8 th on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Details will follow shortly. Remember to save the date! UPCOMING EVENTS