AGENDA 1.NIEM Impact on Pharmaceutical Drug Monitoring How do we enable prescription drug monitors to see across state lines? 2.The NIEM Framework and Process What common services, governance models, processes and tools are provided by NIEM? 3.NIEM Governance How is NIEM governed? How does the federated domain governance function? What are the different NIEM committees? 4.NIEM Program Updates What are next steps for the program? Updates on NIEM international adoption?
NIEM IMPACT ON PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG MONITORING The Standard Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange
Prescription Drugs (15.1 million) Cocaine (5.9 mil.) Hallucinogens (4 mil.) Inhalants (2.1 mil.) Heroin (.3 mil.) NIEM IMPACT ON PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG MONITORING NATIONWIDE DRUG ABUSE From , 15.1 million Americans abused prescription drugs. That’s more than cocaine, hallucinogens, inhalants, and heroin COMBINED.
1 in 5 teens are abusing prescription drugs to get high. 40% of teens believe that prescription drugs are safer than illegal drugs. 29% of teens believe that prescription pain relievers are not addictive. “You have young people getting pills for free from the homes of family members and friends.” - John Walters, former White House drug czar NIEM IMPACT ON PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG MONITORING
> 0 –.9% 1 – 2.9% 3 – 3.9% 4 – 7% > 19% Where CA Prescriptions Really Go Prescription drug monitoring is the coming together of pharmacy boards, health agencies, and law enforcement to monitor drug diversion. There are three facets to the problem— misuse, abuse, and diversion—and three players—prescribers, dispensers, and patients. Pharmaceutical drug abuse is crossing state lines as offenders realize the gap in interstate reporting. As this map shows, less than 20% of prescriptions written in California were written for California residents. NIEM IMPACT ON PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG MONITORING
Before NIEM, there was large gap in interstate reporting. As abuse and diversion escalate, law enforcement and health practitioners need a standardized, scalable solution to share patient drug history. The Standard NIEM Prescription Monitoring Program Information Exchange assists prescribers, health agencies, and law enforcement in identifying potential abuse and diversion. NIEM IMPACT ON PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG MONITORING
The Prescription Monitoring Program uses NIEM to empower connections: 1,600,000Prescribers 284,000Pharmacists 73,000Pharmacies 54Boards of Pharmacy 18,000Law Enforcement Agencies 11,000Substance Addiction Treatment Programs 140Consumer Protection Agencies This is a solution that the 50 states, Canada, and Mexico can leverage. This map identifies the status of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs)
THE NIEM FRAMEWORK AND PROCESS What common services, governance models, processes and tools are provided by NIEM? 10
NIEM connects communities of people who share a common need to exchange information in order to advance their missions, and provides a foundation for seamless information exchange between federal, state, local, and tribal agencies. Much more than a data model, NIEM offers an active user community as well as a technical and support framework. Formal Governance Processes Online Repositories Mission-Oriented Domains Self-Managing Domain Stewards Data Model XML Design Rules Development Methodology Predefined Deliverables (IEPD) Tools for Development and Discovery Established Training Program Implementation Support Help Desk & Knowledge Center THE NIEM FRAMEWORK
Translation Scope-of-NIEM NIEM intentionally does not address standardizing data inside legacy systems. NIEM serves as a translation layer (providing a common understanding) between and across disparate systems. STANDARDIZING DATA MOVING ACROSS SYSTEMS INTERFACE LEGACY DATABASES LEGACY DATABASES COMMONLY FORMATTED DATA INTERFACE
Built and governed by the business users at Federal, State, Local, Tribal and Private Sectors THE NIEM LIFECYCLES
NIEM GOVERNANCE How is NIEM governed? How does the federated domain governance function? What are the different NIEM committees? 14
NIEM GOVERNING STRUCTURE NIEM’s governing structure is comprised of Federal, State, Local, Tribal and private organizations NIEM is jointly managed at an executive level by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DOJ), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Executive Steering Council ESC Executive Director Deputy Director Executive Director Deputy Director NIEM PMO NIEM Technical Architecture Committee NTAC NIEM Business Architecture Committee NBAC NIEM Communications & Outreach Committee NC&OC
WHO STEERS NIEM CURRENTLY? Voting Members Dept of Justice Dept of Homeland Security Dept of Health and Human Services Ex-Officio Members Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative Office of Management and Budget Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment NASCIO Partners Terrorist Screening Center Dept of Defense / Dept of Navy Dept of State, Consular Affairs (invited)
WHO GOVERNS NIEM DOMAINS? Justice Screening Immigration Intelligence Chem/Bio/Rad/Nuc Maritime Cyber Family Services Emergency Management Infrastructure Protection International Trade Biometrics Government Resource Management DomainExecutive Steward JusticeGlobal Justice (State & Local) ScreeningDHS Screening Coordination Office ImmigrationDHS/ICE & USCIS Chem/Bio/Rad/NucDHS/DNDO MaritimeDOD/DON/MDA CyberDHS/NPPD/CS&C Family ServicesHHS/ACFS & DOJ Emergency ManagementDHS/FEMA, DHS/S&T (state & local) Infrastructure ProtectionDHS/NPPD International TradeDHS/CBP BiometricsDHS/NPPD, DOJ/FBI, DOD, NIST HealthHHS/ONC & HHS/OCIO Human ServicesHHS/ACFS & HHS/ONC Government Resource Management GSA
NIEM DOMAINS What is a NIEM Domain? 18
People aligned to a specific mission area by virtue of affiliation, responsibilities, or interest who support the domain data model. NIEM Domain Governance Data Model Community of Interest Business Exchange BACKGROUND: NIEM DOMAIN COMPONENTS A set of data elements and definitions specific to a NIEM mission area that are used to build information exchanges. NIEM Domain refers to a business enterprise broadly reflecting the agencies, units of government, operational functions, services, and information systems that are organized or affiliated to meet common objectives. An agreed-to business exchange or mission need will drive the future phases of domain establishment and providing initial model scope. NIEM domains are mission- based and organized to facilitate governance.
WHO GOVERNS NIEM DOMAINS? Justice Screening Immigration Intelligence Chem/Bio/Rad/Nuc Maritime Cyber Family Services Emergency Management Infrastructure Protection International Trade Biometrics Government Resource Management DomainExecutive Steward JusticeGlobal Justice (State & Local) ScreeningDHS Screening Coordination Office ImmigrationDHS/ICE & USCIS Chem/Bio/Rad/NucDHS/DNDO MaritimeDOD/DON/MDA CyberDHS/NPPD/CS&C Family ServicesHHS/ACFS & DOJ Emergency ManagementDHS/FEMA, DHS/S&T (state & local) Infrastructure ProtectionDHS/NPPD International TradeDHS/CBP BiometricsDHS/NPPD, DOJ/FBI, DOD, NIST HealthHHS/ONC & HHS/OCIO Human ServicesHHS/ACFS & HHS/ONC Government Resource Management GSA 20
NIEM’S NEWEST DOMAINS NEWEST DOMAINS NIEM Government Resource Management Domain NIEM Health Domain NIEM Human Services Domain DOMAINS IN PLANNING NIEM Agriculture NIEM Education NIEM Transportation 21
NIEM IEPDS NIEM Information Exchange Package Documentation 22
THE IEPD LIFECYCLE Plan the project, establish the process, and identify information exchange business requirements Selected information exchange is further elaborated to understand and document the business context and data requirements Associate local objects with types and elements in NIEM. This process is called mapping an exchange content model to NIEM Create a set of exchange-specific NIEM conformant XML schemas that implement the data model created for the exchange Prepare and package all related files for this IEPD into a single self ‐ contained, self- documented, portable archive file Publish IEPD for search, discovery, and reuse Scenario Planning Analyze Requirements Map & Model Build & Validate Assemble & Document Publish & Implement
THE IEPD ARTIFACTS IEPDs contain both required and recommended artifacts Required : Bold Recommended : Italic Note: Best practices for most organizations include many of the optional artifacts listed here Business Processes Use Cases Sequence Diagrams Business RulesBusiness Requirements Exchange Content Model Mapping Document Subset Schema Exchange Schema XML Wantlist Constraint Schema Extension Schema Main Document IEPD Catalog IEPD Metadata Sample XML Instances XML Stylesheets Scenario Planning Analyze Requirements Map & Model Build & Validate Assemble & Document Publish & Implement No required artifacts. Publish the IEPD to a repository and implement the exchange
GML COMPONENTS IN NIEM ElementDefinition geo:ArcAn arc string with only one arc unit (3 control points including the start and end point) geo:ArcByCenterPointA 2D arc defined by its center point, radius, and bearings at start and end. geo:CircleA Circle is an arc whose ends coincide to form a simple closed loop. geo:CircleByCenterPointA 2D ArcByCenterPoint with identical start and end angles that forms a full circle. geo:CurveA curve is a 1-dimensional primitive. Curves are continuous, connected, and have a measurable length in terms of the coordinate system. geo:EllipseAn ellipse specified by a point, major axis, minor axis and rotation. geo:EnvelopeEnvelope defines an extent using a pair of positions defining opposite corners in arbitrary dimensions. geo:LineStringA geometric curve that consists of a single segment with linear interpolation.
GML COMPONENTS IN NIEM (CONT.) ElementDefinition geo:MultiCurveA geometry collection that includes one or more curves or line strings. geo:MultiGeometryA geometry collection that includes one or more geometries, potentially of different types. geo:MultiPointA geometry collection that includes one or more points. geo:MultiSurfaceA geometry collection that includes one or more polygons or surfaces. geo:PointA 2D or 3D geometric point. geo:PolygonA polygon; a geometric surface defined by a single surface patch whose boundary is coplanar. geo:SurfaceA surface is a 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches. The surface patches are connected to one another.
NEXT STEPS WITH OGC NIEM community representatives participated in two Open Geospatial Consortium technical conferences: –March Austin, TX conference –June 2012 – Exeter England conference Continued to co-development of OGC and NIEM architecture and interoperability guidance is planned for FY13
NIEM PROGRAM UPDATES What are next steps for the program? Updates on NIEM international adoption? 29
NASCIO NIEM POLICY ISSUANCE In April 2011, the National Association of State CIOs (NASCIO) issued a policy statement of support recommending participation and adoption of the NIEM and provided state CIOs with background, guidance and recommendations in support of state government adoption of NIEM to achieve effectiveness in government through collaborative information sharing.
PROGRESS ON FEDERAL NIEM ADOPTION Success of NIEM within the Departments’ of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services propelled growth of NIEM across the Federal Government AgencyUse of NIEM Department of AgricultureCommitted to Use Department of DefenseCommitted to Use Department of EducationCommitted to Use Department of EnergyCommitted to Use Department of Health and Human ServicesCommitted to Use Department of Homeland SecurityCommitted to Use Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentCommitted to Use Department of JusticeCommitted to Use Department of LaborCommitted to Use Department of StateCommitted to Use Department of the InteriorCommitted to Use Department of the TreasuryCommitted to Use Department of TransportationCommitted to Use Department of Veterans AffairsCommitted to Use Environmental Protection AgencyFurther Evaluation Required General Services AdministrationCommitted to Use National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationFurther Evaluation Required National Archives and Records AdministrationCommitted Use National Science FoundationCommitted to Use Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWill Not Use Office of the Director of National IntelligenceCommitted Use Social Security AdministrationFurther Evaluation Required Geospatial Line of BusinessWill Not Use Grants Management Line of BusinessFurther Evaluation Required Financial Management Line of BusinessWill Not Use Human Resources Line of BusinessWill Not Use
TAKING ACTION Help Us Define the Next NIEM Challenge A large-scale need to connect people and organizations around a common mission, where information is critical Participate in NIEM Domains 12 NIEM Domains: Cyber, Biometrics, Maritime, CBRN, Screening, Intel, Immigration, International Trade, Justice, Infrastructure Protection, Emergency Management, and Children, Youth, & Family Services Get Involved – Share Your Expertise NIEM Committees, NIEM LinkedIn & Twitter Community, Discussion Forms on— contact NIEM at to discuss opportunitie. Empower Your Team Give your team the resources to adopt and use NIEM: Training and Tools Apply For/Leverage Federal Grant Dollars DHS and DOJ grant dollars can be applied for NIEM activities