SQM Service Management Team Qpost User Guide SQM Service Management Team
Qpost What is “Qpost”? Qpost is the tool provided by Qoo10 for better communication among buyers and sellers. All communication method on Qoo10 will be replaced by Qpost. How to download “Qpost”? You can download “Qpost” from QSM “To-Do list” and “Customer service” menu [ Download from To-Do List] [Download from Customer service menu] If you click download button, you might download “Qpostsetup.exe” file Please “Run” the file, choose install button. After finish install please click finish button.
Log in Log in Qpost Choose the country website to need to log-in. (For Singapore sellers, please choose www.qoo10.sg) Put the ID and Password correctly. (ID and Password is exactly same with QSM) Just leave extension part, (Do not need to select anything when you firstly log-in.) Choose language you want to use. Click “Sign in” button. 1 2 3 Choose country You can choose countries as shown left. 4 5 Extension Extension is used recognize user when you have many staffs. By extension, you can recognize who handle inquiry.
Alarm pop up Once you log in there is alarm pop up window shown. The pop up is alarmed every hour with newest information. Item code From alarm pop up, 2 item codes which have most inquiries are shown Customer inquiry It shown how many inquiries came under that particular item page. It counts inquiry arrived within last 7 days. Inquiry detail 3 inquires are shown. If you click inquiry, it direct you to that inquiry.
General seller(user) information Main page Useful Function Useful supporting functions for Qpost. Check detail on page 6. B Unanswered inquiries Showing unanswered inquiries. It counts inquiries came last 7 days. Check detail on item page 7 ~ 8. A A B E F C D F Choose Country If you link with other countries’ Qoo10, you can change country. C Status in QSM Showing status in QSM. It direct each parts in QSM. E General seller(user) information Showing general information. Check detail on item page 7. D Notification Showing notification from Qoo10.
A. Useful Function QSM : Direct you to QSM. Phonebook : Internal extension information Order information : Able to check order detail information. Settings : Able to set language . Sign out : Able to sign out
Communication internally B. Unanswered inquiries - Inquiry Communication internally When there is many staffs, Qpost user could communication freely by internal messenger. Inquiry Customer’s inquiry inquired through item description page. Message of customer. Customer’s response on your sending message. Alarm from Qoo10 Important and urgent message from Qoo10. Alarm from Qoo10. - Qoo10 also send message to you and you can check from QSM. Mostly message from Qoo10 is quite urgent matters that requires immediate response or action from you related with dispute cases, delivery delays, or cancel and refund. - As a seller, you must always keep checking alarm from Qoo10. If you face any disadvantages happened from missing or ignoring the message from us, we do not take any responsibility.
Sort by same item’s / customer’s inquiry B. Unanswered inquiries - Inquiry Inquiry list Inquiry list arrived to your item. Translator You can translate easily to handle customers’ inquiry. A B B Customer’s inquiry Check customer’s inquiry detail A C C Answer Template Register, manage and use answer template. D E Hide Inquiry Able to hide customer’s inquiry from Qoo10 page. D E F I H G F Auto Answer For same answer, you can answer that already answer for this with one clicking. H Sort by same item’s / customer’s inquiry By one clicking you can sort inquiry from same seller or customer. G Reply Key in the reply on the box and send message to buyer. I Bulk reply You can answer inquiry simultaneously at once.