History is not just a simple list of facts from the past. It is the way people look at or interpret the meaning of those facts. Different people will look at the facts in different ways. History is the study of the past Interpretation
Prehistory History Before Writing Writing (800 BC)
Herodotus of Halicarnassus (484 BCE – ca. 425 BCE) Thucydides (ca. 460 BCE – ca. 400 BCE) Used stories told to him from different cultures to write his books “The Histories” Used scientific approach attributing major events to human choice rather than divine intervention and relied of factual and observations.
End to End
WHAT IS BC? Before Christ Before Christ Also called Before the Common Era = BCE WHAT IS AD? After Christ (Ann0 Domini)After Christ (Ann0 Domini) Also called the Common Era = CE
100 AD 1 AD 332 BC 500 BC 500 AD 332 BC 100 AD
Where is zero on the timeline?
Dates are Earlier From 1 AD Dates are Older From 1 AD to BC How to Read a Time Line
BC Rule – The Higher the Date the Earlier in Time it is (Oldest). AD Rule – The Higher the Date the Later in Time it is (Newest).
1000 AD 500 AD 500 Years If in the same time period (AD or BC) You subtract the dates.
2000 BC 1000 BC 1000 Years If in the same time period (AD or BC) You subtract the dates.
2000 BC 500 AD 2500 Years If NOT in the same time period (AD or BC) You add the dates.
332 BC 778 AD 1110 Years If NOT in the same time period (AD or BC) You add the dates.
What is Circa? Circa means: around or about Examples: c. 5000BC c. 20,000BCE c. 300AD c. 800CE
The reason why we call it Social Studies is because there are many disciplines (fields) within the Social Sciences.
Study of humankind Anthropologist
Study human society usually from artifacts. Archaeologist
Study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economist
The study of society Sociologist
The study of social problems 1: Zeno of Citium 2: Epicurus 3: (Federico II of Mantua?) 4: Boethius or Anaximander or Empedocles? 5: Averroes 6: Pythagoras 7: Alcibiades or Alexander the Great? 8: Antisthenes or Xenophon? 9: Hypatia (Francesco Maria della Rovere?) 10: Aeschines or Xenophon? 11: Parmenides? 12: Socrates 13: Heraclitus (Michelangelo) 14: Plato (Leonardo da Vinci) 15: Aristotle 16: Diogenes 17: Plotinus (Donatello?) 18: Euclid or Archimedes with students (Bramante)? 19: Zoroaster 20: Ptolemy? R: Apelles (Raphael) 21: Protogenes (Il Sodoma, Perugino, or Timoteo Viti)Zeno of CitiumEpicurusFederico II of MantuaBoethiusAnaximander EmpedoclesAverroesPythagorasAlcibiadesAlexander the GreatAntisthenesXenophonHypatiaFrancesco Maria della RovereAeschinesXenophonParmenidesSocratesHeraclitusMichelangeloPlatoLeonardo da VinciAristotleDiogenesPlotinusDonatelloEuclid ArchimedesBramanteZoroasterPtolemyApellesRaphaelProtogenesIl SodomaPeruginoTimoteo Viti Sociologist