Open Recommendations (Roll Forward) GM-58
Work Schedule
OK SVSP Instructions
Pull Shade up Service Summary SCROLL AS NEEDED REQ: Upon start service the system must present the Service Summary UI with the Shade DOWN. This is the only time in which the system will default the shade to pulled down. NOTE: This will replace the current functionality of showing the customer and invoice information on the Service Summary UI. See below. Current UI
Service Finding Service Summary SCROLL AS NEEDED REQ: A Roll Forward Record must be displayed for all open eStat findings, except Pest. REQ: The Roll Forward record is Read Only. The user may not edit or delete any previously entered info. (NOTE: The user may close the record and/or add comments) REQ: Roll Forward records must be visible – no matter the service type (INV, CSR, Manual) REQ: Any user with access to the Account must have visibility to the Roll Forward records REQ: Only ‘Open’ (not closed) Roll Forward records for the account must be visible REQ: Roll Forward records must be made visible at start of the service from the Service Summary REQ: Roll Forward records must be listed in descending chronological order, with the newest record at the top. REQ: Roll Forward records, and their Service Summary, must be displayed with a gray background. REQ: Roll Forward records must display their create date from the Service Summary View REQ: SVSP must have the ability to filter the Service Summary view to display only Roll Forward records. REQ: The user is not required to act on any of the Roll Forward records.
Pest Activity Service Finding
Apartments Save
Add Comment to Rolled Forward Apartment Issue SCROLL AS NEEDED Service Summary
Comments Text Box I spoke with Gary who said they have ordered new cans. SCROLL AS NEEDED SCROLL REQ: All details, including any comments added when the finding was created, must be visible from the summary pane. The pane should scroll as needed. REQ: The Summary must include the Findings create date, labeled ‘Date Opened’ REQ: The Summary must include the Findings creator name and SVSP ID, labeled ‘Opened by’ REQ: The Record must always default to Open REQ: Should the user select Closed, the system must immediately place focus on the comments text box. REQ: The system must display all associated comments, listed in descending order with the newest comment at the top. REQ: All comments in the listing must lead with the comment’s create date and creator (Name and SVSP ID) REQ: The system must never require the user to enter comments. FUTURE ENHANCEMENT. Provide the ability to assign the action to a named person (customer). Re-label Recommendation to Finding: This finding is currently:
Done I spoke with Gary who said they have ordered new cans. SCROLL
Add Comment to Rolled Forward Apartment Issue SCROLL AS NEEDED Service Summary
Add comments / Done SCROLL I was able to access the area.. Thank you!
Add Comment to Rolled Forward Apartment Issue SCROLL AS NEEDED Service Summary Q. Should the SVSP be allowed to Reopen the issue within the same service? YES REQ: The user may edit a record they marked as closed (within the same service visit) back to Open
Open Recommendations / Roll Forward Message Q. Should the system display a warning message if the user enters a finding with the same Site + Condition Category + Condition + Action? YES
Ants Noted during service Upon user selection of a condition, the system must check for an existing record (Site + Condition Category + Condition); If found: present message
Cancel REQ: The system must display a message if the user enters a finding with the same Site + Condition Category + Condition + Action. REQ: The user must have the option to select an Open Recommendation or Cancel. REQ: If the user selects cancel. The system closes the message, saves the record, and displays the Service Summary UI displaying this record at the top. REQ: If the user selects an Open Recommendation the system must not save the current record, and display the Open Recommendation UI.
Error triggered
SELECT RECORD REQ: The system must display a message if the user enters a finding with the same Site + Condition Category + Condition + Action. REQ: The user must have the option to select an Open Recommendation or Cancel. REQ: If the user selects cancel. The system closes the message, saves the record, and displays the Service Summary UI displaying this record at the top. REQ: If the user selects an Open Recommendation the system must not save the current condition record, and display the Open Recommendation UI. PLEASE NOTE: If other conditions have been previously selected, AND the user selects the existing record from the message, the system must SAVE the previously selected Condition(s).
Select Record
SCROLL AS NEEDED More than Two Records One Record Two Records
Open Recommendations / Roll Forward Reporting
Any/all Structural, Sanitation and Prep issues will automatically be included on all reports until closed. Repetitive Column: List only the Opened Date (create date) of Structural, Sanitation, and Prep findings. Action Needed/Taken: Include the Date (SVSP) and text of all associated comments. List in descending date order (newest at top) Display all findings and comments in descending chronological order – oldest items at the bottom. 02/06/ /06/2013 Opened 02/06/2013 3/06/2013 (Eric Anderson ) At vero eros n et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praresent Ugy, 3 Current StateProposed
Any/all Structural, Sanitation and Prep issues will automatically be included on all reports until closed. Already Open Recommendations: remove from report and display items in findings section Display all findings and comments in descending chronological order – oldest items at the bottom. Current StateProposed
Open Recommendations / Roll Forward Analysis Documentation
ConditionCond. Comments ActionAct Comments Recommendation created Recommendation Created = Open Recommendation created = Open Recommendation + Comment = ConditionAction Recommendation New Comment ConditionAction Open Recommendation (read only) Q1. Does user have any visibility to these comments? Q2. Does the new comment get saved with a date/time stamp? Open Recommendation created = Open Recommendation Closed = ConditionAction Open Recommendation (read only) Q3. Does user have any visibility to these comments? ConditionAction Open Recommendation (read only) New Comment Status Closed Status Open Status Open Status Open Q4. If the recommendation is created is the Repetitive logic impacted (cond. category + site + cond. code)?
France - Planitec