Marking the10 th Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers.


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Presentation transcript:

Marking the10 th Anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers

I N CELEBRATING IYV+10… We celebrate volunteering as an expression of our common humanity and as a means of building mutual respect, understanding, trust, solidarity and reciprocity. We embrace volunteering as universal and inclusive, and recognize volunteering in its diversity, as well as the purpose that sustains it: a firm belief in the values of equality, solidarity, civic engagement as well as individual and collective freedoms. From the Vision statement drafted at the consultative stakeholders meeting in October 2009

International Year of Volunteers 2001 UNV designated as the focal point for the Year’s preparation, implementation and follow-up. UN General Assembly proclaimed 2001 as the International Year of Volunteers in recognition of the valuable contribution and further potential of volunteerism for economic and social development.

IYV Summary Accomplishments o 123 national committees o Large numbers of stakeholders through internet at all levels (World Volunteer Web) o By end of 2001, measures to enhance the infrastructure for volunteerism o Res 57/106 (26 Nov 2002 ) GA reaffirmed the important role of volunteerism to meet the MDGs o In 2005 and again in 2008, the UN Secretary General has reported on follow-up to IYV

o Enhance and expand results of IYV o Share a common vision o Deepen and broaden importance of volunteerism o Develop global and national strategies o Showcase diversity and complementarity of volunteerism o Highlight the potential of volunteerism as powerful component of development agendas o Develop sustainable partnerships at the national and global level IYV+10 Partnerships at Global and National Level

IYV+10 and the Four Objectives Recognition : acknowledge value of volunteerism and relation to MDGs

IYV+10 and the Four Objectives Facilitation: ensure volunteer opportunities for diverse people

Networking: strengthen partnerships, exchange experiences IYV+10 and the Four Objectives

Promotion: promote inclusive and represent- ative volunteerism IYV+10 and the Four Objectives

o Globally more than 40 diverse stakeholders o Global Plan of Action o Reference documents : Global Call for Action Vision Statement IYV+10 Stakeholder Involvement

Global, regional, national and local stakeholder events o A number of events by stakeholders all over the world. A calendar of events is available on o National actors all over the world will brand campaigns and actions in the frame of IYV+10. o European Year of Volunteering 2011 EYV 2011 o Need for National Plan of Action o National multi-stakeholder committees for coordination


March 28 th to 29 th Ecuador Latin America April 18 th to 19 th Turkey MENA/CIS/Europe May 6 rd to 7 th Philippines Asia/ Pacific May 16 th to 17 th Senegal Africa IYV+10 R EGIONAL M EETINGS PLANNED

Global Volunteerism Conference: UNV/IFRC/IAVE June Kenya Volunteerism for a sustainable future




Link specific activities to related UN Days. Send us your stories and pictures highlighting how volunteerism contributes to achieving objectives related to UN Days, such as o World Health Day – April 7th o World Environment Day – June 5th o World AIDS Day – December 1st UN days and IYV+10

Launch of the State of the World Volunteerism Report (SWVR) WHY? o There is no global UN report on volunteerism. IYV+10 is the IDEAL PLATFORM to launch the first global report. o For a different vision of volunteerism, for a paradigm shift o To advocate for volunteerism as an integral part of international, regional and national development agendas o Global Launch in December 2011

State of the World Volunteerism Report (SWVR) The following years: o The report to be published on a 3 yearly basis o The first will set the scene, include various o Definitions and aspects of volunteerism, as well as formulating key messages and policy recommendations on volunteerism o The following reports may have different themes as the Global Human Development Reports

We envisage societies that value, recognize and encourage volunteering as integral to local, national and international plans and priorities. We foresee a future in which all individuals embrace a shared commitment to voluntarily contribute, within their capacity, to the pursuit of the common good and to the ideals of harmony and peace… V OLUNTEERING IN THE F UTURE From the Vision statement drafted at the consultative stakeholders meeting in October 2009

We call upon all leaders in Governments, volunteer involving organizations, civil society, private sector, non-governmental organizations, the United Nations system and from communities to recognize and celebrate the achievements of volunteers by actively engaging in the marking of IYV+10. Volunteer action - inspiring millions of others From the Vision statement drafted at the consultative stakeholders meeting in October 2009

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