1 IAH – Our Neighbor Making Metro Houston Greater Together
2 OCT. 2, 7:00 PM North Harris College – Academic Building Room W.W.Thorne Drive, Houston, Texas ACTIVITIES: Welcome Q & A Session Meet Public Officials Express Your Views Get Informed DETAILS: PURPOSE Come Find out About Our NOISE PROBLEM!! Metro Houston citizens must convince the City of Houston, the FAA and IAH to implement Noise Abatement Procedures equivalent or better to comparable sized airports before further funding is approved. ATTEND the AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT RALLY SPONSORED BY “THE CHARGE “ and WEST 45 AIRPORT NOISE COMMITTEE *the Coalition of Homeowner Alliances Requiring Government Equity NHCC Richey Rd E. Hardy Rd.
3 What IAH Brings to Metro Houston Convenience Jobs Economic $19.4B in Sales $5.6B in personal income International Relationships Promotes Metro Houston’s international and national reputation Tax Revenue Growth Opportunities
4 Why the Cause for Concern for North Harris County and Metro Houston? IAH opened its new runway (8R-26L) on October 28, 2003 The FAA reclassified the airspace and lowered the approach level to 2000 feet plus extended it for a 30 mile radius around IAH (Class B airspace) The preferred alternative for future development is for 2 more east-west runways and the runway approach is over our homes. Cargo traffic (currently 34%) and increased use of regional jets will also increase over North Metro Houston.
5 The Statistics Size –Metro Houston is home to the 4th largest multi-airport system in the nation. –The 6th largest in the world –The 7th-largest international passenger gateway in the U.S. Performance –Currently #1 for ‘on time’ performance in the country –Growth rate of nearly 4 million passengers per year –44 million travelers were served in 2004 Future Projection –By 2020 Metro Houston airports will handle 80 million passengers per year.
6 IAH Preferred Future Additional Runways Preferred Alternative June 2005 New Runway 8C/26C 150’x 12,000’ New Runway 9R/27L 150’x 10,000’ Acquire 1,100 acres New Runway 8C/26C ** ’’ New Runway 9R/27L** 150’x 10,000’ Acquire 1,100 acres Old Runways The “Newest” Runway is 8L/26R: started October 2003 Runway separation 6000 to 7000 ft. (final alignment to be determined) ** Press Release June 3, 2005 by Houston Airport System
7 Air Traffic Pattern in North Harris County 26 planes in the air at once 15 arrivals, 5 transit 6 departures 1960 The Woodlands Lake Houston Source: IAH Noise Compliance Office IAH
8 Flight Path Outline Excludes City of Houston The red line shows the northern Houston city limit and Kingwood in the exclusion area.
9 Issues and Concerns for Metro Houston Houston is one of the few major U.S. cities that does NOT have noise abatement procedures. Houston has no permanent noise monitoring in place. Houston’s Noise Management Office seems to have limited authority
10 The Noise Problem Exposure to excessive noise (i.e. 55 dBL) can: –Lower children’s learning and academic performance –Increase blood pressure & cardiovascular disease –Cause mental health disorders, stress, depression –Cause work performance issues Excess noise has the potential to lower property values Outdoor conversation can not be heard over the airplanes BUT WE CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT !!
11 Other Cities Have Improved Their Quality of Life: Los Angeles (Voluntary Buy-out/Soundproofing of Homes) Chicago (MAC) Oakland, California New Jersey Coalition Against Aircraft Noise (NJCAAN ) Phoenix AZ St. Paul/Minneapolis (ROAR - Residents Opposed to Airport Noise) Seattle Council on Airport Affairs (SCAA)
12 What is a Noise Abatement Procedure? Why “procedure” and not noise abatement “plan”? “Procedure” means the noise abatement is federally binding. “Plan” means the noise abatement guidelines are voluntary. Currently IAH has a “Airport Management Plan”not a “Noise Abatement Procedure”. Most other major U.S. airports have a “Noise Abatement Procedure”.
13 Noise Abatement Procedures The FAA and the City of Houston must implement a Noise Abatement Procedure CHARGE has submitted Noise Abatement Proposals to the City of Houston and had them rejected because air carriers refuse to adopt them Bush IAH is only major airport in nation without Noise Abatement Procedures in place
14 Noise Abatement Procedure at O’Hare Field in Chicago Pilots are reminded on the runways that from 10 PM to 7 AM noise procedures are in effect.
15 Santa Barbara Noise Abatement Procedures Many cities have waterways to help design their flight approaches and mitigate residential noise.
16 Boca Raton, Florida Noise Abatement Landlocked cities like Houston must use flight paths over business districts to protect residential areas.
17 Noise Abatement Procedure: Seoul, Korea
18 Intercept Elevation Changes Planes should fly high over residential areas and intercept the glide slope at the last possible moment which is 3 miles out. Higher planes mean less noise because the planes are using less thrust to stay in the air. Currently planes fly at 2000 feet. The new elevation should be 3000’ or 4000’ – it will make a big difference in noise level. 3º END OF RUNWAY GLIDE SLOPE 4000’ INTERCEPT 2000’ INTERCEPT
19 Intercept and Glide Slope The approach directly determines the noise pollution level. The approach is determined by the Intercept and Glide Slope. The Glide Slope is always at 3 degrees. Current intercept elevation is 2000’ and requires more fuel (thrust) to fly and thus makes more noise. Raising the intercept level to 4000’ (rather than 2000’) will bring relief to 20 – 30 mile radius of IAH for noise pollution. August 2005, after discussions with the FAA and the City of Houston, Congressman Poe announced the intercept level would be raised to 3000 feet, but the details are still vague. This is progress but it IAH still does not have a Noise Abatement Procedure.
20 Make Metro Houston Better: Lifestyle Quality and a Great Airport System Negotiation means the issues of all parties are addressed. Rejection of acceptable solutions to airport noise is not negotiation. FAA goals: Safety and reduced delays Less complicated approaches Fewer controllers to reduce cost Airlines goals: Higher flight volume and more revenue But shallow approaches create higher fuel use and cut into profit due to shallow approaches Airport goals: Attract airlines as clients Efficient & profitable operation Attract visitors and businesses to Metro Houston Metro Houston Citizens goals: All of the above!! Safe homes they can enjoy in a low noise environment with cleaner air
21 Help Solve the Noise Problem Write your representatives !! Attend: October 2 nd Rally at North Harris Community College Join Us at Meet your neighbors and have some fun: brainstorm with a team, learn about your community, learn about our major airport and make a difference!
22 OCT. 2, :00 North Harris College – Academic Building Room W.W.Thorne Drive, Houston, Texas ACTIVITIES: Welcome Q & A Session Meet Public Officials Express Your Views Get Informed DETAILS: PURPOSE Come Find out About Our NOISE PROBLEM!! Metro Houston citizens must convince the City of Houston, the FAA and IAH to implement Noise Abatement Procedures equivalent or better to comparable sized airports before further funding is approved. ATTEND the AIRPORT NOISE ABATEMENT RALLY SPONSORED BY “THE CHARGE “ and WEST 45 AIRPORT NOISE COMMITTEE *the Coalition of Homeowner Alliances Requiring Government Equity NHCC Richey Rd E. Hardy Rd.
23 IAH & Citizens Of Houston Let’s Keep Houston a First Class City!