Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006SPS Technology Department 1 Increasing Access to Content Springfield Public Schools Springfield, Massachusetts
SPS Technology Department2 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Springfield Public Schools will share district initiatives aimed at improving student and adult learning through increased access to content in various online academic and professional learning experiences in a Culture of Achievement. Participants will view elementary school learning displayed via student-developed PowerPoint, a Middle School professional development course, and an online curriculum development project for middle and high school students. Jackie Bedinelli, Nadine Payne, and Sheryl Stanton District Instructional Technology Specialists Springfield Public Schools Increasing Access to Content
SPS Technology Department3 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Culture of Achievement Maximize the performance of all student learners in the SPS Maximize the performance and productivity of all adult learners (teachers, administrators, and other staff) in the SPS Maximize the quality and the delivery of support systems for student and adult learning.
SPS Technology Department4 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Overview of Presentation Student Perspective Teacher Perspective District Perspective
SPS Technology Department5 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Springfield Student Technology Goals All students will be proficient with technology to Assist in achieving all learning standards Achieve all state and ISTE student technology standards Prepare for careers Prepare for life-long learning
SPS Technology Department6 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Boland Elementary School Student research projects Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad Classroom learning posted for all students to access New students viewed the project via PowerPoint to become familiar with the knowledge students created through the research
SPS Technology Department7 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Teacher Perspective Digital Dream Team Rigorous Mobile cart training District-Wide Raising the bar for technology integration Mobile cart training across the district Skill based but standards-based lesson planning, intergration, instructional strategies, assessment strategies VISION PLC – organizing academic teams, thematic unit planning, data- driven instructions, effective technology integration. MassONE vehicle
SPS Technology Department8 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Digital Dream Teams Trained 6 grade 6 teams 40 hours of professional development in a combination of formal provider workshops and in-house presentation teacher technology skills teacher knowledge of effective technology integration team management of cart Universal design for learning and assistive technology Thanks to David Raker, Westfield State College for the outstanding evaluation of the 170A and B project that informed our decisions regarding the 2006 MassONE VISION PLC170A Technology Enhancement Grant
SPS Technology Department9 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Technology Activities Most activities fell in lower levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy
SPS Technology Department10 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Collaboration
SPS Technology Department11 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Teaming
SPS Technology Department12 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Classroom Environment
SPS Technology Department13 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Application of Evaluation MassONE VISION PLC to use MassONE as a means to share best practices across the district MassONE VISION PLC to use MassONE as a means to create and implement thematic standards-based unit plan
SPS Technology Department14 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Mobile Cart Professional Development Supports Adult Learning 10 hour workshop focusing on SPS Toolkit Outlook, Microsoft Office, Inspiration, Timeliner, Internet Resources, Marco Polo, Webquests Product A Standards-based lesson plan
SPS Technology Department15 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 Mobile Cart Training Overview 10 hour curriculum (See handouts) Aligned to both Massachusetts Recommended PreK-12 Instructional Technology Standards and International Society for Technology in Education Standards Award PDPs for participation and completion of course project
SPS Technology Department16 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 The Mobile Cart Curriculum Defines knowledge and skills required Provides links to district resources Aligns to Massachusetts Professional Standards for Teachers and ISTE standards
Created 3/23/06 Revised 3/24/06SPS Technology Department 17 Wireless Laptop Carts A Brief Introduction
18 How is this cart different from a desktop? Each laptop runs on one or two batteries *Two Battery units do not have the CD player attached but you can remove a battery and add the CD player It’s connected to the network via wireless network cards It must be recharged regularly You aren’t ‘tethered’ to a table when you’re using the computer
SPS Technology Department19 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 MassONE VISION PLC Technology Enhancement Competitive Grants 170B
SPS Technology Department20 Created 09/12/2006 Revised 10/06/2006 MassONE VISION PLC Goals Goal one is the seamless integration of mobile cart technology onto academic teams for improved classroom instruction and increased student achievement with specific attention to thematic unit planning that supports implementation of state and district curriculum frameworks. Goal two is the use of data to drive instruction, combining the district’s introduction of Pearson Inform software with looking at student work protocols to improve teaching and learning at the middle school. Goal three is the development of a virtual professional learning community to support educators in their current efforts at effectively integrating mobile cart technology into the daily life of academic teams in the middle school and into academic content areas in addition to supporting data driven instruction initiatives and thematic unit planning.
SPS Technology Department21 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 District Perspective Learning Technology Project MEET Using Technology to deliver content SEAoL Initiative for teachers Homebound Initiative for students The Learning Center Ongoing Technology Professional Development Weekly Ongoing Technology PD for all staff SPS Website – asynchronous
SPS Technology Department22 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Project MEET Massachusetts Empowering Educators with Technology Project MEET provided professional development to hundreds of educators throughout the state from 1998 to 2004, with a vision of improving student learning through the use of technology. Project MEET brought together a statewide collaborative of nationally recognized organizations to create a sustained focus on technology professional development in districts across the state. The project worked to create widespread understanding of the potential of technology in the classroom to reinvigorate the teaching staff, motivate students, and produce real improvements in teaching and student learning. Project MEET was a Massachusetts initiative and one of twenty projects nationwide that were funded through the federal Technology Innovation Challenge Grant for five years ( ). In 2003 the U.S. Department of Education extended the project for an additional year so that the project could continue to support the good practices that No Child Left Behind encourages.
SPS Technology Department23 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 SEAoL- Participated in online professional development delivered by ETLO (EdTech Leaders Online) using the Blackboard environment. Participants were taught strategies and component of designing online courses. Facilitated an existing online course developed by ETLO Developed a course Facilitated the course participants developed SEAoL grant supported through funding provided by Technology Enhancement Competitive Grant: Fund Code 170. Springfield Educators and Administrators Online in Support of Student Achievement
SPS Technology Department24 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Homebound Initiative Developed online student Modules Aligned to state curriculum Aligned to District Curriculum Guides Eight to Ten weeks Offered online Modules to homebound students Offered teachers and students access to Modules as additional classroom resources Available on Manhattan Virtual Classroom MassONE Homebound Grant supported through funding provided by Massachusetts Department of Education
SPS Technology Department25 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006
SPS Technology Department26 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 MassONE environment
SPS Technology Department27 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Manhattan Virtual Classroom
SPS Technology Department28 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006
SPS Technology Department29 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 ONLINE LEARNING CENTER Our newest initiative Planning for Proficiency Catalogue the best unit and daily lesson plans for each subject and grade The Teacher Academy Provides Instructional Curriculum Guides SPS Technology Instructional Guides (TIG): e.g. Applications of Technology I (PDF)Applications of Technology I (PDF) Assessing the Learning Assessments that monitor student learning
SPS Technology Department30 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 System-Wide Professional Development Weekly Technology PD training (fact to face) Topics HandHeld devices, SPS , word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software Levels Beginners, Intermediate, Advance Presentations available on the SPS
SPS Technology Department31 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006
SPS Technology Department32 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 SPS Online Technology Tutorials and Resources Technology Resource Page Professional Development Presentations,Tutorials,Directions Professional Development Workshops Websites Technology Monthly Newsletters
SPS Technology Department33 Created 9/12/2006 Revised 11/09/2006 Long-Range Vision Deliver August Professional Development workshops online Allow these workshops to be available throughout the school year online Continue to develop student modules