The newest letters and words in our collection..
Look at this sentence. How many times do you see the letter __? Ben went to play basketball with his best friend named Brianna! 4657
You found it! That is the letter Bb. What sound does Bb make?
Oooh, remember that you are looking for the letter Bb. There will be capital and lowercase B’s.
Which one of these pictures starts with a Kk?
You got it! That was a tough one!
This is a tough one! That picture actually starts with a Cc. Cc has the same sound as Kk.
Which of these sentences is written correct? The octopus had odd octagons on him. The octopus had odd octagons on him? The octopus HAD odd OCtagons on him.
That’s right! The octopus had odd octagons on him!
Look at that sentence. Did you notice that this sentence had capital letters in the middle? The octopus HAD odd OCtagons on him.
Are you asking a question? Look, there is a question mark at the end! The octopus had odd octagons on him?
Can you find the word that starts with __ in this sentence? Arewegoingtomusictoday?
You found the word we. It does start with the letter Ww! Which of these pictures also starts with W?
That is the word are. Please try again.
You found the word going! You should be going back to find the word that starts with Ww!
You found the word to. You would find that under the letter Tt on the word wall. Try again please!
Music! You found music!
What a good word you found. It is the word today.
Look again. Which picture would start with a Ww?
Which of these letters comes in the middle? XxYyWw
You’re right! Xx comes in between Ww and Yy! Great!
You found the letter Yy. Look again, you’re getting close!
You found the letter Ww. What letter would come next?
Do you see what I see? How many times do you see the word ___? 321
Yes, the word “what” is written one time in that sentence! You are becoming such a great reader!
, that’s a different word. Look at that sentence carefully! No