Improvement of crossing facilities on the Danube Myrtil Nagy Big River Conference Sofia, 2 4.11.2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Improvement of crossing facilities on the Danube Myrtil Nagy Big River Conference Sofia,

Crossing facilities at the present 5 bridges in Bratislava, the newest Apollo Bridge 2

Other Danube bridges between Slovakia and Hungary Medveďov-VámosszabadiKomárno-Komárom, railway Komárno-Komárom Štúrovo-Esztergom

Planned new crossing facilities

Aquabus Šamorín - Rajka Reason: Massive suburbanization of the Bratislava Goal: Fastening of passenger transport Process: ready feasibility study, waiting for investors

Plan of the Aquabus

Ferry Gabčíkovo - Dunaremete Reason: increasing cycling and slow tourism Goal: development of touristic services Process: the project started, financed from CBC HU-SK

New bridge Komárno - Komárom Reason: lack of crossing facilities for trucking Goal: improvement and activating of trucking and transportation Process: technical documentation ready, finances from new programming period of the EU

Thank you for your kind attention!