City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery NORTH STONER PRAIRIE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN Steering Committee Workshop: Plan Vision, Principles, and Preliminary Growth Models CONSULTANT SAA Design Group In association with Teska Associates/ Montgomery Assoc. Resource Solutions February 26, 2012
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery Neighborhood Plan Vision and Design Principles Review Neighborhood Planning Process Discuss Preliminary Growth Model Alternatives Next Steps TODAY’S AGENDA
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery North Stoner Prairie will be a vibrant, sustainable neighborhood that is home to a diverse range of uses, from an employment center to housing to neighborhood schools. Through protecting natural resources, bikeways and open spaces, North Stoner will set an example for respecting water resources and the environment while promoting jobs and economic development. The North Stoner Neighborhood offers a transition between the urbanized area of the City of Fitchburg and agricultural resources to the south. It will offer a connection to nature, community gardens and agriculture, while creating a walkable neighborhood to enjoy access to schools, parks, retail and jobs. NEIGHBORHOOD VISION STATEMENT
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery Integrated, holistic planning process Know and work with site capacity Respect and preserve open space, cultural, historic, and natural resources Provide a diversity of land uses Incorporate density and jobs Accommodate housing of varying types and price ranges Create integrated, multi-modal transportation network including bikeways, complete streets, support for walkability and access to transit Conserve energy and water resources Build on unique neighborhood attributes to create authentic, dynamic character NEIGHBORHOOD DESIGN PRINCIPLES
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING PROCESS Alternative Growth Models Public Process – Neighborhood Planning Preferred Growth Model/Land Use Plan Comprehensive Development Plan/ Subdivision Plat Private Landowner/ City Process
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery PRELIMINARY GROWTH MODELS (PUBLIC) Do: Provide alternative approaches to: Articulating Neighborhood Vision in graphic form Reflecting Neighborhood Design Principles
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery FINAL GROWTH MODEL/LAND USE PLAN (PUBLIC) Does: Illustrate general land use patterns Provide general assumptions for stormwater management, density of uses, open space Identify key access points and connectivity to existing transportation network Establish framework of expectations for the future development by the private sector
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery FINAL GROWTH MODEL/LAND USE PLAN (PUBLIC) Does Not: Dictate highly specific development details, such as: Internal road network Individual lot size Individual building footprints/sizes Number of developable lots in any one area or throughout neighborhood Mandate development Permit development
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PRIVATE)
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL ASSUMPTIONS Density Single-family – 4 dwelling units/acre Multi-family – 8 dwelling units/acre Business Park – 70% lot coverage, 1 story Commercial – 50% lot coverage, 1 story Mixed Use – 70% lot coverage, average of 2 stories Set-Asides Stormwater - 30 acre closed depression in addition to 10% for each subarea Open space – 25% for commercial, 10% for business park, 10% for residential Right-of-way – 10%
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 1 Single-family Dwelling Units358 Business Park 114 acres, 2.4 million sq. ft. Commercial35 acres, 0.6 million sq. ft. Stormwater Detention30 acres
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 1 Band of open space and stormwater spans east-west portion of study area Bike path connects Quarry Ridge Recreation Area through open space band eastward to school campus Countryside commercial and mixed- use area located at Seminole Highway and Lacy Road Woodland, stone foundation on Lacy Road and stone barn on Seminole Highway are all preserved Retail/commercial uses are planned along Seminole Highway in northern portion of neighborhood Assumptions: Total Open Space – 37 acres Total Stormwater – 61 acres Total Righ-of-Way Dedication – 31 acres
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 2 Multi-family Dwelling Units18 Business Park 126 acres, 2.7 million sq. ft. Commercial24 acres, 0.4 million sq. ft. Stormwater Detention30 acres Single-family Dwelling Units281
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 2 Neo-traditional area west of Badger State Trail and surrounding park and stormwater detention Possible high school site adjacent to existing schools (marked open space on map) Business Park connects north toward McKee Road as well as south towards Lacy Road Mixed use development and more intensive use along Seminole Highway Low density residential and park space or school site east of utility easement Assumptions: Total Open Space – 32 acres Total Stormwater – 59 acres Total Righ-of-Way Dedication – 29 acres
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 3 Multi-family Dwelling Units101 Business Park 76 acres, 1.6 million sq. ft. Commercial59 acres, 1 million sq. ft. Stormwater Detention30 acres Single-family Dwelling Units347 Institution (High school)38 acres
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 3 Area is divided into three subareas: Business park which provides expansion area for Sub Zero and industrial uses Commercial, housing, and school campus expansion east of the Badger State Trail Residential and open space subarea west of Badger State Trail Utility easement relocated to be adjacent to Badger State Trail Woodland, stone foundation on Lacy Road and stone barn on Seminole Highway are all preserved Assumptions: Total Open Space – 37 acres Total Stormwater – 58 acres Total Righ-of-Way Dedication – 28 acres
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 4 Multi-family Dwelling Units177 Business Park80 acres, 1.7 million sq. ft. Commercial35 acres, 0.4 million sq. ft. Stormwater Detention30 acres Institution3 acres Single-family Dwelling Units377
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODEL – Option 4 Single family residential in southwest portion of site Buffer area between single family residential and business park Multi-family housing and mixed-use development along Badger State Trail and Seminole Highway Retail/commercial in northern portion of Seminole Highway and on Lacy Road Assumptions: Total Open Space – 36 acres Total Stormwater – 61 acres Total Righ-of-Way Dedication – 31 acres
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery GROWTH MODELS – DISCUSSION Model 4 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery NEXT STEPS Neighborhood Q&A?
City of Fitchburg, WISAA Design Group + Teska +Montgomery Refinement of Growth Models Second round of Staff/Committee sessions to discuss refined model/models – MARCH 26 Present proposed growth model to CEDA, Plan Commission, Parks Commission Update project website NEXT STEPS