EKAS Power cable and conductor terminations UEE31307 Certificate III in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Stage 2A Units: UEENEEPOO1B Chris Hungerford Monday, May 18, 2015
Functions of a cable gland Hold the cable into positions so that no undue mechanical stress is placed on the terminations. Limits the spread of fire. Cable glands can be designed to perform these functions: »Dust protection »Water tight seal. »Explosion protection. »Vermin proof A
Cable Glands General Purpose Weatherproof Glands for Armoured Cable General Purpose Weatherproof Glands for Unarmoured Cable Cable Glands for Braided EMC Shielded Cable A
PVC Cable Gland Shrouds Metal Locknuts Metal Earth Tags NYLON CABLE GLANDS (IP68) Cable Glands A
AS/NZS-3000:2007, SAA Wiring Rules 3.7 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS General Connections between conductors and between conductors and other electrical equipment shall provide electrical continuity and adequate mechanical strength B
Solderless lugs Ross - Courtney lug. Stanco lug B
Crimps Terminating - crimp lugs. Joining cables of the same size - crimp links. When crimping it is important that the correct crimp type lug for the cable and the correct tool for that lug is used. AS/NSZ 3000 cl B
Terminal connections AS/NZS 3000 cl Blue point connectors (BP) Line taps. Articles terminals. Terminal strips. Bolted & clamp connectors B
AS/NZS-3000:2007 SAA Wiring Rules Soldered connections Where a soldered connection is used the design shall take account of creep, mechanical stress and temperature rise under fault conditions B
Conductor colouring AS/NZS 3000 Table 3.4 Function Colour Earth/bonding Green/yellow Neutral Black Red Brown, dark Blue, Grey, White, any colour other than green/yellow, green, black, yellow or light blue Active Light blue C
Stripping of Insulation. Avoid using a knife on smaller cables. Tear the insulation off, don’t cut. Do not indent any conductor material. Be sure not to remove excessive insulation. Remake any damaged insulation. The only connection for an extension lead is via an approved plugtop and socket C
Preparation for connection The insulation on a conductor shall not be removed any further than is necessary to make the connection. For connections between insulated conductors the connection shall be insulated to provide a degree of insulation not inferior to that of the conductors. Any damaged insulation shall be reinstated. AS/NZS-3000:2007 SAA Wiring Rules C
Insulation of conductors Yes Electrical insulation tape Epoxy kits Heat shrink No Masking tape packing tape sticky tape silicon mastic C
Mechanical stress All cables and conductors shall be installed so that there is no undue mechanical stress on any connection. AS/NZS-3000:2007 SAA Wiring Rules C
Loosening of connections Connections shall be made so that no loosening is likely because of vibration, alteration of materials or temperature variations to which the connections are likely to be subjected in normal service. AS/NZS-3000:2007 SAA Wiring Rules C
Terminations and connections Connections must not be soft soldered before compression terminations. Must be seated correctly. Free of dirt and oxides. Use a suitable lug or connector. Insulated to the equivalent of the original insulation. Earth connection must be painted if exposed to weather C
Further readings Questions Topic 7 Q1-Q23