State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program State Process and SHSS
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.2 Jurisdiction Process Direct the Assessment Process for the Jurisdiction Organize a Multi-discipline Working Group Analyze state Instructions and Jurisdiction Handbook Conduct Threat and Vulnerability Assessments Conduct Needs Assessment Conduct Capabilities Assessments Submit Assessments and Information to SAA Jurisdiction Authority Appoints Assessment Point-of-Contact Develop Planning Factors for CBRNE Scenarios
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.3 State Process Determine Jurisdictions Develop Jurisdictional Assessment Instructions Receive/Analyze/Process Jurisdictional Input/Information, Prioritize Jurisdictions Organize at State Level Direct the ODP State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy (SHSAS) Development Process
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.4 Receive/Analyze/Process jurisdiction assessments, Prioritize jurisdictions Jurisdiction to enter the assessment using the on-line system Option to process information at state level Submit completed assessments to SAA Review and analysis of assessments SAA will determine factors for jurisdiction prioritization SAA will prioritize each jurisdiction Receive Jurisdiction Assessments
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.5 State Process Determine Jurisdictions Develop Jurisdictional Assessment Instructions Receive/Analyze/Process Jurisdictional Input/Information, Prioritize Jurisdictions Organize at State Level Input State level Data Direct the ODP State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy (SHSAS) Development Process
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.6 Enter State Level Data Planning Factors for CBRNE scenario(s) Numerical focus/CBRNE materials Desired and Current Capabilities WMD Response Levels by Discipline Tasks by Discipline Shortfalls or Gaps Needs Assessments Planning Organization Equipment Training Exercises Technical Assistance Input State Level Data
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.7 State Process Determine Jurisdictions Develop Jurisdictional Assessment Instructions Receive/Analyze/Process Jurisdictional Input/Information, Prioritize Jurisdictions Organize at State Level Input State level Data Develop the SHSS Direct the ODP State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy (SHSAS) Development Process
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.8 Develop a State Homeland Security Strategy SAA or other designated working group Construct strategy Include capabilities and needs regarding Planning Organization Equipment Training Exercises Guided by the development of goals, objectives and implementation steps Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 69
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program 11.9 Statewide Template Initiative President’s Homeland Security Advisory Council Statewide Template Initiative Critical Functions & Assets Best Practices Outcomes/Execution /Lessons Learned Methods of Effectiveness Daily Operations R E F E R E N C E : Folder Insert
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Statewide Template Initiative Expectations Continuity of State & local Governments Continuity of State Critical Services Critical Infrastructure Law Information sharing & Technology Borders First responders & Emergency Services National Guard Public Health Template Includes: Private Sector Volunteer Service Schools Citizens with Special Needs Operations & Information Security Homeland Security Advisory System Public Information & Communications Lexicon Funding Training, Exercising, & Evaluating Planning & change Management
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section I: Introduction Purpose Describe the state vision for the SHSS Describe the focus for the SHSS Coordination Organization at territory/state-level Efforts to ensure coordination Description of jurisdictions Process used to complete the jurisdiction assessments Instructions to jurisdictions Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 70
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section II: State Risk Profile Number of jurisdictions in the state Number of jurisdictions that participated Total population of the state Description of jurisdictions Process used to complete the jurisdiction assessments Threats (low, moderate, high) Total number of PTE statewide Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 76
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section II: State Risk Profile (cont.) Jurisdiction PTE WMD capabilities The history of past acts of terrorism committed within the state Vulnerability (low, moderate, high) Total number of CBRNE sites in state Agricultural Vulnerability Number of jurisdictions that participated Number of jurisdictions (low, moderate, high) Jurisdiction Prioritization Develop the SHSS
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section III: State Capabilities and Needs Profile Plans Indicate if the state has an EOP Indicate if the state has a TIA List the total percentage of jurisdictions with both an EOP and TIA Organizations Number of emergency response teams in the state and number of those teams that provide/receive mutual aid Equipment Training Exercises Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 80
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section IV: Goals, Objectives, Implementation Steps Goal Enter a goal (prevention, response, recovery) Solution Area Select the one solution area (planning, organization, equipment, training, exercises) Objective Enter the objective Implementation Steps Enter the implementation steps Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 87
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section V: Evaluation Plan for the SHSS The Review and Analysis (R&A) Process Monthly business meetings Conduct R&A quarterly Conduct annual R&A to reassess and update the entire strategic plan as necessary Evaluation How often should R&A take place? What exactly should be reviewed? Who will be responsible for these reviews? Reporting Requirements Financial reviews Progress reports Final administrative reports Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 90
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Section V: Evaluation Plan for the SHSS (cont.) The Role of the SAA Planning Objectives State Objectives Equipment Acquisitions Training Objectives Exercise Effectiveness Develop the SHSS
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Annex A – List of all jurisdictions Annex B – Jurisdiction Prioritization List Annex C – State produced guidance to the jurisdiction for completion of the jurisdiction assessments and submission to the SAA Report Options for the SHSS Download Print Preview Develop the SHSS R E F E R E N C E : State Handbook page 92
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Recommendations to ODP Input from jurisdiction working groups and the SAA recommending improvement to the state and jurisdictional assessment process is encouraged SAA to select those jurisdiction comments to include with state-level recommendations Develop the SHSS
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program State Process Determine Jurisdictions Develop Jurisdictional Assessment Instructions Receive/Analyze/Process Jurisdictional Input/Information, Prioritize Jurisdictions Organize at State Level Input State level Data Develop the SHSS Submit the SHSS to ODP Direct the ODP State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy (SHSAS) Development Process
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Submit state assessments and SHSS to ODP Submit the document using the ODP on-line data entry system “Complete” - properly conducted “Incomplete” - additional work needed before assessment can be submitted Click on the “Incomplete” hyperlink to return to incomplete section State-level agricultural sections listed as “N/A” were deactivated If all sections of the state assessment and SHSS show “Complete”, submit the assessment to ODP Submit SHSS to ODP
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program State Process Determine Jurisdictions Develop Jurisdictional Assessment Instructions Receive/Analyze/Process Jurisdictional Input/Information, Prioritize Jurisdictions Resource the SHSS Organize at State Level Input State level Data Develop the SHSS Submit the SHSS to ODP Direct the ODP State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy (SHSAS) Development Process
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Resource the SHSS Research applicable policies and procedures related to the administration of the ODP grant Determine what, if any, reporting requirements will be submitted to the SAA from the jurisdictions Submit reports to ODP Resource the SHSS
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program State Process Determine Jurisdictions Develop Jurisdictional Assessment Instructions Receive/Analyze/Process Jurisdictional Input/Information, Prioritize Jurisdictions Resource the SHSS Conduct Reviews/Analysis Modify SHSS Organize at State Level Input State level Data Develop the SHSS Submit the SHSS to ODP Direct the ODP State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy (SHSAS) Development Process
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program Conduct Reviews/Analysis Modify SHSS SAA will conduct reviews of the SHSS SAA will determine modifications necessary through analysis Conduct R&A, Modify SHSS
State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy Program DISCUSSION State Process and SHSS