UL Workshop April 28th 2011 Diploma Supplement: Practice at UL and completing the Supplement
The DS is completed using data from the Student Records System. Diploma Supplement – the UL Experience (April 2011): Under an EU initiative to promote transparency and student mobility, Europass Diploma Supplements, describe entry requirements, levels of qualifications and awarding institutions in a common format. DSs are required to be issued to all graduates across Europe. The University and HE sector in Ireland agreed to use the template produced by Letterkenny IT (2004) (see paper sample) UL were the first in Europe to issue graduates with electronic parchments and an online Europass Diploma Supplement (Sept 2005) While a number of Universities across Europe developed hard copy versions of the Europass Diploma Supplement for students, the University of Limerick was the first third level institution to complete the process and make the documents available to their students on-line in UL agreed at that time not to issue the DS in hardcopy
UL took the opportunity to use an electronic route. The documents are verifiable and legally binding under the EU Digital Signatures Directive and offer an easy way for graduates to send proof of their qualification (s) and an easy way for employers and others to verify them. The system, which is called Digitary , developed by an Irish company called Framework Solutions, uses an advanced electronic signature system and allows employers, third level institutions and others who need to verify authenticated qualifications, to access a student’s documents online. Digitary is also used by LIT, Tralee IT, MIC and UL. Digitary is currently being upgraded in MIC and UL
Current Usage of the Diploma Supplement No. of documents issued to date = 64,548 No. of students who logged onto the system to access documents = 4,012 No. of times a ticket was used to verify documents = 1,702 Document Link Graduates can provide prospective employers or education institutes access to their official graduation documents by sending a document link to them via . Graduates are able to decide exactly who can use this link to access their documents and are in a position to monitor access to them. Verification of documents by Prospective Employers and Other Parties The system in use is called Digitary®, Allows access and a view of a student’s official documents Enables creation and download of a Document Access Ticket with access permissions defined by the student Enables the student to send a Document Access Ticket to prospective employers, educational institutions and/or others who may need to verify the student’s qualifications Allows the student to see an audit trail of who has accessed and verified their qualifications.
Appendix 1 Sample of UL’s Diploma Supplement Appendix 2 Sample of UL Parchment Appendix 3 View of the Digitary system and how it works
Appendix 1 – Sample UL Diploma Supplement
Appendix 2 – Sample UL parchment
Appendix 3 – There are 3 aspects to the Digitary System (1) Students requesting/receiving the documents and (2) SAA issuing the Documents, (3) Prospective Employers or Other Institutions verifying the documents (1) STUDENTS VIEW Students log on to - this is the latest version that is currently being upgraded in ULhttps://digitary.ul.ie/ First Screen The first page they are shown is where students can request the document or where third parties can verify documents that have been sent to them by the student.
Second Screen for students is to log into the system
Third Screen: Students can view documents, or request them, track and approve how it will be accessed. There is a clear user guide also.
Fourth Screen - My documents
Student - Share Document
University of Limerick Document Access Ticket As and from September 2005, University of Limerick has deployed the Digitary® secure electronic document system for issuing and verifying academic qualifications online. What is this page? This page is a Document Access Ticket that has been uniquely generated by a student/graduate of University of Limerick using the Digitary® system. This page contains a unique URL that links back to a secure site at University of Limerick, where you can verify the authenticity of the student/graduate's qualifications. I am a student or graduate of UL - How do I use this page? Simply forward this page (or copy and paste the contents) by to prospective employers or other third parties that need to verify your qualifications. The text on this document provides a brief introduction to the concept of the access ticket to third parties. I have received this document from a student or graduate of UL instead of a "traditional" qualifications document. How do I verify this electronic document? To verify the student/graduate's document, you must log on to the Digitary® system at University of Limerick. You will need to register your details with the system. You can verify the document in one of two ways: 1.Click the URL shown in red below. This is a direct link to the document associated with this ticket. Click the link, ensure that it is a secure connection (https), and that you are connected to digitary.ul.ie. Follow the on- screen instructions. 2.Open a connection to in your browser. Enter your details and the Document Access Code shown in blue below. Follow the on-screen instructions. Where can I find more information about the Digitary® system at UL? Log on to the Digitary® website at University of Limerick. The URL is:
ticket details Verification URL : pplx1https://digitary.ul.ie/verifier/servlet/DocumentVerifierApp/template/VerifyDAT.vm?datid=nb36j pplx1 Manual Verification URL : Document Access Code:nb36jpplx1 Ticket is verifiable This ticket is valid until:No date available document details This ticket is for the following type of document:Parchment This ticket was generated by:SEAN O'GRADY Powered by Digitary®Digitary®
(2) SAA view for Issuing Documents - New upgrade Version of Digitary – used by SAA to issue the Award documents. Login to the Document Signer:
Navigate to Issue Documents and click on Select
Navigate to Issue Document(s) to a specific student or graduate or Issue batch of documents
Issue Single Document by putting in Student I.D number and clicking on Next
The screen should now show which documents can be issued to this student.
(3) Prospective Employer/Other Educational Institutions – can verify documents
Copy of that Prospective Employers will receive
How they can verify the documents. part 3 - electronically verifying documents If you are presented with a secure URL hosted at this site (either by signed notification from this system, or by a student/graduate), then verification is really straightforward. Simply click on the verification URL and you will be brought directly to this secure site. warning: it is important that you sanity check both the URL that you are visiting and the secure "lock" icon in your browser to ensure that you are visiting the legitmate site. The URL should start with " and the URL should point to a server at the web domain of University of Limerick. Also, the web site SSL certificate should be a valid one. [click to enlarge]
Some document shares require you to login in order to verify them, others do not. This is controlled by the data protection policy of University of Limerick and the preference of student/graduate who shared their document with you. If you are required to log in to the system, and you have not done so already, you will need to provide your address and password before verification can continue. Registration is required in order to setup your password. [click to enlarge]
Once you have logged in (if required), the document will be verified and will be printed to the screen if successful. Successful verification will show a green check mark next to the document, and the document will be displayed on screen. A failed verification will show a red question mark with an explanation of why verification failed. If this occurs, you should contact the student/graduate in question for clarification. [click to enlarge]