Booz │ Allen │ Hamilton Invest in Serbia! USAID Serbia Competitiveness Project
Project Summary 4 Year $14.7 million project Objective: Broad-based economic growth Increased private sector competitiveness in targeted sectors Results: Increased sales, exports, investment and jobs measured by return on investment (ROI) of 25:1 Impact: Increased capacity of key sectors and businesses to compete on global, regional and domestic markets Increased productivity & improved business climate 2
Opportunities & Constraints Study Assessment of leading sectors to identify those with high potential, obstacles to growth and potential early stage activities Found common needs across sectors: I.Sales & Marketing II.Education & Training III.Policy Advocacy & Reform Conclusion: Support a broader set of sectors (11) to address the common themes and leverage impact 3 The Opportunities and Constraints Study brochure
5 Construction & Building Materials MosBuild Trade Fair “1 st Ever Serbian Participation” Belgrade Construction Fair Market Linkage Support FIDIC Establishment Renewable Energy : Wood Waste Biomass Feasibility Study International Investors Support FDI promotion (Investor Handbook, Investor Targeting and Facilitation) The brochure published for MosBuild
6 Wood Processing & Furniture: FSC Chain of Custody Certification Milan Fair mentorship Market linkages (regional trade fairs) Tourism: IMEX Trade Fair Convention Bureau Capacity Building Domestic Tourism Development Film and Production: Cannes Producers Network Film Commission Establishment Film Location Outsourcing Support
7 Other Sub-Sectors Apparel Improving designer skills International Market Linkages Producers’ Catalogue Auto Parts Just-in-Time Outsourcing IT CMMI/other certifications to improve outsource potential IT skills development Software development for local market demand Logistics & Transport Load Sharing Study
“Serbia is Number One Business Reformer in the World” World Bank, Doing Business 2006 CEFTA agreement in force Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) signed; candidate status planned for 2008 WTO accession expected in 2008 Partnership for Peace, member since 2006 Legal reforms to align with EU legislation Tax incentives (10% corporate tax, etc) FDI Stock ( ): $13.5 bn Project Policy Activities : Law on Undertaking Investment Projects Abroad, Spa Law, facilitating permitting in renewables
Serbia’s Market Access Duty free exports to the EU for almost all products FTA with Russian Federation - market of 150 mil. people. Limited number of exceptions CEFTA – duty free access to 30 million people market
Government Financial Incentives Non-refundable funds for investments in all sectors, except agriculture, tourism, hospitality and trade Investment projects rated based on the evaluation criteria : investors reference; participation of domestic suppliers; effects on R&D, HR etc. See
Enhancing human capital Well educated Proficient in foreign languages Productive (avg 11.8% increase in past five years) Readily available; Competitively priced USAID contribution: Trainings, ToT Skills Gap Analysis; Curricula changes Career Center Support
Conclusion: Respond to entrepreneurs and facilitate second stage of transition in Serbia Cross-cutting technical assistance Investment into preparation and follow-up of trade fair participation Specific market research based on investor needs Sector-specific policy assistance Targeted workforce development based on market research and trends Booz │ Allen │ Hamilton