Revision of UNDG standard legal agreements for pass-through UNDG-Donor meeting on Joint Funding New York, 18 November 2014]
Revision UNDG standard legal agreements for pass-through arrangement What is the scope of the exercise? - which documents need to be changed? - what type of pooled funds are affected? What drives the changes? What donor comments have already been taken on board? What is the process moving forward?
Scope: Coherent package of revised standard legal agreements and UNDG Guidance Coherent Package
Scope: for about 1 billion per year in deposits for UN Interagency Pooled Funds > 1.5 billion 0.87 billion used SAA
What drives the changes? Draft revised MOU & SAA New guidance on Joint Programmes, DaO (SOPs) & thresholds UNDG experience with pass-through arrangements QCPR and Executive Board decisions Donor comments 2010 – 2013 Inter-agency work on joint audit & investigations
Incorporating donor comments Strengthened results reporting Review or evaluation by donor Sound risk management Counter terrorism Fraud & corruption Audit Disclosure of agreement Transparency Due diligence SAA not a treaty Subject to Parliamentary appropriation Draft 2.0 revised MOU & SAA
Process for revising standard legal agreements for pass through Draft 2.0 revised MOU/SAA Draft 5.0 revised MOU/SAA (annotated) Q1 2015: Final revised MOU/SAA Process with 6 UN inter-agency groups & >10 UN entities Process with contributing partners
Leverage of individual partner comments on SAA in pooled funding context
Propose process with contributing partners (1) UNDG starting points Value added inter-agency pooled funds for all parties Revision existing SAA / MOU, not starting from zero Legal agreements complemented by UNDG guidance Ongoing KM and continuous improvements Principles guiding process Partnership* Efficient / time bound Participation* Transparent Consensus* Results-focused
Proposed process with contributing partners (2) Proposed process with timeline (for discussion): 1.Up to 30 November: receive written comments from donors 2.December: establish small working group (ca. 10 people, 5 / 5) 3.December – early January: consolidation of donor comments by donor member(s) in working group 4.December: UN reaches out to some emerging donors 5.Week 13 January: face to face (or virtual) meeting of working group 6.Late January: version 6.0 SAA/MOU circulated for fatal flaw comments, with “parking lot” for inclusion in UNDG guidance 7.February: version 7.0 SAA/MOU finalised for UNDG approval