european women's audiovisual network - EWA Part III
A year in pict ures – October 2013 #PitcherperfectBarcelona – 2013 in partnership with SGAE Barcelona; Sitges film festival panel event – “From Bram Stoker to Glam stalkers”; meeting #JackieBuet from Créteil film festival at the Sénat/ Guadeloupe International Film Festival press conference
A year in pict ures – November 2013 Br ussels advocacy work, EFARN meeting at the Swedish Film Institute and meeting the Elles tournent team
A year in pict ures – Dec “No place for young women” – female directors in Europe dinner/debate organised by Fera, SAA and EWA in collaboration with the Lux Prize and hosted by the MEP – Nadja Hirsch
2014… Key objectives: delivery on research and training and encouraging more data monitoring as part of pan-European strategy; ongoing advocacy work to raise awareness & improve legislation; increased membership drive and creation of more networking opportunities (online and in person); growing the team; ongoing fundraising to ensure sustainability of the project - essential; New and reinforced partnerships…
thank yo u Thanks to all supporters, members and friends of EWA. Without this support none of the EWA’s work so far could have happened. Thanks to Eurimages for its great policy change, especially the study group on gender equality, and in particular Roberto Olla, Isabel Castro, Alessia Sonaglioni, Sanja Ravlic, Dorien Van der Pas and Doreen Boonekamp, Suzanne Glansborg and the whole SFI team, Iris Zappe-Heller, Roland Teichmann and Barbara Fränzen and of course the Eurimages President for all of your massive help and support in 2013! 2013 result = Gender inequality in the audiovisual sector is being firmly put on the agenda throughout Europe.
more information… and social networking channels for interviews and clips: