Directorate of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh.


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Presentation transcript:

Directorate of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh

 The administration of the Registration of Birth and Death (RBD) Act, 1969 entrusted to Office of Registrar General of India  Registration of births/deaths is the primary responsibility of the State Governments.  National Population Policy mandates complete registration.  Complete and up to date CRS can yield indicators at different levels of aggregations which is not possible from any sample survey.

No of Birth and Death Registration Units Annual Statistical Report 2011 Monthly report May,2013 Remarks Rural % Units reported Urban % Units reported Total % Units reported

Status on Level of Registration & level of Reporting: Monthly report-May,2013 UnitsLevel of Registration of birth Level of Registration of death Total (%)

Level of Registration & level of Reporting–No. of Districts (Monthly report- May2013) Total Not reported (O registration) Less than 25% 25 to 50%50 to 75%75% and above Level of Birth registration (Total) Level of Death registration (Total) Level of Reporting -Rural Level of Reporting -Urban Level of Reporting -Total

Status on Opening of registration units in PHC/CHC and other Govt. Hospital The Government of Madhya Pradesh has nominated Medical officers of CHC/PHC and Other Government Hospital as Registrar of Birth and Death- order no.F /2007/23 DES dated 14 th February,2007.

Status on notifying ASHAs, Aanganwadi workers and others The Government of Madhya Pradesh has notified (Gazette notification No.F XXXIII-97 &Dept of Planning vide No. F.10-29/2010/23/DES dated 11 th January 2011 ) as informants for the purposes of reporting the events of birth and death, as follows. ANM&M.P.W: Dept. of Public Health and Family welfare. Panchayat Secretary: Dept.of panchayat &Rural Development. Aanganwadi Worker: Dept.of Women Child Development. ASHA worker &Trained Dayi: Dept. of Public Health and Family welfare. Head Master: Dept. of School Education.

Status on the completion of work on Creation of database of Medical institutions The field work is completed in all 50 districts. The database Cd’s of 18 districts has been sent to ORGI ( i.e Raisen, Rajgarh, Gwalior, Sagar, Chhatharpur, Katni, Umaria, Satna, Khandwa, Dhar, Vidisha, Rewa, Datia, Chhindawara, Guna, Ujjain, Indore and Narshingpur).

Status on Financial Assistance provided to state YearAmount allotted PurposeStatus on UC’s Remarks a.Rs.10,00,000 b. Rs.1,02,000 a.Advt. & Publicity b.Training a.UC received b.UC pending Rs. 1,01,935MCCD TrainingUC received Rs.1,73,500MCCD TrainingUC received a.Rs.24,88,000 b.Rs.13,85,000 c.Rs,1,09,725 Total Rs.39,82,725 a. Scanning and digitisation of CRS Records in 4 Municipal corporation (Ujjain,Rewa, Gwalior & Jabalpur) b. Training at District level c. Purchase of UPS Pendencya. Clarification has been sought from ORGI dt b. DES distributed Rs.27,700 per distt. c a. Rs.1,33,70,000 b. Rs.1,73,500 a.Manpower hiring b.MCCD Trainig Not advertised due to Assembly election-2013

Hkkjr ds lHkh 'kkflr izns'kksa esa tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k vf/kfu;e 1969 ds vuqlkj foxr 40 o"kksZa ls egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; ds funsZ'ku esa jkT; ds eq[; jftLVªkj] tUe&e`R;q ds }kjk lEiUu fd;k tk jgk gSA,d yEch le;kof/k ds ckn Hkh e/;izns'k jkT; esa tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k 'krizfr'kr laHko ugha gks ldk gSA bl laca/k esa ftu ftyksa ls jkT; eq[;ky; dks iathdj.k dh tkudkjh 'kwU; ;k vR;f/kd U;wu izsf"kr dh tk jgh g]S muds ckjs esa ckj&ckj egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; }kjk voxr djk;k tk pqdk gS rFkk mu ftyksa ls mDr dkj.k ds ckjs esa Li"Vhdj.k Hkh ekaxk x;k gSA tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dk;Z dks 'krizfr'kr y{; rd xq.koRrk ds lkFk igqWpkus gsrq egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; }kjk le;≤ ij rduhdh lg;ksx] foRrh; O;oLFkk,oa visf{kr ekxZn'kZu iznk; fd;k tkrk jgk gSA foxr fnukad 28&29 uoEcj] 2013 dks egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy;] ubZ fnYyh esa vk;ksftr cSBd esa egkjftLVªkj }kjk lh-vkj-,l- ds laca/k esa fy;s x;s fu.kZ;ksa ds vuqlkj dk;Z ;kstuk rS;kj dh x;h gS] ftldks fuEu fcUnqvksa }kjk Li"V fd;k x;k gSA dk;Z ;kstuk (Draft for discussion). 10

01. vk;qDr tUe&e`R;q }kjk ftyk Lrj ij izR;sd ekg fofM;ksa dkUÝsUl }kjk lHkh ftyksa ls tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dh orZeku v|ru fLFkfr yh tk;saA 02. vUrj foHkkxh; leUo; lfefr dh cSBd 6 ekg ds vUrjky ls vk;ksftr dh tk;as ftlls tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dh uhfr;ksa,oa dk;Z dks ‘kh?kzrk ls lEiUu djus ds fy;s lacaf/kr foHkkxksa }kjk ikjLifjd lkeatL; LFkkfir dj iathdj.k dk;Z dks 'krizfr'kr djus gsrq Bksl,oa izHkkoh dk;Zokgh dh tk;sA 03. e/;izns'k ds lHkh ftyksa esa uxjh;,oa xzkeh.k tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dsUnzksa ij mi;ksx esa yk;h tkus okyh ys[ku lkexzh ij ;Fkk LFkku tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr Lyksxu vafdr fd;s tk;sA 04. e/;izns'k ds lHkh ftyksa esa tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dh tkudkjh vkxuokM+h dk;ZdrkZ] vk'kk dk;ZdrkZ] dksVokj] uxjh; tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dh tkudkjh Hkstus okys lwpuknkrk,oa 'e'kku] dczLrku e`R;q&iathdj.k dk;Z djus okys lwpuknkrkvksa dks izfr ?kVuk izksRlkgu jkf'k iznku dh tk;sA 11

05. funs'kky;,oa vkfFkZd lkaf[;dh lapkyuky; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa dh,d mPp LRkjh; leUo; lfefr ¼Joint Action Committee½ cuk;h tk;s ftldh ekg esa,d ckj cSBd vR;ko';d :i ls vk;ksftr dh tk;sA 06. 'kkldh;,oa futh fo|ky;ksa esa v/;;ujr Nk=ksa ds fy, tUe izek.k&i= dh ck/;rk lqfuf’pr dh tk,A 07. jkT; esa tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr izpkj&izlkj uhfr dk fodkl fd;k tk;s ftldh rgr iath;u dk;kZy; ds ckgj lkbZu cksMZ lgt n`"VO; LFky ij izek.k&i= 'kqYd ds fooj.k lfgr yxk;s tk;asA dk;kZy; esa mDr vk'k; ds cksMZ ugha yxk;s tkus ij fu;ekuqlkj vko';d dk;Zokgh dh tk;sA 08. csuj] gksfMaZXl] vLirkyksa ds izlwfrZ okMZ ds ckgj iath;u dh vko';drk ij cy nsrs gq;s iksLVlZ yxk;s tk;sA xzkeh.k Lrj ij nhokjksa ij iasfVXl rFkk LFkkuh; dscy lapkyu ds }kjk izpkj izlkj fd;k tk;sA 09. cl LVs.M] jsYos LVs'ku] esyk,oa vU; lkoZtfud LFkkuksa ij iksLVlZ] gksfMZXl yxkdj tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dk egRo le>k;k tk;sA 12

10. tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr izf'k{k.k ftyk Lrj ij vk;ksftr fd;s tk;s e/;izns'k jkT; esa ftu ftyksa esa izf'k{k.k 'ks"k gS mUgsa 'kh?kzkfr'kh?kz vk;ksftr dj egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy;,oa funs'kky; dks lwfpr fd;k tk;sA laHko gks rks izf'k{k.k dk;ZØe,d lkFk lHkh ftyksa esa vk;ksftr fd;k tk;saA 11. tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k uxjh;,oa xzkeh.k bdkbZ;ksa dk vkfFkZd lkaf[;dh lapkyuky;,oafuns'kky; ds vf/kdkfj;ksa }kjk xgu fujh{k.k fd;k tk;saA rFkk iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr ik;h x;h dfe;ksa ¼Short fall½ ds ckjs esa Li"V dj lek/kku izLrqr fd;s tk;sA 12. ftys esa tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr ukfer jftLVªkj dh rhu ekg ds vUrjky ij cSBd vk;ksftr dh tk;s ftlesa jftLVªkj dk /;ku tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dh tkudkjh esa ik;h x;h dfe;ksa dks crk;k tk;sA 13

13. lHkh ftyksa es egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; }kjk tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k ls lacaf/kr izf'k{k.k fu;ekoyh ;fn izsf"kr ugha dh x;h gS rks 'kh?kz ftyk Lrj ij mUgsa izsf"kr fd;k tk;sA 14. tUe e`R;q izek.k &i= izkIr djus esa vkosnd dks vR;Ur ljyrk ls fu;ekuqlkj 'kqYd tek djus ij fcuk fdlh foyEc ds izek.k&i= iznku fd;s tk;sA 15. izR;sd ftys esa egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; }kjk iznk; fd;s x;s dEI;wVlZ ij tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k dh tkudkjh dk dqath;u le; lhek esa djus gsrq iz;kl fd;s tk;saA ;fn bl dk;Z esa fdlh izdkj dk O;o/kku vk jgk gS rks funs’kky;,oa egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; dks lwfpr fd;k tk;s ftlls iathdj.k dk;Z esa vk jgs O;o/kkuksa dks nwj fd;k tk ldsA 16. e/;izns'k fgUnh Hkk"kh jkT; gS vr% vku ykbZu tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k gsrq fgUnh lkQ~Vos;j rS;kj 'kh?kz gh fd;k tk jgk gS] ftlls iathdj.k dk;Z lqxerk ls vku ykbZu lEiUu fd;k tk ldsxkA 14

17. ftu ftyksa esa tUe&e`R;q iathdj.k U;wure ;k 'kwU; fjiksfVZx izkIr gks jgh gS mu ftyksa esa fo'ks"k le;kof/k vUrjky dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k tk;sA 18. jkT; esa leUo;d,oa vkadMsa la/kkj.k lgk;d ds inksa ij lafonk vk/kkj ij p;u laca/kh izfdz;k egkjftLVªkj dk;kZy; ls visf{kd Li”Vhdj.k izkIr gksus ds i'pkr~ dh tkuk izLrkfor gSA 15

Sample Registration Survey-2014 To provide regular estimates: SRS (fixed panel survey) Introduced in on full-scale SRS is a dual reporting system with the main objective of providing reliable annual estimates. State level estimates by rural/urban residence on All indicators of fertility & mortality including Birth rate, Death rate, IMR, Maternal Mortality Ratio, TFR etc. Under 5 mortality rate also generated from 2008 Panel revised once in 10 years based on Census frame The Base line survey will Start from January,2014 in selected 450 units

Sample Registration-2014 IndicatorsUrban Units Rural units TotalMonthly Remuneration for PTEs Stratum-I Units ( Up to 2000 population) 186 Rs.485/- Stratum-I I Units (More than 2000 population) 100 Rs.570/- Urban Units164 Rs.570/- and Rs.633/-

Sl No Name of the District TotalUrbanRural TotalStratum-IStratum-II Natural Divison Sheopur31211Northern 2Morena102844Northern 3Bhind62422Northern 4Gwalior76110Northern 5Datia30312Northern 6Shivpuri71624Northern 7Tikamgarh52330Vindhya 8Chhatarpur84422Vindhya 9Panna52321Vindhya 10Sagar Central 11Damoh145963Central 12Satna66000Vindhya 13Rewa Vindhya 14Umaria52321Vindhya 15Neemuch51422Malwa 16Mandsaur40431Malwa 17Ratlam41312Malwa 18Ujjain62440Malwa 19Shajapur60651Malwa 20Dewas62422Malwa 21Dhar136743Malwa 22Indore10 000Malwa 23West Nimar South Western 24Barwani91844South Western 25Rajgarh52321Malwa

Sl No Name of the District TotalUrbanRural TotalStratum-IStratum-II Natural Divison 26Vidisha126660Central 27Bhopal Central 28Sehore70734Central 29Raisen125761Central 30Betul South Western 31Harda82642South Western 32Hoshangabad South Western 33Katni103743South 34Jabalpur South 35Narsimhapur93651South 36Dindori60660South 37Mandla71651South 38Chhindwara124871South 39Seoni40431South 40Balaghat South 41Guna112972Northern 42Ashoknagar60651Northern 43Shahdol41321Vindhya 44Anuppur32110Vindhya 45Sidhi21110Vindhya 46Singrauli103734Vindhya 47Jhabua51422Malwa 48Alirajpur31211Malwa 49East Nimar South Western 50Burhanpur96321South Western

Status on Appointment of PTEs Name Of the District 1. Ujjain11.Hosangabad 2. Alirajpur12. Seoni 3. Annupur13. Neemunch 4. Datia14. Ratlam 5. Umaria15. Jabalpur 6.Shadol16. Sidhi 7.Mandsaur17. Chhatharpur 8.Panna18. Indore 9.Chindawara19. Burhanpur 10 Raisen

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